This is just a joke, (well sort of), but it really
does shows how ludicrous
grocery and super market stores are today compared to
years ago.
Hello. I'm on
my way home, but I stop by the local grocery
store to pick up a pack of gum and a grand
adventure ensues !
The story you are about to read is a true
fictional account. Only the names have been
changed to protect the guilty. Here is what
I am in
the store and see an advertisement for the gum I want.
"Stuckey's ! The extra-sticky chewing gum, guaranteed to
require dental intervention after chewing !"
... Let's see the flavors they have are regular, regular
light, regular original, regular new, regular double,
regular classic, regular limited edition, sugar-free
regular, regular zero now with double zero calories,
blueberry waffle (may contain tree nuts), spearmint, eww
... that tastes like toothpaste, Vibramint, now with
Dentalyte, I'm not taking a chance on that.
Darnit ! Where's peppermint ?? No peppermint ??
Beneath the caption it says, "Guaranteed satisfaction."
Well ... I'm not satisfied. I see a gentleman putting
prices on a candy aisle to my right with a price gun so
I go to meet him.
"Hey. Umm - Hi there. Can you help me, please ?"
He looks up for a moment from his work and appears
distracted, "I'm sorry sir, I only work here."
I nod agreeably, "Riiight. So - maybe you can help me ?"
He seems irritated now, "Like I said sir, I only work
here. Now, how can I help you ?"
OK, I'm confused now, "... ! Well who can help me then
He points to the front of the store, "If you'll go to
customer service, I'm certain they can help you there."
I sigh frustratedly, "Yeah Okay. I'll try that."
His demeanor suddenly perks up and he waves at me as I
walk away, "Certainly sir ! Glad I could help you !"
Well, here I am in the customer service line. Ahead of
me is a really grizzled old fellow. He smells like he
hasn't bathed in - a-while.
He slaps down a dollar bill and speaks gruffly, clearly
missing some teeth for his speech, "$1 on the
Slick-Bucks lottery please."
The Checkout lady exchanges the dollar for one of those
scratch-off lottery cards, "Certainly, sir. Anything
else ?"
It is clear he just wants the ticket, "Maybe in a
minute. Hold on a second will ya."
She seems a little confused but smiles, "Okay, sir. Take
your time."
The grizzled fellow turns around apparently aware I
arrived and looks at me, "Say buddy. You gotta dime ?"
I - really don't want to give him anything so I shrug,
"Sorry. I really don't think -"
He gets mad now, "You don't have a dime !? What the HELL
are you doing in here anyways ? Nothing is free in life
ya know ! What are you, some kinna homeless bum ?"
He's to speak. Oboy, "Look, I - ahhm ... " I can't think
of a way out of this. It's just a measly little dime.
"Sure, here." and I fish in my pocket to give him one.
"Thattaboy." he says in a grizzly friendly voice. Then
he turns back around and taking the dime scratched off
his card. Right there in the checkout.
Time passes. I get a little impatient, "Look can you - "
Whatever kindness was there for me giving him the dime
has already melted, "Hold on to your britches boy. I'm
almost done. Yeah. Yeah ? Awright ! I'm a winner !"
I'm a little interested now, "Oh ? What did you win ?"
. .
He turns back around and faces me with a wide grin
showing crooked teeth, the ones remaining, and zero
dental hygiene overall, "Twenty G's !"
"Naaw man, twenty greenbacks. Whadju think I said ?"
I deflate a bit, "Oh. Well." I think about touching him
as consolation but his jacket looks even dirtier than
him if that's possible so I hold my ground but still
speak encouragingly. "Well - good for you."
I try to move forward in line thinking he's going to
start shopping now but he doesn't move and apparently
wants something else.
He speaks to the checkout lady, "Yeah. I want to
reimburse this for something."
She looks it over carefully to see he is a winner in
fact, "Certainly sir, what would you like ?"
"Let me see ... Yeah ! 20 more Slick-Buck lottery cards
I lower my head and sigh, "Hoo boy."
Fortunately after she counts out an even 20 for them
from the roll, he leaves with them to go scratch them
off somewhere else.
She watches him leave out the exit door to the right and
then faces me, "And how can I help you, sir ?"
I'm very polite, "Yeah. I'm trying to buy myself some
Stuckey's chewing gum."
