As she looked around
the cold, wet courtyard, she saw the destruction the demon had caused. She lay
down on the damp, cemented ground and began to weep. She wept for her freedom,
she wept at the destruction the demon had caused and she wept for the life she
could have had if she had been strong enough to leave.
The demon she had so
strongly kept at bay and who she thought loved her, refused to be controlled
and managed to destroy all that was good in her life. She was tired of
fighting, she was tired of failing and she was tired of being the only one to
try to get through to the demon. She wanted to give up, let the demon take her
but she couldn't. She could not let it win. With the small bit of determination
that was still in her, she quickly pulled herself together, wiped away any
dangling tears that were about to fall, stood up, and began her quest to vanish
the demon that had taken her freedom away.
She turned to the entrance of its
cave and summoned it to come out. When it emerged, the demon had already returned
to its regular form. Its face looked like hers, its eyes were filled with the endearing
love of a parent, and its arms were open to greet its beloved child. However,
at this final meeting, she would not be fooled. She understood what it was
capable of but this time she would not let it trick her. She looked directly at her demon’s eyes and forcefully said....
'I'm done'.
And with that her prison door came
unlocked. She was no longer held captive by her possessor. She ran from her holding
cell and shouted with elation as she praised the heavens. She had never felt so
alive in her short lifetime.
She had unleashed the courage to live
the life she deserved.