Auburn Sunrise: Chapter One

Auburn Sunrise: Chapter One

A Chapter by Donise Sheppard

Chapter One


           I laid quietly in the grass, under a tall tree, listening to the waves crash on the rocks and the wind whistle through the tall trees.  This was the last day that I was going to get to enjoy the calming tide and the soft roar of the waves and the light breeze that flowed through my hair.  I watched the yellow-orange sun sink slowly down behind the monstrous mountains, far into the distance.  The sky had a pleasing color scheme of the prettiest shades of blue and pink.  The clouds were white with shades of purple; I even saw a hint of yellow blurred into them.

           I was really going to miss the beautiful sunset that seemed so perfect on this magnificent beach.  The forest and the sand were so amazing and always stayed so clean it was almost white.  I have never been anywhere so perfectly amazing.  I loved to just sit around and watch nature.  I also loved to swim.  The water was a crystal blue.  I was shocked at how clear it was when I first saw it.  If you looked into the pool you could see all of the fish swimming around.  It was truly a magical experience.  I knew that this was the closest to heaven that I was going to get to see here on earth.

           But what I was going to miss most about this island was the feeling of freedom that was conveyed.  I was free to roam the majestic forest and beach, as long as I remained within screaming range of my father's hut.  It was so calming to know that you were free and safe.  There were only a few people here, not enough to be considered a town, anyway, so I was safe.  Everyone knew everyone and they all truly cared for one another, so I was protected.  I felt older here.  Because I felt I could be trusted.  Back home in Boston I would feel lucky to go outside by myself.  Here, however, I was free to do whatever I wished and go wherever I pleased.

           After about an hour of just laying around and looking at everything there was to see and I had pretty much memorized the view, I stood up and began to walk back to the hut that my father and I were staying in.  Dad would be angry that I was out so late but he would understand why I stayed out as long as I did.  He loved it out here just as much as I did.  The views were great, the neighbors friendly, and Dad was happy.  I put my hands in the pocket of my jacket and stared at the ground as I made my way back to the main beach. The sights were amazing, but looking at them made me dread the day to come.  I didn't want to go back, at least not yet.  It was too amazing here.  Sure, I would miss Melissa and Conner, but I would be fine.

           I walked slowly, breathing in the sweet aroma of flowers and wilderness.  I could smell the salt on the ocean and the cleanliness in the environment.  There was no pollution because there weren't any cars or factories.  The island had a clean smell that made you realize that you were breathing.  I loved it.  Back at home there was a musty smell.  I just wasn't ready to try to adjust to the city smell yet.

           This was the place that every seventeen year old dreamed about.  It was quiet, reclusive, and all yours.  All of my friends back home begged to come along for the summer but Father had said no.  He said maybe when they were eighteen he would allow them to come but not now because he didn't have enough time to watch a "bunch of teenagers" and he didn't want anyone to get hurt while he was supposed to be in charge of them.  I guess I understand.  Everyone makes bad decisions sometimes and he didn't want to have to tell their parents the bad decision their child made while he was working.

           I gazed at the marvelous trees and green grass.  This was the most spectacular place in the world.  Thinking about it, I knew that heaven would be similar to this.  The leaves came in all shades and tints of green and the soil was rich and dark brown; the air was clean and the waters were clear.  Why wouldn't God pick a place like this to live?  Add some gold and angels and you have heaven.

           I smiled.  I didn't want to leave but the only thing that I could think was at least I got to see it again this summer.  I wouldn't have ever known what I was missing if I had wanted to live with Mom (not that I would).

           Mom and Dad had been divorced for several years now.  It happened mainly because Mom had found someone else.  She disappeared when I was thirteen and came back right after my fourteenth birthday, asking Dad for a divorce.  She went to court to try to take the only person that Dad had left to care about: me.  His parents were dead so he had no one to stand beside him but me.  I think Mom only wanted to fight for me out of spite.  I don't think that she really wanted me.  I don't even think that she even loved me.  How could she just take off and leave me behind for a year while she spent the time being with men and gambling and acting like a teenager.  The whole while my father stayed home from doing anything but working to take care of an adolescent.  I hated her for hurting Dad.  I don't even care about her hurting me.  I just hated how upset Dad became.

           Thinking of these things disturbed me so I quickly thought of Melissa.  She was my best friend.  I would be seeing her soon, which was something good to think about.  We can catch up on things and enjoy our senior year together.  I thought of her ruby red lips curved into that kooky grin that she always wore with her large blue eyes shining along with her short brown hair in pigtails.  She was always so happy just to be alive.