She points beyond her booth, "Certainly, sir. You'll
find a nice attractive display case at the front of
check out. Please make your selection from there."
"No. No - it doesn't have peppermint."
"Sir ?"
"There's no peppermint flavor. And there's a notice that
reads Guaranteed Satisfaction."
She seems confused, "So ... how can =I= help you with
that ?"
I just now realize that guy took my dime. My voice
tightens, "I'm - not satisfied."
"Sir ?" she asks like the two words aren't related in a
store of this quality.
"Don't you have any peppermint ?" I finally ask.
She now hits a patronizing tone, "Sir, if you don't see
any peppermint-flavored, what is that, Stuckey's Chewing
Gum ? Then we must be out. Perhaps you can try again
tomorrow ?" She then sings, "Thank you !" thinking that
we are done.
I'm firm and not leaving, "Can you check in the back,
please ? I mean, it does say Guaranteed Satisfaction."
"..." Longer pause, Irritated and finally she speaks,
"Yessir. I can do that. If you'll wait right here. Let
me see if I can find one for you."
I step to the side. Fortunately there's no-one behind
me. I wait for a few minutes looking at the DVD
selection, Rabid Squirrels Go On Christmas Holiday 2,
and she finally returns.
"There you go sir. I think if you'll examine the display
again, you'll find what you're looking for. Once you
pick out your product, please feel free to complete your
purchase up front from one of our friendly cashier
checkout stations."
Appreciatively, "Oh ! Okay, thanks !"
"Yessir ! You have a nice day now."
. .
I go back to the display and sure enough they finally
have Peppermint Stuckey's. I grab a pack and go to check
out. Or so I think !
There are 10 aisles for customers and only 2 are open !
One for 15 items or less, and a regular one. Both look
equally long in length, about 7 customers each.
I glare at the remaining 8 aisles with no checkout.
Finally I reluctantly stand in the 15-items or less
aisle. Long minutes pass. I am just about up front when
someone taps me on the shoulder from behind.
It is a woman, well-dressed but with way too much makeup
on who has CONSIDERABLY more than 15-items in her cart.
In fact she's layered the bottom of the basket with
pizza, ice-cream, and baby-food nearly to half-level !
And the baby-food must be for the toddler riding in the
cart as well who's blurbling wet mess all over his bib
which must be permanently affixed to his neck cause it
looks old and awful.
"Excuse me ! I'm in a bit of a hurry please." she says
I look at her innocently, "Ma'am ? All I'm buying is - I
just have this gum, okay ?"
She looks at me angrily as if I have just as many
groceries as she does.
"And I'm paying cash ?" I offer, hoping this will defuse
It doesn't. She then starts to tap her foot impatiently,
and I realize it's one of those high-heeled ones that
makes a loud annoying clicking noise.
I sit there to see if she lets me go first. Tap-tap-tap.
Tap-tap-tap. She pauses for a second. The huffs angrily
and switches feet to tap it even faster.
Wow people are just - I sigh, "Well, yeah. I guess so."
and I let her ahead of me.
"Thank you." she says in a sarcastic tone. The baby
gives me a dirty look as well as she ushers her full
cart around me.
"More power to you." I grumble. Fortunately there is
no-one behind to hear me.
Then it comes time for her to pay.
She holds out her credit card. "I want to pay with
The checkout is a young boy who has a slight nasal sound
to his voice, "Certainly ma'am. Just slide your card in
and enter your PIN number."
She slides the card in, but it's the wrong way. She has
the magnetic strip on the other side of the card.
Nothing registers.
"How do you do this ?" she asks the boy.
I don't believe this ! She tries to buy all this stuff
in the wrong checkout and now she doesn't even know how
to use her own credit card ?
"Ma'am. You need to slide your card all the way through
the machine." the nasally checkout boy says innocently.
She doesn't do it a 2nd time and getting irritated now
she raises her voice, "I did slide it ! Nothing
"Ma'am, maybe you could try again, please ?" he adds
"Okay," she says agreeably. Then she slides it in again,
exactly the same way, the wrong way. Naturally the
machine can't read it.
Then she looks at the card, and rotates it carefully in
her hand. She slides her finger along the dark magnetic
edge. Then she carefully slides it in again several more
times, all wrong every time, the magnetic strip doesn't
even see the reader as she has it gripped under her
. .
