Operation: Polly Rocket

Operation: Polly Rocket

A Story by dw817

This is the 35th chapter from the last draft of the 2nd novel of Barrier I am working on. I'm presenting it here to give you an idea of the kind of writing I do and have been doing for several years.


Operation: Polly Rocket

Secret Technology • Unrequited Love • Absolute Vengeance

© June 2013 Written by David Wicker
(Please do not reprint without permission)

Operation: Polly Rocket

This is the 35th chapter from the last draft of the 2nd novel of Barrier I am working on.
I'm presenting it here to give you an idea of the kind of writing I do and have been doing
for several years now, and to introduce you to Dev & Tyr who encompass all 4 novels.

Hopefully it will also encourage you to examine my novel when I get it finalized
and completed as it represents a great deal of work and writing on my part.

I will have it published through Amazon Books as a Teen Reader.

"Sure thing, sir. I'll bring Tyr back here." Stefani said politely to Arkos, eager to see what horrible scheme that he had in mind for her. And he wanted to see her cute little face screw up in a terrible scream of fear at his "handsome" visage.

As Stefani walked to the playroom, Arkos watched intently and then depressed a button from his tray console where a motor wheeled his chair back into the chair behind his office table where there was a special recession it fit into. There was a soft beep as it snapped into place and a green light showed at the side of the arm rest that he was docked perfectly.

He tapped another button and the chair and his wheelchair combined turned around to face the screen again, showing only the tall black velvet vector of the back of the chair again, his face hidden from view.

Stefani walked over to the playroom seeing Tyr sitting on her legs on the floor, hugging one soft stuffed version of the Polly Rocket doll under her arm and with her little fingers from both hands she was holding the sides of other action figures, bobbing them left and right to make them appear as if they were walking around on the floor.

Stefani heard her giving dialog to each of them, apparently playing out one of the episodes from the show. Stefani watched half-interested for a moment, but then remembered that Arkos was waiting for her to retrieve Tyr back into the main office.

Tyr saw her approach and turned around and looked up with a big smile on her face and blurted out excitedly, "Isn't it great ! I never had the whole collection before !" she said and then took the small Polly Rocket figure and had her "blast off" with a slobbery whooshing sound from her mouth as she swooped it around in front of her face with a look of absolute wonder.

Stefani coughed contemptuously. "Isn't that nice, sweetie. But I think it's time to meet the Director. He has some - final preparations - before we return you home."

Tyr looked puzzled and dropped the plastic figure of Polly Rocket as if she was shot down by an unseen ray gun but continued to cling onto the softer fabric version of her under her arm.

Tyr, who had often had her head in a cloud mostly from not feeling well due to the special diet that Stefani put her own to this point, with a rare moment of clarity, suddenly saw things around her the way they were.

"But ma'am," she began meekly, "I thought you said I would never be able ever to - " and then her mouth opened wide sideways showing the sides of her perfect little white teeth as she started crying at the sad memory of Stefani telling her earlier she would never be leaving Arkos now.

If there is one thing Stefani despised working in this company was all the rotten children in it wailing, crying, and bawling about every little thing as if they needed to get their diaper changed every hour of the day.

She bit her lip angrily at the unpleasant wailing Tyr was now doing but maintained an even voice in reply while retrieving a handkerchief for her to blow her nose in.

"Well now, sweetie, things can change, didn't you know that ?" she said leaning down so Tyr could soil her expensive Egyptian cotton and imported Chinese silkworm handkerchief before tossing it disdainfully on the floor in disgust. And then her voice took a harder edge. "Why don't we go and find out what he wants ?" and then grabbed her arm.

Tyr pinched her elbow to her side to hold on to the soft stuffed version of Polly Rocket, determined to take it with her for comfort. Stefani looked at her for a moment and then tried to tug it out of her arms but Tyr fought her and whined plaintively and selfishly that she wanted to keep it, even though it was clearly not her own personal property.

Stefani yanked on it again with her free hand, grunting, still holding onto Tyr's hand with the other but she couldn't get enough leverage to pull it out of Tyr's tight little grip under her armpit.