           Thinking of Melissa reminded me of Conner.  He was happy and handsome.  He was smart too.  His eyes were a dark, forest, green and his brown hair was kept short and messy.  He lived a few floors above me in our apartment building.  I missed him too.  The last day we spent together he had kissed me.  And I didn't stop it.  I don't know whether I wanted it to happen or if I was just caught up in a moment.  I had never thought about Conner romantically before.

           I leaned up against a tree to rest and sniffed the bark.  It had a nice piney smell.  I would definitely miss this place.  I sighed.  Too bad we couldn't come back after graduation.  I couldn't.  I had to get a job for college.  I could move down here after college.  Dad would see me every year from June until August.  Yea.  That sounded like a nice dream.  I could go to college to be a doctor and become another town doctor.  Or, maybe I would get my business degree and open up a restaurant.

           "Hey, Phoebe!  Wait up!"

           I turned around and saw Leo, the island "clown."  He was a major goof-ball.  He was also my best frien here.  He was one of the few teenagers here that is my age.  There are only about ten of us on this island that are going into our senior year.  It is strange and cool at the same time.

           "Yes?  What do you want?"  I asked, playfully.

           I stood still, facing him, arms folded.  He caught up to me and smiled.  His teeth were amazingly white.  His eyes were gray and his hair was black.  He had a skin color of an Indian because he was always in the sun.  I had to look up at the five foot eight as I was only five foot four.

           "Can I walk you home?"  He asked innocently.

           "I guess so.  If you want to."  I shrugged.

           We began to walk.  My arms were swinging at my sides as we strolled.  I gazed around, trying to remember everything that was perfect.  It was impossible.  Everything here was perfect and that is just too much to see at one time.  I would definitely miss that.

           "I'm going to miss you."  He said.  We stopped walking.

           I stared at his eyes and smiled.

           "What is so funny?" He demanded, shoving me away from the tree.

           I laughed as we played.  I pushed him back.

           "Nothing.  You just make me happy.  You are so hilarious.  It's hard for me to see you be so serious.  But, yea, I suppose I'm going to miss you too."

           He smiled at me and I smiled back.

           "I really wish you could stay.  I don't want to go another year without seeing you."

           I laughed.  "It'll be okay.  It's not like you're never going to see me again."

           "Are you coming back next summer?"

           My smile faded.  "I don't know. I have to get a job for college."

           He shook his head.  "You can get a job here.  Just please come back.  I need you to."

           "Okay.  I can probably come back one more time until college.  But after that I won't have enough time."

           We started to walk again and didn't stop until we made it back to Dad's hut.  It was made from some kind of island material, like bamboo, and was three rooms: one living room and two bedrooms.  Everyone shared a community bathroom and kitchen.  It wasn't my favorite aspect of the island but it saved on water and other natural resources.

           "Promise me that you will be back next summer."  He demanded.

           "Why are you acting like this?  So serious?  You are normally so fun and energetic."

           He shrugged and smiled at me.  I didn't want to say goodbye yet.  I would be seeing him later on tonight, after all.  I have been saying bye for three years now.  This was my home away from home.  I hated leaving.  It got harder every year.  This place was better than home.  Leo and I hugged tight.

           "I'll miss you."  He said hugging me tighter.

           "I'll miss you, too."  I admitted.

           I pulled away stared him in his eyes.  His hands were in mine.  I smiled a small smile and he kissed my hand and backed away.  My smile widened and I opened the door.  I looked at him again and waved.  He followed suite and took another step back.

           "Don't forget about me!"  He warned jokingly.

           "It isn't possible."  I called laughing.

           I closed the door and saw Dad sitting on the couch.  He was looking at me.  He looked sad.  I knew that he didn't want to leave either.  He was friends with Molly's mom and Leo's parents.

           I walked over to him and sat down beside him.  We looked at each other.

           "Can I ask you for some advice?"  He asked.

           I nodded.  I was surprised.  He normally didn't ever ask me for advice on anything.  Not even what tie to wear.  He was the type of person to hold in all of his emotions until he exploded.  Which is exactly what I did.

           "I don't want to leave."  He admitted.

           I nodded.  I understood completely.  This place was extraordinary.

           "Do you think that it would be wrong of me to start seeing other people?"  He asked slowly, looking at the floor.

