

A Poem by R. Goebel

A knight is a pair of crystal eyes
In a face chiseled under the forever shadow of the helm.
Body hidden beneath a skin of scarred metal
The defender, the horsemen
His name upon his shield
His truth spoken in blades,
A knight is the champion of the armored heart.

A sword is the spirit of a river
Cut from the earth, sharpened
By fire and ringing blows.
Flame in the morning,
Dawn's deathly dancer
The laughing red queen of battle
drowned nightly by starlight
Or, rippling silverblue in the dark,
A sword is the wedding of steel.

A horse is the rising sun across the grasslands,
the dark eyed daughter of the plains,
hoovesteps repeating the deep heartbeat of the earth,
Stealing the grace of shadows
Sharp and wild as prairie flowers
A horse is captured thunder

A dragon is a storm surge,
Four elements bound to bones,
Sheathed in scale and horn and leathery wing,
Flame leaking from the eyes.
Fanged and hissing, some call them monstrous things,
But living as glimpses of sky,
dark or light by chance of moment
A dragon is neither evil, good, nor tame

© 2016 R. Goebel

Author's Note

R. Goebel
Please critique! Thank you

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Added on December 22, 2016
Last Updated on December 22, 2016
Tags: Quest, sword, knight, horse, dragon