

A Poem by Dave W.

A lament for a friend.


Another weekend and you celebrate,

Another person you become,

Another drink had in excess,

Another time of missed connection,

Another degradation of your value,

Another apology for what was done,

Another moment of regret,

Another chance missed to be better,

Another lament I have for a friend,

Another reminder it’s your life you are living,

Another prayer spoken for you,

Another poem written you will not read,

Another line penned in vain,

Another hand outstretched to help.

© 2024 Dave W.

Author's Note

Dave W.
Written for a friend battling addiction and feeling helpless to help them....

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Everything we miss through addiction, you have captured so well in this excellently penned poem, Dave. There is a helpless feeling which envelops us when we are unable to help someone in their battle to overcome addiction. It is an unnecessary feeling because there is nothing for us to feel guilty about. The problem is not ours, therefore the only person who can help the addict is THEMSELVES. They HAVE to want to give up their addiction and be healed from it. We can support them emotionally without facilitating their addiction and this may help them greatly in knowing that we are not abandoning them because they are addicts, but that we are staying their friend and ever ready to have a chat with them, enjoy a coffee with them, be there for them. A great write and very insightful, Dave. Thank you so very much for sharing...

Posted 6 Days Ago

Dave W.

5 Days Ago

Thank you for the review, I always appreciate your insight and good words.

5 Days Ago

Most welcome always, dear poet...
Dave W.

5 Days Ago

Oh I tried my hand at my first Haiku it's called Autumn. I like writing them

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1 Review
Added on October 10, 2024
Last Updated on October 10, 2024
Tags: Addiction, helpless to help, Waiting


Dave W.
Dave W.

Tigard, OR

I love to write poetry and hope that something I create will connect with someone that needs to read it more..

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A Poem by Dave W.

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A Poem by Dave W.