Where Were You God ?

Where Were You God ?

A Poem by dw817

A poem I wrote when my Dad died ... I still haven't gotten over the loss of him ...


  Where Were You God ?  


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Where Were You God ?

© July 2013 Written by David Wicker

(Please do not reprint without permission)

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This poem is Rated: EVERYONE


Where were you God, when I was young ?
When life seemed so full, vibrant, and fun.

Then I met others who were hateful and cruel.
They said that I should always follow their rule.

And if I didn't do exactly as they said,
They told me I could well wind up dead.

And when I was hurt and placed in disgraceful shame,
In your absence, can you I fully blame ?

My torment was obvious for anyone to see,
Yet I can clearly see you turned your back on me.

Years went by, and my pain you never guessed,
Others suffer I now know because you could care less.

Where were you God, as I grew older,
I cried for you, and my mind grew colder ?

But not a word did you speak, not a single phrase.
I had to rely on men's words, to fill my days.

So insanity devoured my very soul,
I burned years for it with pains untold.

I was finally imprisoned within mental wards,
For believing to see things, different Lords.

Memories of the past come to haunt me still
I'll never be free, my sorrow is filled.

And now you demand of me to have my time ?
Yet not one second in my life did you answer mine ?

So allow me to answer your simple request.
Giving me none of yours, I keep the rest !

Even if I go straight to hell as others intend,
They're proof to me is that you're the image of man.

For only a man would vengeful be,
Gnashing his teeth with obvious fury.

Because I decide not to bow down unto you,
You'll turn your back and claim I am untrue.

And how can other truly feel
That they understand a loving God's zeal ?

It's presumptuous of us to believe we can
Interpret your Word, for we are only man !

For I believe it's truly beyond all of this,
Religion's a joke; an unproven myth.

So until then God, you're a shadow, not even a ghost,
My Guardian is the one who truly loves me the most.

And this Woman BEYOND awaits to hold my hand,
Through the days, I'll know and make my stand.

She'll hold me very close to her,
And ease my pain, my heart will finally stir.

For her I'll do the world and so much more,
Deep within my soul and to the core.

She's told me, if no one will ever have me,
Than she certainly will, and my pain will be set free.

And when my breath is still and I am dying
Into the sky with my Guardian, I will be flying.

So in my absence of faith, you can clearly see,
I'll be holding her hand, in death she waits for me.

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© 2013 dw817

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well, a devout bible thumper will tell you that your trials are part of your journey and that "he" works in mysterious ways. i call that blind faith and i find it ridiculous....however, i do think we all suffer this life more than any of us should and that some are privileged and immune to many of its trappings. this is a very good piece of poetry...the couplet form adds to the impact of each thought you project and you have cleverly worded it. nicely done!

Posted 11 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Gosh, I -ahhm- didn't understand that last part. I just made it rhyme and stuff. :)

But.. read more

11 Years Ago

good for you! nice attitude......you're welcome


This speaks on so many levels. Loss, pain, love, sadness, happiness. Written well, and so sweetly, as if one was to be gently set down on a feather.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


3 Years Ago

Hi. Thanks, Nomo.
Actually I thought it was pretty fiery myself. The real title could be, "In.. read more
Beautiful poem here dw817. Sorry for your lost.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Yeah, me too, Tsubaki. But you know. People die. I really didn't want to accept that. Dad died. Leon.. read more
this is not a review.. as i have no right to judge a poem with this many true feelings.....
i just wanted to say that this is perhaps the best, and obviously the most true english poem that i've ever read...really heart-warming..great, so touching...i'm glad that i've read it :>

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Apologies for taking so long to get back with you. Yes, I'm a firm believer that poetry must rhyme a.. read more
This really hits home as I have too lost my father and often asked myself, "why?" This is truly a wonderfully bittersweet piece.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

How very wise and true of you as well as the Captain. ^^ I too share the short duration of anger. It.. read more

11 Years Ago

I think I do the same, ShinJisatsu. In my instance I control my anger in my writing by portraying it.. read more

11 Years Ago

Wisely stated.
You'll find your way, keep writing. Excellent read and write.

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thanks, Brandon. Yep, I'm backtracking now, seeing who commented and were left, well -hanging- and I.. read more
Great poem which shows the path to making reasoned choices. Real people -imperfect ones - are so much more loveable. Imperfect fathers and mothers bring us into this world and imperfect lovers who feel compelled to love us are our greatest gift from nature.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

I know I attended what was called Soup & Sermon at church a few years back and - well - I'm trying t.. read more
Robert Lindsay

11 Years Ago

Yeah. I read some of your stuff and I totally understand the importance of the process of thinking f.. read more

11 Years Ago

I answer all RRs, send me one and I am guaranteed to respond - always. :)
And - thanks for the.. read more
Wonderful poem. I really like it. U should wrote more like this. ^^

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Ellie EM

11 Years Ago

yay! ^^ ^^

11 Years Ago

Awright, I gotta remind myself now. But it will be called, "Legends."
Ellie EM

11 Years Ago

Ooo! Sounds goods! ^^
Beautifully written! Such an Amazing write!

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Amazing ? Wow - thank you ! Sometimes it's easy to write from the heart when you know it's breaking .. read more

11 Years Ago

Your most welcome!
Beautiful. Divinity lies within; a term the famous philosopher Socrates was murdered by the church for. The great She rests peacefully inside you and all around you in the grass, the trees, the sky and the stars, waiting to comfort you and guide you when your ready to move into the next stage of things.


Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

There are =3= Zeitgeist films and I requested 'em all from Netflix. They are:
[1] Zeitgeist: T.. read more
Lady Ra

11 Years Ago

Thanks! Looking forward to watching the 3rd installment.

11 Years Ago

Apparently all 3 can be found in Youtube. Really quite nice, but I'm gonna wait for the DVDs. Someti.. read more
i have a lot of kids, there's always room for one more.

Looking forward to reading more of you.

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thanks ! I definitely do appreciate that ! I see my doctor tomorrow but when I get back I should be .. read more
Emily B

11 Years Ago

this is the place :)

11 Years Ago

Ubetcha ! *HUGS* Hope to c-ya 'round ! :D

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17 Reviews
Added on June 1, 2013
Last Updated on November 7, 2013
Tags: davidw, poem, death in family, mourning, shaken faith, atheist, agnostic, rage at the world, mournful loss



Fort Worth, TX



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