This was a lovely, world-building tangent. The loose connections between all these thoughts, as in all your poems, really makes me strain, makes me lean closer to see what you're doing. Per usual, you're chess moves ahead of the reader and already moved to the next table and another game already in progress.
This is sad, but hopeful. Bittersweet maybe. We lost but we never had a chance. It's the reasons we're looking for.
Posted 5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Very thoughtful insights G. And thanks for those kind remarks. dana.
I am so glad to see your writing again, my dear friend.
This is as impactful and full of introsepction as always. "time doesn't get ahead of technology."
Posted 5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
I write and read every day. And I always find one of your poems to see me through. thanks for stoppi.. read moreI write and read every day. And I always find one of your poems to see me through. thanks for stopping by Marie. dana.
How sad it is that 'Brothers and sisters under the skin,' has no basis in reality. From the moment we first stood upright, to the here and now, mankind has done it's tribal best to de-legitimize and persecute those who are different; and nothing seems to have changed, other than a little more frantic lip service, (mostly by courtesy of the talking heads,) to the idea that we can live in harmony.
Perhaps the higher hand should start over. Disappear the built in genetic aberration that drives us always to conflict rather than a lasting peace. Then again, he might perhaps have no need if we continue on the destructive pathway we have chosen.
Always your words are wise and contemplative.
Beccy. X
Posted 5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
We are of one blood Beccy. But the manmade divisions of this earth has made it almost impossible to .. read moreWe are of one blood Beccy. But the manmade divisions of this earth has made it almost impossible to coexist. Yet I noticed that during the recent hurricane everyone was praying to the same God for comfort. Thank you dearest for stopping by. dana
Dating white girls is a poor decision most of the time.
Posted 5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Do people even date anymore? My daughter went to the Prom with a bunch of her female friends. I stil.. read moreDo people even date anymore? My daughter went to the Prom with a bunch of her female friends. I still believe in courtships, flowers, opening doors, candy, late night phone conversations....etc. But now i'm showing my age, lol. Find the person you like on this earth, fall in love with them, then after you break up with them, send them a box of candy. They will never forget you. dana.
It's mostly dating apps now. I'm getting old so I might be out of touch but that seems to be the tr.. read moreIt's mostly dating apps now. I'm getting old so I might be out of touch but that seems to be the trend. That might be why so many mid 20's and early 30's men are so frustrated... they prepared themselves for the wrong dating scene, nobody wants to do shots with the dude bro anymore... they prefer adults instead of man children. Dating apps filter those guys out pretty well these days from what my niece tells me.
5 Months Ago
She is 26 and significantly more mature than me. I hate that kid.
5 Months Ago
What's a "dating app" for someone who doesn't even own a cell phone? I guess that means that browsin.. read moreWhat's a "dating app" for someone who doesn't even own a cell phone? I guess that means that browsing the library or the supermarket for possible lovers is out of the question. lol
Not reading your writing in many months, only to come here and find this marvel of a poem.
Isn't it strange that most people (at least most white people), think the American Dream is like a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, and of course, low prices. While not even dreaming, yet alone thinking about how this American Dream is based on those Marines being able to slaughter those civilians with only bamboo knives and spears. Not to mention the long history of slavery, genocide, wars of aggression everywhere in the world (way back in the early 1800's the Marine song started with "from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli") including today's technology. What comes to mind after reading your poem, is that insightful Frederick Douglas July 4th speech, (in part) There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour. . . ." This holds true to this very day! And I an reminded of the courage and largeness of mind of Emmit's mother to have an open casket viewing. She wanted the world to see and hopefully understand the horrors of this "American Dream".
1955, Emmit Till, young, full of life, a slave, as a "hey baby" death sentence, so white people felt safe at night. We will need more, much more, than chocolates to overcome this racial divide. You do have a powerful pen.
Posted 5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
dearest: I can't come often, or as often as I would like. Mother moved in, 94, rambling and thinking.. read moredearest: I can't come often, or as often as I would like. Mother moved in, 94, rambling and thinking that eye medicine is the mythologizer's candy/ the outside world runs together like faith or belief. Then there is poetry full of supernatural fables and folk tales; cosmological traditions, allegories and people with their Gods. I read your words remembering that Emmit Tills mother became a champion of social justice and an outspoken critic of the American justice system that you speak about. My dad kept the "Jet" magazine with the picture of the open casket and it became, itself, a revolting revolt, like the pictures of George Floyd dying in the street, both uncomfortable and concerning. You're words are as powerful as ever and thanks again for them. dana.
5 Months Ago
you are more than welcome Dana. Perhaps one day, we can share stories and some chocolate in a societ.. read moreyou are more than welcome Dana. Perhaps one day, we can share stories and some chocolate in a society where there is true equality. A celebration of words, poetry and a people no longer divided by any form of prejudice. That, my friend would be some great chocolate!!
This is amazing.
So much said about how was in the old days and how things were suppose to be changing for the better, but they have not....there is as much if not more prejudice as always.
And the wars keep happening and no one cuts them off at the roots.
wars and hate....but we do have Chocolates.
YOur poetry is always so powerful...I wish I could write like this....