           "No."  I shook my head.  "You deserve someone to make you happy.  You need to see women.  It would do you some good.  Dria moved on.  So should you."  I explained.

           "You understand that my job requires me to go from Boston to here every year?"

           "Obviously."  I pointed out.

           "Well...what if I quit?"

           "And stay permanently in Boston?"  I asked stunned.

           He shook his head.  I was confused.

           "There is nothing for me in Boston.  I really love it here, Phebes.  This is my new home."

           I nodded.

           "This is what I need your advice on, Sweetie."

           I looked at him.  His cleanly shaven face was sad and confused.  His brown hair was messy from frustration.

           "I can't tell you what to do, Dad.  I love it here just as much as you do.  I know we have a life in Boston but we can make a life her too.  Just do what will make you happiest.  Whichever you choose I will support and love.  You always make the best decision for us.  I trust you completely."

           I smiled and kissed his forehead.  Then stood up.

           "But for now, I am going to get ready to go watch the fireworks.  I expect you to be there."

           "I will be down there in a few minutes."  He said.

           I went to my bedroom and changed into a short brown skirt and an orange tank top.  I wanted to look really pretty for my last night.  I also pinned the right side of my shoulder length brown hair back with a silver butterfly clip.  I put on a little make-up to bring out my brown eyes.  They were the same as Dad's.

           I took a lot after my father.  Thank goodness.  We both had brown hair and brown eyes.  We had the same wide grin and the same chubby cheeks.

           I left the room and walked to the door.

           "Bye Dad."

           "See you in a few."  He called from his room.

           I left and walked down the sandy beach, along other huts, towards the meeting place: the cafeteria.  Every year they throw a party on this day for Dad and me.  They make a lot of food and set off fireworks.  It was really beautiful and so much fun.  Dad tells them that the party is unnecessary but they always say that they just liked excuses for throwing a party.

           The sun was already down so I was guided by lanterns hanging by doors and the fire at the meeting place.  The island was even prettier at night.

           I walked barefoot because I liked the way the sand felt beneath my feet.  It made me feel comfortable and relaxed.  I could never walk barefoot in Boston.  I might step on something and cut my foot open or catch some kind of disease.  Here, however, I had nothing to worry about.

           I was greeted at the third house by Molly.  She was another friend.  She was wearing a long, baby blue, spaghetti strapped dress that went down to her knees and complimented her tan skin and blue eyes.  Her blonde hair was curled and she wore a headband.  She looked very pretty.  I felt under dressed.

           "Hi!"  Molly exclaimed.

           I smiled and she walked up to me and took my arm.

           "I am so excited."  She said with a bounce.

           "Me too."  I was trying not to think of tomorrow.

           "Can you believe that we only have one year of school left?"  She asked.

           "No.  I still remember not being old enough to go to school."

           Jamie joined us, coming from the hut next to Molly's.  She grabbed a hold of Molly's arm and we continued on our way.

           Jamie was wearing a brown skirt that went down past her knees and a brown tank top that had a brown sequence at the top.  Her hair was cut short and wore light make-up to bring out her brown eyes.  Her skin tone was lighter than Molly and Leo's but still darker than mine.  I kind of wanted to go home to change into my green silk dress that flowed to the ground.  But that would have looked silly; it was too formal.

           We saw several people making their way to the destination point.  Many were children and a few were parents and adults.  The children were playing around, running and laughing.  Everyone was having a great time and we weren't even there yet.  There were a few that were dressed up but most wore casual clothes.  That made me feel a little less uncomfortable to be standing with Molly and Jamie.

           I thought about what Dad had asked me.  Was he going to stay here?  Or were we going to stay in Boston?  I had no idea.  Either decision we would have to leave tomorrow to get ready for school or pack up everything we needed and wanted.    Jamie looked at me.

           "What?"  I asked as she continued to stare.

           "Nothing."  She quickly looked away.

           She and Molly started to giggle.  I didn't know what was so funny but I had a feeling that they were hiding something from me.  I shook my head and looked away.  I didn't even want to ask.  I was too afraid of the answer.

           Leo and Brian ran up to us from a few huts back.  We were almost there, maybe twenty feet away.  Leo was wearing his tan khakis and a white polo.  His hair was combed down on his forehead.  He looked really handsome.  Brian was wearing brown khakis and a light blue polo.  They, too, were barefoot, along with us three girls.  What was the point in wearing shoes?  You would just get sand in them.

