. this, for me, is a rather powerful, unique, and, infinitely poetic expression of the classic learning cycle that we as human beings go through ... somehow in that "everlasting doom" poetry happens ... and if it's poetry as exquisite as this ... then even "everlasting doom" becomes a bit more bearable ...
I would love to hear you read these Dan, like Emily indicated below, though i don't think my system could hand the overload, lol, I would probably loop them all on a cd and never leave my room again.
. this, for me, is a rather powerful, unique, and, infinitely poetic expression of the classic learning cycle that we as human beings go through ... somehow in that "everlasting doom" poetry happens ... and if it's poetry as exquisite as this ... then even "everlasting doom" becomes a bit more bearable ...
I`ve read a number of poems by this writer, and they are excellent, they have an acute and erudite imagist approach, remind me somewhat of Ezra Pound and explode with poetic and metaphorical quality, good writing