visual literacyA Poem by h d e rushin
When I was a little boy, colored folk treated ringworm with sulfur and a cut off stocking to wear on your head. I still have the picture (in black and white) standing in my cowboy suit, holster and all, not knowing how ridiculous I looked from the neck up. But there was no stigma for illness in the 60's, just 10 years removed from the discovery of the Polio vacine, and it wasn't uncommon to bump into someone with a noticeable limp. Not like now, when the little girl down the street with the rare form of leukemia is googled at for having no eyebrows, yet each morning she walks past me carrying her book bag pretending pretty in the pique dresses her Godmother sews by hand, like the other girls pretend, and I never fail to tell her how lovely the day is. And she always agrees.
dana © 2013 h d e rushinReviews
5 Reviews Added on October 19, 2013 Last Updated on October 19, 2013 Author