

A Poem by Drew

I fade away as time slowly passes day by day
I think of complex ideas like existence
perplexed how everything can change in an instance
and that’s when it all started the moment our lives parted

I still remember where we were
when you decided to leave this earth
I heard you scream as your head hit the stone.
I realized the screaming I heard was my own.

And then I collapsed to the ground.
I decided I never wanted to be found
I packed my things and ran away
But no matter how far I ran the thought of you would stay.

I had watched as your body flew through the air
You left me standing all alone up there
I guess there was nothing I could do
But there must be a way to be back with you

In my head is a constant hum
I can’t ignore it I’m about to succumb
It’s slowly driving me insane
I can’t much longer deal with this pain.

And that’s when I realized the answer
A way to once again be with her.
A touch with cold metal causing endless sleeping
At least now no one can hear my weeping.

© 2010 Drew

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Added on December 7, 2010
Last Updated on December 7, 2010




I'm a laid back guy, easy to talk with, like having fun and partying. Just started writing a little. Please read my stuff and give me honest feedback. Thanks a lot. more..

Change. Change.

A Poem by Drew

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A Poem by Drew