I'm getting a little fidgety now so I offer, "Ma'am ?
Maybe if you hold it -"
She explodes at me, "Are you trying to tell me I don't
know how to use my own credit cards, boy !?"
I back away, "No no .. It's just that - well ... You're
- "
She faces the checkout boy again determined none of this
is her fault, "Your machine is broken. I want to see the
management ! Now !"
"Ma'am ?" he asks fearfully.
"Your - manager - here - now !" She says and really
hikes up her voice. The baby in her carriage starts to
wail at hearing her get so loud. I touch the sides of my
forehead, willing the headache in them to recede. Maybe
a stick of peppermint gum would help ?
"Ahhm ... Certainly, ma'am." and he picks up a phone.
Then his voice echoes over the loudspeakers, "General
Management to Aisle 3 please. Management to aisle 3.
Thank you."
I poke my head out and look at the other aisle which I'm
assuming might be faster by now, but no, it's gotten
worse. A lot worse ! The only other lane that was open
has expanded considerably and now has everyone backed up
all the way down to the frozen food aisle ! What are
they doing here ? Why don't they open another lane ??
I sigh. Finally the manager shows up.
He is all business and friendly, "I'm the general
manager. How can I help you, ma'am ?"
"I want to checkout !" she says angrily. I hear the baby
say something unintelligible but it sounds like support
for her.
I nod, he nods, the checkout guy nods, that's 3 votes. I
want her to check out too so I can get out of here.
"Certainly." he says agreeable. She waves the credit
card in his face. He looks at it. Then her. Then the
card again.
Finally he adds, "Now will that be cash or charge ?"
"I want to use this." she says and waves the credit card
in the air again harder. Then she raises her voice, "But
it won't work ! What's going on here anyways !? Is this
some way to try and rip me off !?"
"Ma'am." he says in a soothing tone, "If you'll just
calm down, I'm certain we can work this all out."
He takes the card from her hands and blessedly scans it
the right way the first time. The machine beeps
acknowledgement. He hands the card back to her.
"Now then. Go ahead and enter your PIN number."
She looks totally baffled.
"Right here." the manager says patiently, and points to
the 12-keypad.
"What am I supposed to do here ?" she asks in a hurt
tone that indicates she has never used one before.
"Ma'am." the manager says patiently, "If you'll just
ENTER in your PIN number, we'll have you checked out and
on your way. Won't that be nice ?"
I nod, very very nice.
"What's a PIN number ?" she asks baffled at the term.
I can't hold back, now I'm usually a patient fellow but
I know there is no way that can possibly be her credit
card if she doesn't even know how to use it. Finally I
say a little upset and a little too loudly, "I don't
believe this !"
. .
The manager looks at me for a moment, "I'm sorry sir. Is
that all you're buying ?" and points to the stick of gum
in my hands, which in truth has actually gotten pretty
sweaty and warped due to all the stress I've had at this
"Yessir." I say, dearly hoping he can check me out so I
can get out of here.
He nods and points past the register, "Well, why don't
you use our convenient customer service check out for
that single purchase, sir ?"
"Where is that ?" I ask a little confused. Because there
are only 2 checkouts open now and there is no way I'm
going in that 2nd soup line.
He grins widely and points to the front of the store,
"Right over there, sir. That's Mandy, one of our top
employees. She'll be glad to help you with your
I look and it's the same woman I asked about the
peppermint flavored gum for ! Oh for good grief and a
pair of mismatched socks !
So I get out of checkout and go back over there. She's
seen me before. I set the gum down on the counter and
take a dollar out of my pocket and set it beside it.
She looks at the gum, the dollar, then me. Several times
in fact. Then asks me nicely, "How can I help you, sir
I feel something in my head pop, maybe a logic circuit
getting too much current in it ? My voice is strained
now, "Ma'am. I'd like to buy this gum please ?"
She looks down at the dollar then back at me, "Certainly
sir. Will that be cash or charge ?"
I wince and take my index finger and scoot the dollar
bill a little closer to the register. She watches
closely. There is a pause. I do it again. Creep creep
creep. Maybe I ought to stick it in the register for her
as well ?
Suddenly she snatches up the dollar bill as if something
clicks in her own head and she says, "That's fine. So do
you have one of our Wowie Wonder Cards ?"