           "Hi Brian."  Molly said with a wink.

           "Hey," Brian said back, blue eyes sparkling.

           Brian was a few months younger than me, still only sixteen.  Molly and Leo were almost eighteen.  Jamie was already eighteen.  I would be eighteen in December.  We were all going into our senior year.  The other four that were our age lived on the other side of the island so we would be meeting them at the party.  Leo lived on the other side too, but was hanging out with Brian.  I smiled at the four.  It was so exciting.  I felt a twinge in my stomach as I caught Leo staring at me with smile on his face.  I quickly looked ahead of me.

           "Do you think that they will have popcorn?"  Jamie asked.

           "Yea.  Mom said that they ordered it two months ago and it came in yesterday."  Molly said excitedly.  Her mom worked in the kitchen.

           Leo and Brian took off and raced the last ten feet.  It was ridiculous.  Brian's shoulder length brown hair flowed behind him. Leo's hair was shorter, about an inch or two long and was jet black; it was also blowing in the wind as he ran.  Leo won the race but not by much.  They ran inside, dodging people.

           We walked into the hut that was used as the dining area.  It was one of the largest huts.  Most of the tables were gone but few remained, lining the walls to leave plenty of the floor for a dancing area.  It was decorated beautifully.  There were streamers and balloons of every color, lining the walls, ceiling, tables, and floor.  The tables were decorated with confetti and centerpieces of flowers and balloons.  They had outdone themselves again.

           "Oh my goodness!"  Molly shrieked.  "This is so beautiful!"

           "I know!  It must have taken hours!"  Jamie shouted above the music.

           "Want to dance?"  Michael, another seventeen year old asked, stepping up beside us.

           "Who?"  Molly yelled.


           "Okay."  Molly said.  She pushed me forward.

           I hated to dance.  I always felt uncomfortable, like everyone was watching me.  And it wasn't because I didn't know how to dance.  I had had lessons when I was younger.  I was actually very good.  I just didn't like people watching me.  But I stepped forward anyway.  I might as well have fun.  Who cares what people thought about me?  I didn't live here.

           I laughed as Michael pulled my hand and led me deep into the crowd on the dance floor.  Once he had made his way to the middle he stopped and faced me and we started to dance.  After the song was over, Molly, Jamie, and Madison came up and snatched me away.

           "We want to spend time with her too!"  Jamie told him.

           We laughed as us four girls started to dance.

           We continued for about an hour, laughing and playing.  We were having a great time.  I didn't even think of having to leave.  I just thought about having fun with my friends.  After dancing until we were exhausted and needed a break, we found a table to sit around until we caught our breaths.

           I sat in the seat, looking around.  Most of the people on the dance floor were young teens and older children.  Many of the adults were dancing too.  There were about seventy people dancing.  There were about fifty people sitting at the tables and fifteen kids running around playing.

           "I am going to go get us some popcorn.  Who wants to help me with the soda?"  I asked, suddenly feeling like I needed to get up.

           "I will!" Leo volunteered, appearing behind me.

           I jumped and everyone laughed.  I hadn't seen him in a while so he really startled me.  The rest of the group was there, grabbing a chair.  We would need nine sodas and a lot of popcorn.  I shook my head and walked away; Leo followed closely behind me.

           "Having fun?"  He asked.

           "Yes.  It's always great!" I said.  "What about you?"

           "Yea.  We didn't get to dance yet, though."

           "We can dance later.  We still have all night."

           "Alright, but I'm holding you to your word."

           I couldn't help but laugh at him.

           We reached the table where the supplies were and I looked at the popcorn machine and several rows of bowls.  I found the biggest bowl possible and grabbed it.  Then I opened the door and filled the bowl up until it was coming over the top without spilling.

           I looked at Leo.  He had his arms full of root beer bottles.  I couldn't help but to smile at him, he looked a little ridiculous.  We walked back to the table, more carefully this time, trying not to spill anything.

           We made it back safely and sat everything down on the table, popcorn in the middle.  I sat down by the wall and Leo quickly sat beside me.  We talked and laughed and ate popcorn.

           "Watch this."  Leo said.

           He tilted his head back and placed a piece of popcorn on his nose, balancing.  It was so funny.  He resembled a seal balancing a ball.  Finally he bobbed his head up, trying to send the kernel in the air.  It fell onto his chest and rolled to the floor.  We all laughed at him.

