Chapter Two - The Final TestamentA Chapter by dreamer2413
Chapter One
“We have gathered here today” began the minister “to bear witness to the final testament of the will of Georgia Hamilton…”
I Georgia Hamilton here-by claim this to be my final will and testament and I provoke all other will and testaments to be reclaimed. I leave the sum of 10,000 dollars to my brother Michael Hamilton; to him I also leave my range of diamonds in which he is not aloud to sell. I also leave my property of 13 Hotham Grove to my granddaughter Annabelle Daniels, who is not aloud to sell the property for at least 15 years of possessing it.
“I declare this meeting adjured, Mr Hamilton is to receive the 10,000 and the complete set of diamonds, and Miss Daniels will receive the property of 13 Hotham Grove, Arrow Hill. Now if you could both sign here…”
A tall woman rose from her seat and approached the minister’s bench, She was a beautiful woman, her long wavy blonde hair made even the sun seem dull, her eyes were of the brightest blue and her skin was pale and clear. She silently signed the piece of paper handed to her by the minister, and gracefully left the room.
“The poor girl” said the minister to Michael Hamilton who was carefully reading back over the will. “To lose a husband and then a grandmother in two months, must be horrible”
“Yes well her husband died in honour of his country, surely there is some compensation in that”
“There is no compensation in death Mr Hamilton, none at all and especially not in Miss Daniels case, she has seven children to look after, and little money. All I can hope is attaining this property will sort some of her worries out ”
The wooden doors to the meeting room flung open, a short stumpy man dressed in a black suit came running in with a suitcase firmly gripped in his left hand. He had a huge bald patch on the top of his head, and round fogged up glasses from the sweat dripping from his greasy hair.
“Sir!” he exclaimed
He threw his suitcase open on the table and pulled out a folder marked ‘Hotham Grove’, he pulled out a residency document he just received through fax.
“This just came through minister” he began “According to this document sent to me by the Arrow Hill Real Estate Agency, The property of 13 Hotham Grove was sold today at exactly 10:00am.”
He handed the minister the document. ”How can this be?” asked the Minister “The property had to be signed off by Georgia Hamilton” ”Not since she died” continued the lawyer “The agency gained control of the property once Mrs Hamilton died, they required no signature to sell it” “Well the house was transferred to Miss Daniels over two weeks ago, Georgia Hamilton filled in the paper work herself, Miss Daniels signed it about fifteen minuets ago”
“The house is also bought and paid for by Andrew Riley”
“Surely if we explain the situation Mr Riley will understand”
”Not likely, his wife if Jasmine Ruth Riley, the high-class owner of the Ruth Lawyer Society, her lawyers have never lost a case” “I see, well then, you are to make contact with both families and explain the situation.”
”I’ve been trying to reach the Riley’s all morning, there phones are not connected yet” ”Well then go to Arrow Hill and meet them in person, I will call the Arrow Hill Legal Foundation and organise an arbitration session which you will hold. If an agreement is not settled in arbitration, then it will be a matter of the magistrate courts.” ”Yes minister” The stumpy man packed up his suitcase and left the room in a hurry. © 2008 dreamer2413 |
Added on December 30, 2008 Authordreamer2413Melbourne, AustraliaAboutIm 18 years old and i love writing. I have been working on a book for about a year now and ive just begun my first official draft, so please reveiw my story and let me know what you think needs to be .. more..Writing