"A what ?" I ask.
"A Wowie Wonder Card !" she says getting all excited
now, "With it, you can take 3% off every purchase and
when you spend $100 dollars or more you can also take an
additional 3% off your next purchase."
"Which purchase is that ?" I ask a little confused.
Maybe I don't really need to know this ?
"Your next purchase !" she chirps cheerfully as if
that's the answer.
"So, which - what purchase is that ?" I ask, determined
to learn something that will have no use for me later.
"As I said earlier, sir." she speaks patiently, "Your
next purchase. So do you have one ?"
"I - don't think so."
She jumps into a sales speech, "Would you like to get
one sir ? It'll only take a minute." and without waiting
for a reply, she reaches under the counter and pulls out
this long form and sets it in front of me. At the top in
star-spangled lettering it says, "Wowie Wonder ! Saving
you money like never before !"
I wince at the poppy lettering and the artwork of a
wallet with a big slap-happy face on. "That's - okay." I
say, "Maybe next time."
"It'll give you a 3% discount on your purchase ... " she
pauses for a dramatic effect and then goggles her eyes
at me, "RIGHT NOW ! Isn't that wonderful ?"
I look at her. I'm tired and I want to go home. Clearly
Susan must be calling me by now.
. .
"You'll save money !" she sings agreeably determined to
get me to sign this. I know most employees receive some
kind of perk for getting customers to join clubs and
stuff and she had to be the top leader in her field as
insistent as she was.
Yeah, whatever. "Fine." I nod. "Sure, what do I do ?"
She returns my dollar to me and puts the gum on the
Then she scoots the form closer, "Sir. If you'll just
fill out all these blanks, we'll get your Wowie Wonder
Card printed right here, while you wait, how great is
that ?" she holds her hands together and then blossoms
them outward expansively as if it's a great magic trick
for my benefit.
"Great." I grumble. I look at the form. Clearly I don't
have a pen or a pencil.
Finally she recognizes this, "Sir. Would you like a pen
I smile, finally some kindness, "Yes. I would please."
and I hold out my hand for it.
"Aisle # 17." she says and points behind the store while
giving me a beautific smile.
My hand clutches thin air and crumples to the ground
like a plane that was shot down from the sky. I look
over my shoulder at the massive checkout and some kind
of disturbance is now developing. Finally I look back at
her and shake my head, "Can't I just borrow one ?"
She tilts her head and her tone takes an unpleasant one,
"You want to borrow a pen ?"
I nod, "Yes, please - I mean if you still want me to -"
She shakes her head to the side so hard I'm certain she
dislocated her molars, "Nossir, you can't 'borrow'
anything in this store." she says, her tone getting
"What ? Don't you want me to fill out - " I ask a little
She shakes it the other direction likely returning the
molars back in place again, "You BUY things in this
store sir. With your own money. You don't borrow
ANYTHING. There is a BIG difference, mister !" her voice
is getting louder.
I notice the manager still working with the lady with
her child looks up for a moment to see if there is
another problem developing he has to deal with.
I clearly don't want any trouble so I lower my head,
encouraging her to keep her voice down, "Well, no,
ma'am, it doesn't have to be your - "
"Are you implying shoplifting ?" she asks tartly and
sticks her nose up so I can see a little lipstick up in
"No - I mean - "
"We don't like shoplifters, sir !" her voice is now
lemon-coated with no sugar at all.
Wow. "No - I didn't say - "
She then shakes a warning finger at me, "We catch ALL
shoplifters sir. We are very strict about that. Don't
ever think you can shoplift anything from our store -
Is the gum worth all this ? "No - ma'am." I look down at
my feet, "I just meant - "
I wait to see if she interrupts me again, she doesn't,
so I add, "I just mean - can I please - borrow a pen -
to fill out this form - you gave me ?"
Her mood takes a 180, "Well why didn't you say so, sir !
I'll be happy to help you with that !"
. .
She goes over to a counter where there is a display of
pens not yet set out in the store. She takes one from
the top, tears off the blister plastic-wrap, then takes
out the pen and hands it to me dropping the plastic on
the floor and turning steps on it with her foot as if it
is of no consequence.
"Here you go, sir !" she says with a wide smile.