She didn't want her to have it because it was possible that Arkos might hold her responsible for its absence from his diversionary playroom for his younger guests, but she also didn't want to keep him waiting.

"No !" Tyr said in a loud and purely selfish voice and gave a fierce look up to Stefani that she would clearly fight to keep possession of the beloved and desired doll.

"Fine," Stefani said in frustration, "Keep it, whatever. Let's go." and then dragged her back to the chair as Tyr hummed cheerfully, determined she was going to keep the doll as a parting souvenir when returning to the surface.

But when the pair returned back to the darkness and Arkos massive dark desk, he had his chair turned around again where you couldn't see him just as when Stefani first entered.

Stefani stood with Tyr directly in front of the desk. She knew he was behind the chair, out of sight, but wondered why he wasn't going to present himself to Tyr as he promised earlier.

She looked around a moment and finally said politely. "Sir, Mr. Arkos ?" but there was no reply. There a long moment of silence. Suddenly Stefani heard a soft sound and looked down in reproach to see Tyr had put her favorite finger in her mouth for comfort and was sucking on it comfortably, scared not only of the darkness but the absence of the expected host.

Before the day was done, Stefani was going to break her of that disgraceful habit, she promised herself that.

But it was clear why Tyr was concerned. She was expecting something bad to happen, and Stefani was beginning to feel the same way at the moment with the Director deliberately ignoring both of them.

"Sir, you said to -" Stefani said with a bit of fear in her voice, and stepped towards the desk but suddenly the 20-foot tall screen lit in bright pink and neon colors and Tyr's favorite TV show logo appeared on it:

"The Adventures Of Polly Rocket !"

. . .

and the matching theme music, all of 5 silly notes from a chord blared out of the speakers holding longer on the last note.

Stefani just about lost 2 fingers of her own in the brief struggle as Tyr pulled free of her suddenly with an incredible surge of energy and then ran around her to stand in awe of the massive lit up screen, her mouth as wide open as humanly possible.

"Waaow ..." she said quietly with great respect and reverence for the cartoon icon, saliva easily dripping down her mouth as she stared and drooled at the almighty image.

Then she shifted the doll of the same image from under her armpit to her chest and hugged it tightly with both arms. Then she sat quietly down on the floor Indian-style to watch to see what would happen next.

The narrator for the program, sounded suspiciously like a game-show host and he spoke to the young viewers as if it were a matter of world importance. "Follow the star-crossed adventures of Polly Rocket with the help of her star-studded musical band, the Rockettes, as she tackles the evil minions who threaten to unbalance the peace of the galaxy !"

The narrator then went on to introduce each of the characters in the show, Polly Rocket of course, and there was a zoom shot of each of her companions, each looking sillier than the last.

It was if the finest military leader of our Homeland Security had smoked both crack cocaine and pure cane sugar in the same plastic dime bag and then proceeded to brainlessly pick out this hapless crew of pre-teen girls to be the unlikely defenders of our universe.

Stefani walked slowly over to the screen where Tyr was sitting on the floor realizing Arkos had something else in mind instead of a direct introduction to the small girl and her eyes glazed over in disgust and actually felt her cerebral cortex tightening around her brain in an effort to stop the barrage of utter and moronic stupidity it was being subjected to at the moment.

Her eyes physically hurt from the bright and painful pastel colors of the show as if it were a kind of carefully designed visual mental torture thought up by sadistic CIA specialists to inflict their victims with to get them to talk.

She winced at the above-board poppy display of it all.

"Nice." she finally said sarcastically, feeling her voice returning. Tyr turned around crossly, angrily, that anyone would DARE to make fun of the incredible Polly Rocket and yelled, "Shhh !" to her before whipping her head back to the show, her just washed pretty red hair flipping around her face. She didn't want to miss a vital second of it.

The narrator continued with the same hyper-dramatic tension in his voice, "This week's episode - The Great Gift." it said in the title space and the theme music changed to a cadence that implied an incredible story was about to unfold.

But as the title started to fade there was brief message appeared that appeared boldly on the screen, almost impossible to see unless you froze frame and it read it.

It said, "Sex before marriage is against the law and will throw you in jail."

