its farfetched
so unreal
-the way I feel.
the way I'm touched
by the pill.
my will
is lost.
I'm too far gone, for this cost.
too dead to believe
-In God.
Too much red,I bled.
to receive..
This one.
This Gun,
--I point at my chest and cry out to you
I pace, As I bleed..
Begging for you to hear my pleas
--Too far gone to choose.
Out of reach
theres no point for you to teach.
-to preach.
no lesson to learn, I retreat.
I'm too far mislead
On the wrong path,
walking with the wrong feet.
I've been here before.
pacing , wasted at the door.
dripping lost love on the floor
you want me,
I want more.
Something pure.
something reaches down to me
I must be too blind to see
too far lost in my reality.
I panic ,
Falling hard on empty streets
Something talks to me
I'm too far gone to see.
Is it God reaching for me?
Am I crazy?
I'm insane.
I shan't believe
the words you speak
Just voices in my head.
I scream.
crawl to my grave in defeat.
mislead by a voice wanting to kill me.
Please, God.
If you're real, save me
Don't let this pain consume my body
I'm slowly whithering away
no faith when I pray
If you hear me,
And you say
today, Is my day,
Here I am
Take me away.
I'm too far gone
to be lead further astray.
Trash me if I'm worthless
But My existance is too costly
bare with me.
I give myself to you
Grand Finale
This pathetic body has done poorly
Too far gone to breathe.
Take your time..
So long as you Take Me.