i love the blend of lament and playfulness. full of longing, regret, melancholia yet the rhythm and rhyme suggests that there is hope, or an understanding that this too will pass. heartbreak is but one act in the theatre of the world. and i espescially like the insightfulness of the second stanza: you express the desire for liberation so wonderfully.
You have captured the 'cure' for love lost superbly within this excellently penned poem, Dave: "time is now the remedy!" That is the answer and the correct conclusion which the poem leads to. You will get to that point time. Love heals and when true and pure love comes your way, your past will be fully healed so you can immerse your heart, mind, body and soul into the new love which will never let you down. Great write! Thank you for sharing, Dave...
Posted 2 Months Ago
2 Months Ago
Time healing sure does take a lot of time, as always Mary have a blessed day