Autumn remembrances

Autumn remembrances

A Poem by Dave W.

This is my first try at a Tanka


October is here.

The year winds down to an end.

Branches shaken bare.

I think of past Halloweens,

years of fun and merriment


© 2024 Dave W.

Author's Note

Dave W.
I just wanted to see if I could write one with encouragement from a great poet.

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Perfect Tanka which captures October and the joy of Hallowe'en superbly! Well done, Dave! You can be very proud of you. Your choice of graphic is excellent and complements the words of your Tanka. Heartiest Congratulations! Well done, Dave! Magnificent first attempt, seems you have been writing Haiku, Senryu and Tanka all your life, you are SO good at inking them... Lovely work!

Posted 2 Days Ago

Dave W.

2 Days Ago

Thank you for the kind words, you are an encouragement needed.

2 Days Ago

Most welcome always, Dave...

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1 Review
Added on October 17, 2024
Last Updated on October 17, 2024
Tags: Autumn, memories


Dave W.
Dave W.

Tigard, OR

I love to write poetry and hope that something I create will connect with someone that needs to read it more..