           A slow song came on and Molly stood up.  She grabbed Brian's hand and pulled him onto the floor.  He went with her, smiling from ear to ear.  Morgan (eighteen) and Alex (seventeen) also left to dance.  Madison asked Leo to dance and they left too.  Jamie had taken off to the bathroom previously, so it was just me and Michael.  He stood up and held out his hand.  I took it and we walked to the dance floor.  I felt a little awkward.  I didn't like being this close to Michael.

           Michael took my left hand and placed it on his shoulder.  Then he took my right hand in his left hand and put his right hand on my back.  He pulled me close until our bodies were almost touching.  I looked around and watched the other dancers as we danced slowly.  He led me in many directions, being careful not to run over top of me.  He wasn't such a bad dancer.  I smiled.  We danced for a few minutes.  The song was almost over.

           He dipped me and I began to giggle like there was something funny happening.  I don't think I had ever been dipped before in my life.  It was a strange feeling.

           "What? Am I doing it wrong?"  He asked.

           I laughed harder.  "No, it’s just really funny to see you trying to be a romantic."  That made me laugh harder.

           Another slow song came on and Leo walked up to us.

           "Want to dance now?"  He asked me.

           "Sure."  I said, still laughing.

           Leo held me the same way Michael did, only this time, for some reason, it wasn't so funny.  Leo pulled me closer to him as the song sped up.  We danced a little faster.  I melted.  It was more romantic than the dance I shared with Michael.  I didn't mind the closeness with Leo.  It was an odd feeling to know that I was really enjoying it.  I actually leaned in and enjoyed it.

           When the song ended Leo kissed my hand.  I smiled as he walked away.  I turned and saw Morgan.  She was standing behind me, holding hands with Alex.  She looked stunned.

           "Do you want to explain that?"  She asked.

           "Explain what?  Nothing happened.  We were just dancing." I smiled.  "Catch you guys later."

           "Well thanks for nothing."  She said with a smile as I walked away.

           I walked to the girls' bathroom and looked at my complexion in the mirror.  I was smiling from ear to ear and my cheeks were rosy.  Maybe Morgan was right to question me.  Maybe it was more than just a dance.  Could I have feelings for Leo?  I couldn't possibly.  It had to just be the night.  The romance.  It was dark and loud and impossible to think or to understand any real feelings.  Of course I was fabricating some nice romantic thoughts about Leo and I being together.  He was attractive and a very good dancer.  That was all there was too it.

           Molly and Jamie and Madison and Morgan walked in the bathroom.  None were giggling so I knew that they must have been looking for me.

           I smiled at them.  They were either worried about me or looking for some juicy gossip.  Either way they weren't getting any information.

           "Are you okay?"  Morgan asked.

           "Of course I am.  I just needed a little air.  It's really hot in there."  It wasn't exactly a lie.

           "Are you sure?  You're smiling awfully wide."

           "Yea.  Of course.  I'm just having a lot of fun.  You're smiling too."

           They gave me weird looks.

           "Are you sure you aren't starting anything up with someone, right before you have to leave?"  Madison asked.  "Because I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt."

           I knew that she was angry with me because she liked Leo.  She had always liked Leo.  And I didn't want to start anything up.  I'm not the one who asked him to dance, he asked me.  Besides, even if I did want to be with him, he didn't kiss her hand.  Was she so angry?  Did that mean he had feelings for me and it was starting to show?  Is that why he's been acting strange all night?  I had a small sense of happiness.

           "Trust me; I'm not trying to start anything up.  I leave first thing in the morning.  I'm not interested in one night stands.  I danced with you and you aren't accusing me of wanting to start anything up with you.  Now come on, let's go.  The fireworks should be starting soon."  I ventured.

           "Yea.  They're setting up now."  Molly said.

           We left the restroom and walked to the beach.  The cafeteria was already emptying as everyone piled outside to get a look.  We met up with the boys near the back of the crowd.  They were all sitting around and horse playing.

           I heard firecrackers, which were the warning for everyone to get settled.  I quickly laid out the blanket I had brought and laid back and stared at the sky.  Michael scooted closer to me and laid beside me.  Maybe he was just trying to squeeze on the blanket to stay out of the sand.

           "This is so exciting!"  Jamie said, hugging her knees.

