I’m lost
The candle through which I bear smolders silently to nothing
With darkness overwhelming I run for my exit
Yet there stands no exit, I am lost in a land of nothing
As I search, hand over hand, begging for freedom
I realize that I am still lost and can find all but nothing
This tunnel grows deeper, colder forth length
And I battle my way through an army of nothing
Indecision and doubt pillage through my mind
But my mind is an abyss, an abyss filled of nothing
I try to stake reason, lay out the facts
But my thoughts race to fast, all that I gleam is nothing
I’m dying for help, I’m crying for help, tears they equate
But this equation hold puncture, this bucket drains to nothing
With tear stained on face, I cry for an answer
Someone to save me from all of this nothing
Out from the dark a lone hand gives way
A hand that is willing to give me but something
Just as I gave up, it came forth but shining
Glowing the more of any old something
It thought it was over, I thought I was lost
But this hand seized my heart, and gave it all something
This hand I will love a cherish forever
It showed me more then all that dark nothing
That light is a dream that saved me from nothing
And made me realize I’m all that of something
I thank it for this, I’ve escaped my tunnel
And moved on to something that means all but nothing