"Thank you." I look at the blister wrap. Didn't she just
have her own pen ? I sigh. I fill out all the
information leaving my earliest Email address as I don't
want Spam from this store.
Oddly no-one appears at customer service so I can finish
at the counter.
I sign the bottom, then turn it back around. She looks
at it. After a moment she says, "How can I help you, sir
I bite my lip. "Ma'am. You wanted me to - "
"I wanted ?!" she says getting angry again.
I'm beginning to see how this works, "No, what I mean is
- =I= would very much like to join your Wowie Wonder
club for an amazing 3% discount."
She nods completely agreeing with the bargain,
"Certainly sir ! Have you filled out one of our official
Wowie Wonder forms to see if you qualify for one ?"
I tap my finger on the counter. Her eyes see that I
have, indeed, filled out one of these crazy forms.
Then her face lights up as if someone shone a pen-light
in her countenance. "Yessir !" she says and snatches up
the form to look it over.
"Everything seems in place." she says. "Just a moment."
She goes over to a machine and prints out a laminated
card. This takes a few minutes. As she's doing it I look
back at the checkout where I was and the woman there is
still arguing with the manager, loudly, but now she's
swinging her purse around dangerously, threatening to
hit him with it.
The security guard at the front of the store I met
earlier now approaches the pair and is talking on a
little walkie-talkie, clearly calling for back up.
Boy, I'm glad I got out of that.
"Here you go, sir !" she says and placks the card down
on the counter. I pick it up and find it's hot and
immediately one of my fingers goes in my mouth.
"Watch out, sir ! That card is full of HOT bargains !"
and she laughs crazily.
I smile weakly at the joke and pocket the card, "Sure.
Okay. Now what ?"
"Thank you, sir !" she says randomly. Is she high or
something ?
"What ? Yes. What ?" I ask. I'm thinking I could leave
now but all I did was voluntarily give out personal
information for a card I didn't even want. No, I'd stick
through this to get that darned gum after all.
"Will there be anything else, sir ?"
"Yeah. I'd like to buy some gum."
She is quiet and looks straight at me. But I'm prepared
for this. I reach to the side of the counter and smack
the gum in the center where she can see it. Then I take
the dollar I put in my pocket and stick it on the top.
She looks at both. "Will that be - "
"Cash." I say interrupting her.
"Do you have one of our - "
I'm totally ready for her now, "Yes, I have a Wowie
Wonder Card and I'd like my 3% discount with it,
She is grinning that I was so well prepared for this,
"Certainly sir !"
. .
Then she takes me by surprise, "Would you like to
contribute $1 to our local charity ?" She points and I
see a recognizable charity. I shrug.
"Ma'am. My gum is about 50 cents." I look at it, but I'm
pretty sure that's how much it costs.
"Yessir." she says agreeably.
I shake my head, "That would be more than - no - that's
fine. Just this purchase, please."
She persists, "Are you sure sir ? If you donate now, you
get to become one of our SHINING stars !" she points
above the register and sure enough how I didn't notice
before is beyond me but strung up on a little stretch of
strin there are several silver foil stars with people's
names written in them across the booth.
"No, I - "
"Of course, if you donate $20 ! You get to be a GOLD
STAR ! And who wouldn't want to be a Gold Star for
charity ?" She giggles crazily. "It's for a worthy cause
you know !" she points to two stars stuck on the far
left, clearly a different colored foil. Perhaps
gold-tinted, hard to tell, really.
I tap my finger on the counter. "No, this will be fine.
Just the gum."
"Fine." she says pertly, clearly disappointed I wasn't
going to spend more than a dollar today.
She takes the dollar. "That will be 58 cents including
tax. Taking advantage of your Wowie Wonder Card that
makes it 56 cents giving you an enormous 2 cent savings
! Congratulations sir !"
"Whoopee." I say.
"Your change is 44 cents. Would you like a bag for that
"Yes, please."
She reaches under the counter for a bag. Then she puts
my gum in. I really wasn't paying attention but all the
while we were talking that crazy printout for my receipt
was still going making a quiet clatcheting sound ! Geez
! I was just buying one item here !
Finally it finishes. It's 2-feet long ! She goes over
and tears it off and like a ribbon for a parade she
hands me the mass. I think it would good make a good
tail for a kite.