           Molly looked at Brian then whispered something in his ear.  He laughed in responce.  I wasn't even curious as to what she said.  Alex wrapped his arm around Morgan and she kissed his cheek.  They had been together for two years now and acted slightly like a married couple.  They loved each other but were over the cute romantic phase.  They were now in the comfortable phase, which looked like something to look forward to.

           I smiled slightly.  We all stared at the sky, waiting for the first boom.  It came quickly.  It was amazing.  I loved fireworks.  They were so beautiful.  Each one sparkled a different color and size.  It was like exploding magic in the sky.  I looked over at Jamie; she was fixated on the sky.  I looked at Molly.  Then I looked away quickly because she and Brian were entagled in each others arms, kissing fiercly. 

           I looked over at Michael.  He was looking at me.  I looked him in the eyes, trying to figure him out.  Why was he staring at me?  Was he going to kiss me?  What would I do?  I wasn't interested in him like that.  Was he interested in me?  Is that why he was acting so strange tonight?


           Another firework went off and Michael jerked away from me and looked at the sky.  I sat up and tried not to think about what almost happened.

           A half hour later the fireworks were over.  Everyone was laughing and Molly and Brian had finally stopped kissing.

           "Want to go swimming?"  Molly asked everyone.

           "Sure!"  Brian said.

           "Um...okay."  Morgan and Alex agreed.

           "I don't feel up to it."  Jamie said.  "I think that I am going to go home and go to bed."

           "I'll walk with you Jamie."  I said.  "I need to go home to tell Dad and get my bathing suit."

           "I'll go with you guys.  That way you don't have to walk back by yourself."  Michael volunteered.

           Leo gave us a sideways look.  The look clearly showed that he didn't trust Michael.  He has probably been noticing the looks he's been giving me all night.  Did it bother him?  Doesn't that show that he likes me?  I smiled at Leo when nobody was looking and saw him smile back.  His smile warmed me.

           "Okay."  Jamie agreed.

           "Okay.  See you guys in a bit."  Molly said, running to the water.

           A part of me didn't want Michael to come.  I was afraid that he would try to kiss me again.  I didn't want him to get the wrong impression.  Besides, I was leaving in the morning.  Maybe forever.  No matter what I told Leo, I didn't know if I'd be back next summer or not.

           We headed up the beach.  Jamie didn't look sleepy but a little irritated.

           It didn't take long to reach Jamie's hut. 

           "See you guys later."  She said before she went inside.

           Michael and I continued on to my hut.  It didn't take too much longer to reach it.

           "Do you want to wait in the living room while I change?"  I asked as I opened the door.

           "Sure."  He followed in behind me.

           "Two minutes."  I promised.

           "Take your time.  I'll sit here."

           I smiled and closed my bedroom door.  The entire hut was made from straw and bamboo.  I was never more aware of how thin straw and bamboo was and how very naked I was.

           "What would your dad say if he came in right now and saw me sitting on his couch?"

           "Oh.  I don't know.  He may be worried.  He might not even care."  I yelled through the door.

           "Oh.  He should probably be worried."

           "What do you mean?"

           I walked out of the bedroom in my bathing suit and a skirt.  I didn't want to walk all the way to the beach in just my bathing suit.

           Michael whistled.  "You look great."  He said.

           I rolled my eyes.  "You see me like this all the time."

           "Yea.  Right.  And you're pretty all those other times too."

           "What did you mean he should be worried?"  I asked.  I started to walk past the couch.  I felt his hand on mine.  It was soft but awkward.

           "It means I like you."  He leaned in to kiss me.

           I pulled away from him.  "Listen, Michael, I'm not..."  I stopped.  I didn't want to hurt his feelings.  "I'm leaving tomorrow.  I may not be back for years.  I don't want to start anything up.  I'm sorry."

           The door opened and Dad walked in.  Michael and I jumped quickly.  I could feel my face grow hot and knew that it was red.  I avoided Michael and Dad's eyes.  I was afraid of what would happen.  Was Dad going to get angry?  Was he going to say something?  I didn't want my dad to see me turning a guy down but I didn't want him to think that we were a couple either.

           "Um...Am I interrupting something?"  Dad asked, confused.

           "No.  We were just going to go swimming with Molly and the others."  I said.

           Dad gave me a questioning look as he walked in the living room and sat down on the couch.

           "Okay.  Be careful."  He said.  "Scream if you need me."

           I laughed like he was joking.  But I knew that he was serious.  He didn't trust boys around me.  He was a typical father in that aspect.  I would always be his baby girl.