It was an obvious attempt to interject subliminal messages during the show from the psychotic producers to reach little girls, which, as it turned out were all married women with children, and few people realized it because it appeared so quickly.

Stefani did notice it however as she was very sharp on details all her life and smiled softly to herself wondering just how many of these would appear during the show.

She was also curious to see what would happen if she brought this little illegal detail up to the broadcasting company that sponsored the show as subliminal advertising, to her knowledge, was still strictly illegal, and to do it to children was just immoral !

She smiled to herself tapping the bottom part of her lip with her index finger thoughtfully and wondered if they could start to do that here in Arkos for better child control.

(As I wrote this chapter, during each new scene of this broadcast episode, a new subliminal message is revealed to the viewers every 4-minutes of the show, but I will not list them all until the end of this NEXT written chapter as they would clearly distract from the continuity of the story I wrote here. So until then, back we go !)

Stefani started patting the hem of her skirt frustratedly but realized there must be a reason for all this seemingly unplaced madness right now.

In the show, the best scientists on ou planet were apparently mistaken about the universe being black with standard quasars and stars as outer-space was instead bright pink like a delicious trail of strawberry milk sweetened with savory and smooth 5-pointed gumdrop stars with soft edges.

These candy stars bobbed peacefully with a life of their own floating in the sea of pink and were clustered with tantalizing crystallized sugar on their galactic surfaces that sparkled like million-dollar diamonds.

And then it showed Polly Rocket streaking in the sky in her rather phallic and purple and pink rocket.

The top portion if it was a translucent yellow and was perfectly and roundly shaped like a giant rubber baby's n****e from a baby bottle and it actually made cartoon wiggling sounds as it jiggled from unseen space turbulence.

Stefani continued to watch the video, and felt her breakfast lurch in her stomach watching the n****e's movements as the cameraman seemed absolutely fascinated by it and zoomed in on and focused way too much time on the suggestive oral piece. She gagged and coughed in the back of her throat, amazed the show made it past it's first pilot appearance.

The rocket also made silly noises as it streaked through the pink goo of space which sounded more like a washing-machine bubbling over its load with sticky soap bubbles popping and blorping into the air instead of something even remotely space-worthy when suddenly there was a polite chiming sound as if a doorman were delivering a present for a birthday party.

The screen cut to show Polly Rocket herself in her galactic standard regulation beanbag chair filled likely with sweet jellybeans, the artists apparently spending in inordinate amount of time to make her appear all grown-up and then somehow still diminutive so children everywhere could still relate to her heroic image.

. . .

She stood up suddenly to face a control panel that for all sakes of appearances looked more like a box of sweet round multi-flavored disc-shaped candies on a pink pedestal for a good little girl rather than an even conceivably possible operational computer console.

To her right there was a silvery looking robotic parrot placed directly as the results of a badly celled CGI insert on a perch that swung to the movements of the ship's momentum as if Newton's theory of gravity still applied in zero-G space.

Then Polly spoke in surprise in a voice that was obviously meant to empower strong female virtues in young impressionable girls everywhere, "Wow Crackers ! Did you hear that ? I think we've got an incoming transmission from the Fallopian Galaxy ahead !"

Polly then reached over the candy board and twirled a knob that looked more like a round peppermint with red stripes with one of her white gloved hands and and you could see the tip of her tongue sticking out the top of her mouth as if she was calibrating it with great delicacy.

As she did so the camera started panning in on her delicate fingers forcing the audience to see the importance of her movements.

Out of synchronization with the show, the theme music then suddenly thumped loudly like a staggering heartbeat and took a uniquely serious edge as if the entire universe itself were in a time bomb and would rapidly be vaporized in mere seconds if dear Polly couldn't get the frequency right on this random and unexpected communication.

From the speakers in the ship you could hear an extended canned warbling AM radio effect ripped from a sound stock library as a garbled voice finally echoed into focus, unfortunately for the eager viewers, it was unintelligible.

Polly's face was seriously intent and sweat beaded on her forehead under her adorable heart-shaped hair barette like it was a matter of life or death if she couldn't rotate her peppermint drop to the right location.