"Here you go, sir !"
I sigh again. How many times today ? And fold it up and
put in my pocket.
Then she speaks from quote, "Please note if you have any
questions about the usage of your Wowie Wonder card,
follow the directions included on your receipt or go to
our website and we will be more than happy to help you
"Thank - you ?" I say, thinking there's going to be
more. But fortunately we're done - finally.
"Nossir ! Thank YOU, Mr. DAVID WICKER ! You have a
wonderful day sir !"
For a moment I wonder how she knows my name but it's
because I filled out that darned form. All for the
savings of 3%. Now when I buy something here the check
out can call me by name. I rub my forehead and finally
leave, noticing a police car has pulled up and the two
policeman run right past me.
Outside I see the same fellow who won the $20 who
reimbursed them for lottery cards is standing outside
and all of the scratched pieces are littered around him,
and he is begging for money.
I wonder if this is a good time to get my dime back, but
maybe not.
Finally I leave the store along with my reward. I take
out a piece of gum and chew it and it is stale and flat,
likely because it has passed expiration. I don't even
want to THINK about how long this all took ! ...
Oh dear! it sounds like a nightmare:( I don't know if I'd stay there for a pack of gum. I might have gone to another store cuz I wouldn't handle all that was going on. Soo sorry you had to go all through that just to get your gum.It does make you think about the actual quality customer service stores of any kind have now and days.thank you for the share:)
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
I'm just getting around to backing up all my books and writings in here. Over 44,000 files ! It's ta.. read moreI'm just getting around to backing up all my books and writings in here. Over 44,000 files ! It's taking 35-minutes to do so.
Still with recent outages in Writer's Cafe, rather be safe than sore.
And yes, I don't ever go shopping on my own at all anymore. Most people don't believe the crazy things that happen. Now they are witness to them. :)
Hahahahha. What a day for gum buying. I would hate to be in that situation.
Posted 8 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
8 Years Ago
It's a mix of problems I've had with existing stores. I'm pretty sure if a single store had all thos.. read moreIt's a mix of problems I've had with existing stores. I'm pretty sure if a single store had all those difficulties, they would be taking customers out in strait-jackets, Tsubaki. :)
Oh dear! it sounds like a nightmare:( I don't know if I'd stay there for a pack of gum. I might have gone to another store cuz I wouldn't handle all that was going on. Soo sorry you had to go all through that just to get your gum.It does make you think about the actual quality customer service stores of any kind have now and days.thank you for the share:)
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
7 Years Ago
I'm just getting around to backing up all my books and writings in here. Over 44,000 files ! It's ta.. read moreI'm just getting around to backing up all my books and writings in here. Over 44,000 files ! It's taking 35-minutes to do so.
Still with recent outages in Writer's Cafe, rather be safe than sore.
And yes, I don't ever go shopping on my own at all anymore. Most people don't believe the crazy things that happen. Now they are witness to them. :)
Oh boy! I myself got a little irritated by all that fuss...all of this just for a chewing gum, and that too a stale one! You say it had happened in real. I should applaud you that you just stuck there after all that fuss to buy your gum. I would have given up rather. I think that’s what the job of those employees are, to make your customer interested in their new schemes.. But yeah, I don’t like that “you snap before you understand the reply” behaviour. That’s irritating. And I don’t think that it fulfils that tag line; rather, it ended san a smile. And when I just think about that woman...what can I say, some people are just not ready to accept their own fault and creates a mess for themselves and others as well. All of them are sorely irksome for me.
Anyway, if I just look at it as a story, it’s a nice work!
I dislike going out for shopping. I remember when I was somewhat around seven, my first shopping “ all by yourself” experience. The counter was of course too tall for me and I was just waiting for my turn after a lady could finish her shopping. and I idiotically put my money on the counter before I place my order. Perhaps the shopkeeper didn’t see that. And when it was her time to pay the bill, surprisingly, the lady said that was “her” money and of course he believed in. I just stood there like an idiot(too shy to speak up) and then disappointingly went back home with nothing!! Yeah I got scolded for being so stupid but that was a lesson: speak up before it’s too late!