           I knew that he was going to let me stay out as long as I wanted because this was our last night here.  I could sleep on the plane, if he wasn't hounding me about this.

           We left the house and walked slowly down the beach.  I couldn't tell what he was thinking.  I was thinking of what had just happened.  I looked at him.  He was looking at me.  I quickly looked at the ground.  I didn't want him to be upset.  But I didn't want to lead him on either.

           He stopped walking and looked at me.  "Sorry.  For what I did.  I just really like you and...well...I knew that I only had tonight to make my move and see if you like me too.  Guess it was stupid of me.  I should have figured you could never like me like that."

           I felt terrible.  "Don't be sorry.  It's sweet, really.  But I don't feel that way about you.  I've never thought about you like that.  And I'm leaving tomorrow.  I can't get involved with someone.  I don't even know when I'll be back."

           "Well thanks for turning me down easy."

           I smiled at him and laughed.  "No problem."

           When we got to the beach we saw Molly, Brian, Leo, Madison, Morgan, and Alex.  They were all in the pool of water, playing and laughing.  This was the best night of the summer, being together, hanging out.

           We walked to the water.  When we reached it, I took off my skirt.  Michael quickly looked away.  It seemed as if he was avoiding me.  It didn't matter.  I felt as if I wasn't wearing enough clothes.  Now that he had openly commented about the way I look I felt vulnerable and naked.

           We waded in the water.  It was cool but not cold.  Maybe that was because my body temperature was already up from all of the embarrassment.

           "It is about time you two showed up!"  Molly shouted.

           I ducked under the water and swam fast, as far as I could.  I came up for air and saw that I was only a few feet from the gang.

           "So...what do you think?  Isn't it great?"  Molly said, only to me.

           "Isn't what great?  What are you talking about?"  I asked, wiping my eyes.

           "He hasn't told you yet?"  She looked stunned.

           "Who?  Told me what?"  I said.

           "Your dad!"

           "What?"  I was perplexed and starting to get angry with her persistant questions.  I had no idea what she was going on about.

           "My mom and your dad are finally engaged.  I can't believe you aren't excited."

           "Huh?  What!"  I was shocked.

           "He asked her during the fireworks.  How romantic is that?  Isn't that great?  We are going to be sisters!"

           "Who else knows?"  I wondered, feeling left out.

           "Everyone but those of you who left earlier.  Mom told us after you left.  She was so happy and excited she was crying.  I figured your dad would be excited too.  I wonder why he didn't tell you."  She sounded a little snooty.

           I knew why.  It was because Michael and I looked like we were involved in an intimate moment and he was shocked from the surprise.  I wasn't going to tell Molly that, though.

           "Well...we were leaving when he got up there; he didn't have enough time to say anything.  He was probably going to wait until later."

           I looked around and saw that Michael was talking to Leo.  I didn't know what he was saying.  Leo looked a little frustrated and was talking quickly but quietly.  When they noticed me looking Leo smiled at me and waved.  A smile erupted on my face and I waved back.

           It suddenly began to rain and we heard a clash of thunder.  We all swam as fast as we could to the beach.  When we reached the shore I only stopped for my skirt and towel.  I hurriedly slipped it on and ran, catching up to the others who had left their clothes further up the beach.  Then we all were running to the cafeteria. 

           When we got in there, we dried off and found a table.  Molly ran over to the stereo and put on some music.

           People were pairing off.  Brian and Molly were dancing together again.  Alex and Morgan were already on the dance floor.  Michael jumped up quickly and grabbed Madison's hand, leading her off.  He didn't look real happy, though.

           I smiled as Leo nodded towards the dance floor.  We stood up and walked slowly.  Leo grabbed my hand.  I felt a little like a princess as we began dancing.  I felt like the only woman in the world.

           We danced slowly; he held me tightly.  He led me slowly and we gazed into each others eyes.  I had never noticed how handsome he was.  I suddenly wished that it was June so that Leo and I could be together for a few more months.  Could I really be attracted to Leo and just realizing it for the first time tonight?

© 2014 Donise Sheppard

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Added on February 26, 2014
Last Updated on February 26, 2014


Donise Sheppard
Donise Sheppard

Delbarton, WV

I am a twenty-three year old mother of three, two boys and a girl. I have been married for almost five years. I inspire to be a young adult fiction writer. I have written a romance and a science ficti.. more..
