Sadly superb. What a terrible topic however, such evil, would-be unthinkable goings-on. Yet somehow your heart and skill has created beauty in your highly descriptive writing of those darlings, those young girls who should be wandering life's garden, dana. Your phrasing, the choice of words, is second to none so very often, (one must be diplomatic): ' .. we need them in all vibrations.. '
i am extremely impressed by this poem. first of all, for its skill. its subtle rhymes. its wonderful use of language. and secondly i am impressed by its restraint. the topic is one that begs for shouting and cursing, anger and returned cruelty. but you present it calmly, sadly, and with the dignity and logic that is often missed. the missing girls are the missing potential of the world. you've said it much more elegantly than i am trying to now. thank you for some beautiful writing.
Writing on topical stuff is an awful stroll on the tightrope; you run the risk of constructing something that has the shelf life of organic milk, or writing some screeching polemic, or something that's too vague, too sloppy. This? No such worries. It grapples with the touchstone in question, but raises itself to a hosanna to all that is wonderful about womankind. It neither beats us around the head and shoulders with a message nor is some prissy lifeless thing; it's just damn fine writing.
Sadly superb. What a terrible topic however, such evil, would-be unthinkable goings-on. Yet somehow your heart and skill has created beauty in your highly descriptive writing of those darlings, those young girls who should be wandering life's garden, dana. Your phrasing, the choice of words, is second to none so very often, (one must be diplomatic): ' .. we need them in all vibrations.. '
We are doomed if we can not protect our own children, or when we fail, there is no outrage....
When we lost those 20 + angels on the east coast, something changed inside of me.
Thank you for illuminating, in only the way you can.
first, thanks for raising my awareness. I've been out of the loop, politics/war/'s all so much added garbage when trying to make a routine of getting up out of bed and living? so i've been staying away from it on purpose. At some point, I imagine, I'll be able to have an opinion but this is why i like poetry; this is why i like your poetry; always learn something new, and get brought back to earth. 'Haram' in arabic is something evil, sinful..idk what boko means, either way the name fits. Terrible news, Beautiful prayer Dana.