I'm laying in bed
Searching for reasons to call you
The promise kept,-No blood shed
Begging for proof that I don't apall you
The fatalities in last night's dream
All thoughts fled
Babi, It's ALL you.
When we speak on the phone
I feel so fragile
-every second and tone
could possibly be fatal.
You're broken, I sense it
Know that I hurt too
Babe, it's not just me, it's
-well..I hurt for you.
My pain doesn't phase me
No second thought, no flinch, no blink,
But you, on the other hand
It's a pain no mind could ever think.
No thought that you would wish to ponder
And every time I hear your voice
My heart grows fairly fonder
Attaching itself, Leaving me no choice
My heart gives in and my mind wants to wander.
I think not of perversion
Rather, future; me and you
But I wonder, quietly, to myself
Could these feelings be so true?
Of course there's the simple fact
you're gorgeous inside, out
Could this be?
Just you and me?
My heart says 'have no doubt.'
One more question; Take my hand?
I feel sturdy by your side
If you can't tell, watch me stand
You'll find I'm humbled,- Filled with pride