The icemanA Story by dukovan
Ice in my veins today and all week too.
Forced myself to move until I just moved. Cold packaged ice sometimes it's flimsy sometimes ice block hard sometime you can hit them and break them up sometimes you have to throw them on the floor just throwing them over, bag after bag fueling the act of drinking, and hanging out all summer I don't partake in the same way I'm the Iceman this summer I participate in an entirely different wavelength than society this suits me I fit into the empty spaces, like water running through the spaces of broken up pieces of ice like walking through busy convenience stores navigating through the concessions encouraging the beading sweat to find routes away from my eyes moving through doors and exchanges of words by the people of the city I sweat, and it freezes on my face, then melts as quickly I exist as a constant melting and freezing hot and cold at the same time simply filling my niche just moving through the path of least resistance Did you know some ice melts slower than other ice? It depends on the conditions it was frozen in I'm finding my melting point and distinguishing it from sweating so many varieties of water I'm 80 percent my bottles of water get hot while by the time I get back in the truck My ice melts some Chemicals release from plastic and end up somewhere not inside me I stick beverages into torn bags every other stop This is the logistics of water and ice
© 2018 dukovan |
1 Review Added on June 3, 2018 Last Updated on June 3, 2018 |