Actually read the comment answer to LISA. I pooled this story together from several other stores I h.. read moreActually read the comment answer to LISA. I pooled this story together from several other stores I had difficulties with. Hmm - I had forgotten about Chris returning a sheet of bedsheets, that was also a pain what that returns lady sent us through. :)
OMan ! About having your own money taken by a grup, that's awful ! Can't believe someone would be so dishonest as that.
And yes, I've learned in life you can't just patiently wait. Like yesterday there was a mound of people blocking the sidewalk and edges talking about stuff I guess. I got closer, nothing, closer nothing. Finally I was right up within inches of them for a full minute. They still ignored me. Finally I said, "Excuse me ?"
They moved to let me by. I never do that. As my Dad says I have, "my head on a swivel" and I'm always looking around to see what's happening around me.
I know the last time I was with Rose at Albertson's we were in some narrow aisles and a woman needed to get by with her double-carrier (for kids), since I couldn't roll the cart out of the way cause there was no room, I picked it up like a crate at work, hands on both sides of the basket, groceries and all, and lifted it horizontally against one of the shelves and set it back down again.
Kids may complain about hard work early in life, but it really does pay off. All the years volunteering hauling those heavy boxes for the church, I picked that grocery cart right up and I know I couldn't have done that were I not in better shape. :)
You should write a story about your event, 'Timid Customer" or similar - we can always learn something from our mistakes and it's even better if we can learn from other people's so we don't do them ourselves. :)
11 Years Ago
there are some circumstances where we have to necessarily lose our patient. . i despise when .. read more
there are some circumstances where we have to necessarily lose our patient. . i despise when teens{never minding my elders) walk before me in a group in such a slow pace that it takes on my nerves. they even don't hear that "excuse me" as they are so much engrossed in their "chit-chat". having a fragile temper, i just elbow my way badly b/w them to let me pass. yeah i get that glaring look, but i retaliate at them for being so "slow"
in this age! really think so that i should write a story upon one of my stupidity(there are so many, and the readers will sure be killing themselves by laughing at me). though it's a nice suggestions, hhmmm i never thought about it, probably because i never thought of writing about any event of my life. yet i can say there's was a small message but yeah everyone knows that already!
11 Years Ago
It's not stupidity, it's naivety about adults, and that can be charming and endearing especially wit.. read moreIt's not stupidity, it's naivety about adults, and that can be charming and endearing especially with you at that age. Sometimes writing about our lives is the greatest and best form of expression cause we were there 1st hand ! :)
Great Story! I could totally feel your frustration! As I was reading it, I was getting anxious and thought, where the hell in America is THIS store!? Sounds like something in a Bizzaro world. :)
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Hey, and welcome ! Glad you liked it.
I guess I can tell you now the bulk of this story.. read moreHey, and welcome ! Glad you liked it.
I guess I can tell you now the bulk of this story is from the Albertson's store next to me. For some reason the people working there just weren't firing on all cylinders that day - hard to tell what was really going on with them.
I added to that a bit of other crazy experiences I've had in other stores, like the lady who got arrested for using a stolen credit card over at Wal-Mart, the lady who thought I was shoplifting when I asked for a pen to fill out a form, that was a hardware store, the guy who wanted 20 more lottery cards, that was a 7-11. Mashed it all together in this most mixed-up store.
Had to look up Bizarro World for myself:
Love it you described the troubles that could happen any day in a store. Great job
Posted 11 Years Ago
2 of 2 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Thanks ! One thing I'm seeing tho in my writing (and I'm not sure how to get by it). I tend to separ.. read moreThanks ! One thing I'm seeing tho in my writing (and I'm not sure how to get by it). I tend to separate too many paragraphs and sentences. If you look at a regular novel, they rarely use so much indentation. I am remembering what Peter Pan said about Tinkerbell and her fluctuating mood.
She's so small so she can only hold one emotion in her head at a time. Sometimes I feel like that and I think it shows in my writing. Thanks for the review, Esperanza !
Like a lotta my stories I tend to bend that darn.. read moreThanks ! I really do appreciate that !
Like a lotta my stories I tend to bend that darned envelope pretty good - I know there is one scene in my main Barrier book of a fellow Stefani doesn't like and she tries to murder him, and while he manages to get away he has possibly the worst luck in the history of man imaginable. I try to make my stories like movies you can see in your mind, and unless it's from a spooky dream or something, I always add a bit of arsenic and zany humor when I can. :)