Was told by a so-called wit that Man built walls for an excuse to make war. There could be some truth in that. Additionally, what concerns me is.. if that very first war had been a great success, would we have
lived in peace throughout our planet's history?
And YES, am absolutely with you on the above. (in a practical way too)
Amen to this.....no country should step on another....just because they have bigger feet and heavier shoes.
Posted 4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
No country will in future generations. But this generation has to run its course with death. And it'.. read moreNo country will in future generations. But this generation has to run its course with death. And it's so very sad. dana.
3 Months Ago
Between you and redzone (I try not to read other reviews rather than have them touch my thought but .. read moreBetween you and redzone (I try not to read other reviews rather than have them touch my thought but .. '). The leaders of the world might do what true politians should do that is, be guided by the past, learn lessons.. and then think with their brains not with their.. ignorance. Fighting is so much easier than talking.. But then, tis easier to talk when bombs, drones and the like are blowing babies to death, isn't it. Pathetic minds take the reins these days, but like the bombs, many of them shout. Who rightfully, should we listen to.. the person who says 'let's talk and listen, shall we?'
First off: Where were you born, reared, etc... and you, what about you... you sir, madam your homeland is... ? Peace take time and reason.. find both - well in advance.
Wit and sarcasm to deliver a humanistic demand. As a settler state, created through ethnic cleansing and genocide, "israel" cannot be freed. It shouldn't exist. Perhaps to put it differently, the Jewish people should be free of Israel.
Posted 4 Months Ago
4 Months Ago
try to write a poem redzone about 'Freedom' and try not to make it political. It's impossible. thank.. read moretry to write a poem redzone about 'Freedom' and try not to make it political. It's impossible. thanks for your insight. dana.