Time like life is brief in its true moment of existence. Past and future are illusions: nostalgia, regret, hopes and fear of our individual time through time.
I feel fear in my adrenaline seared memory moments that arise from deep vortexes in my life. I felt your aphoristic poem in my gut-brain.
Oh gosh, you must never be afraid of the future..your future... You can make it what you want it to be.. You are in charge of your own life...
When you are young you believe you have all the time in the world...but the truth is you must make every day count...
Seems easy to say...right...and difficult to do.. so just do what you can and look forward to tomorrow..
I offer comments to share my own thoughts on what was presented. I most often give reviews privately using the message system here - when asked.
Fear is a common denominator anymore. People are frustrated, tired, angry, reacting more and thinking less. The saddest thing is - people as a whole haven't changed ...the media has. Few present positives and the negatives are constantly searched for and harped upon in ways to drive "fear" to the forefront.
The future is an unknown - at best a hope we each have for something "better" to come into existence. What that "better" may be ties to a moral outlook shared by society as a whole - not necessarily just one or two individuals with some sort of hold on governmental power/political authority. The past is a known and continually defined interpretation of life and events that don't change no matter how we come to "feel" they should ...change. We often reflect on ways to not allow or empower events to repeat in our now or future - but that is the best we can do - alter our present and future in a way that prevents reoccurrence. What "lasts"? Innocence, naivete, ignorance, injustice, hurt, the search for understanding, the need for "fairness", and (not lastly) "Hope" - for what each of us believes will lead to a better existence ...not necessarily easier... better.
Time is meant to last
But it goes so fast
A liquid dimension
Moves the past
To the conclusion
Your fear is cast
Into a future that can't last
But it will pass(t)
What is meant to last? a good question Sam. You're not the only one scared of both present and future. There's not much we can do about the past. ..Between what is going on in our own country now: the great divide, and hate-mongers and what is going on abroad; it is very scary and unsettling. The only thing that perhaps is meant to last is a love bond, a knot so strong that no matter what happens, there will be comfort by one's side. Another lasting moment is a memory to hold close to one's heart. This short poem is packed with thoughts and emotions, perhaps each person having a different one. Well done.
This is nicely penned! The emotions are strong in each line. We can't change the past, and we can't stop the future, we just have to pray and work hard for the best!
Hey there! My name is Sam and I'm a college graduate who is from North Carolina. I mainly write sad poetry and poetry that is about personal issues I have dealt with. Enjoy! more..