Tyr watched with breathless anticipation and was unaware she was stroking the doll in her arms hard with one hand as if it might help soothe Polly to concentrate on getting the right frequency from her box of candies.

Then the voice was very clear, it was Arkos, the Director ! This suddenly startled Stefani as she was felt herself careening in one direction, about to lose her balance standing and fall over, her brain numbing up from the sheer stupidity and death-by-pinkness of the show.

It was definitely and unmistakeably his voice and it sounded bored and disgusted, "Stefani, I need to see you outside please."

The camera returned to show Polly's perfect little pristine face and she jerked her head up suddenly and then gave a puzzled expression to face the screen. "Holy Space Sneakers, Crackers !" she said, using her tell-tale exclamation of surprise that she used for every episode.

She continued in the same serious tone, "That message certainly wasn't for us. Does anyone know what it means ?" and she looked to her robotic parrot as if it might glean more intelligence than she had on the matter.

The parrot whistled in a silly trill and then spoke in a weird voice-over whose pitch hinted at a man who was subjected to a particularly torturous and painful castration before they would hire him for a part in the show.

"No Miss Polly." came the strained and androgynous sounding voice of the metallic bird.

Polly tilted her head and there was a moment of silence in the show where all you could hear was the consistent sound of her powerful rocket engines bubbling in the background like a microphone placed over a bathtub full of suds.

It sounded like the foam and suds were actually exploding around the edges of the bath from some wayward and naughty child who insisted on using an entire box of bubble-bath for it out of pure meanness to see if he could somehow blow up his parent's house with the unique effort.

Then Polly jammed her heroic face directly in front of the screen and spoke beyond her youthful estrogen and sweet strawberry-milk soaked universe to reach a uniquely new one, audience participation ! "Hey, do YOU know what that message might mean ?"

And like all shows of this nature, the volume in it got quiet for a moment giving the audience no less than 10 lingering seconds to call back their own intelligent suggestion on the matter. As the seconds ticked by, you could hear a stopwatch in the distance clicking off each second.

To assist the viewers, a new music played to put them into thinking mode, if that was even remotely possible as the only viewers outside of eager young children who could possibly have tolerated the video cavity to this point would clearly be vegetable in design, and that would be eggplants and turnips.

The camera focused on Polly as her pretty face screwed up in serious concern and she suddenly cocked her head hard left and right as if she were actually listening to and thinking and considering the verbal suggestions that were being tossed audibly at her by the concerned good little boys and girls watching this episode everywhere.

After the 10-seconds had elapsed there was a happy ding like a fresh apple pie had just finished baking in an oven from old B&W sitcom and she reached up her white-gloved hand and snapped her fingers in finality. "That's a good idea to be sure." she said directly into the reflection of the camera recording her. "But hey, Crackers ! I'll bet you what ! It's a secret code !"

The parrot, Crackers, bobbled a bit on his perch as his stiff metallic bird legs and walked from one side to the next as if it didn't know how to find the center of it.

Finally it whistled in a more serious trill and fluffed it's steel fan of wings behind it and you heard the strangely effeminate male voice speak a half a second off queue to it's robotic beak, "Gosh Polly, you could be right ! Let's contact our main headquarters back at planet Voova to see what they have to say !"

"Holy Space Sneakers !" Tyr whispered breathlessly, her eyes unblinking and wide, completely fascinated by the show's toilet-paper thin plot, and the expression on her apt face was mirrored only by Polly's own serious determination to find the source of this elusive and secret message.

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© 2013 dw817

Author's Note

Questions, comments, compliments, or kerosene, take your pick and lemme know what ya think ! :)

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Awesome!! I had a great time read it! Is there going to be more?

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Seems like you have a lot of work to do! How long did it take you to write the 30 chapter book? Must.. read more

11 Years Ago

Actually Nancy Principle didn't take very long. The Dr said I had what was called post-traumatic str.. read more

11 Years Ago


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2 Reviews
Added on June 7, 2013
Last Updated on June 9, 2013
Tags: davidw, barrier, dev, tyr, lilly, time machine, time travel, stefani, arkos institute, telekinesis, high school, polly rocket, captain circumference, kidnapping, future technology



Fort Worth, TX

