

A Story by Alex Doherty

This is an amine series. The Shihou Ability gives one power over certian things for example. Raiden Kyoraku the main character has power over water and ice. he can create and manipulate it at will.


Name: Raiden Kyoraku

Age: 23

Theme: wants to kill Riku for having his father killed and taking his mother away

Status: One with Shihou ability being hunted

Shihou:  Power over ice and water

Favourite Colour: Blue

Mood: Serious, calm, flashes of depression, determined.

Likes: Mizuki Matsumoto

Dislikes: Hot weather & The Colony

Name: Kenji

Age: 26

Theme:  Captain Haruo’s Lieutenant

Status:  Elite squad of the Colony

Favourite Colour: Green

Mood: Loves to fight, Obedient, somewhat of a smart arse.

Likes:  Fighting, drinking

Dislikes:  any one undermines Captain Haruo

Name: Hisashi Sadao

Age: 24

Theme: Do anything for his best friend

Status: Raiden’s best friend

Favourite Colour: Purple

Mood: Happy, Playful and a Comic

Likes:  Comedy, Food and Girls

Dislikes: Healthy Foods, Chores and being left out.

Name: Riku Nakamura 

Age: 35

Theme: wants the the Shihoen's powers

Status: Leader of the colony

Shihou:  Power over fire

Favourite Colour: Red

Mood: Angry, fierce, merciless, soft spot for puppies.

Likes: Puppies and controlling the 6 Colonies  

Dislikes: Annoying Questions and people who get in his way


Name: Captain Haruo

Age: 36

Status: Captain of the elite squad

Favourite Colour: silver

Mood: Curious, calm, 

Likes: Trying to do the right thing

Dislikes: being used

Name: commander Koboyashi

Age: 32

Theme: Bad guy

Status: Riku’s right hand man

Shihou: Intelligence- mind can meld with any machine

Favourite Colour: Orange

Mood: Unhappy, dark, obedient.

Likes: training

Dislikes: Pretty much everything except Riku Nakamura


Name: Yoshihiro Kyoraku

Age: 35

Theme: teacher to Raiden

Status: Father to Raiden

Shihou: Power over metal

Favourite colour:  Brown

Mood: loving, calm, happy

Likes: spending time with his wife and child   

Dislikes: the colony

Name: Michio Kyoraku

Age: 32

Status: Mother

Favourite Colour: Pink

Mood: Caring, loves her son and husband do anything for them

Likes: Watching her son and husband train

Dislikes: Cleaning the blood afterwards

S  H  I  H  O  U








Episode One: RAIDEns HISTORY.


“Commander Koboyashi have you found the metal Shihou?” said Riku as he walked past Commander Koboyashi’s desk.

The Commander turned to face Riku. “Not yet sir I’m working on it at triple speed.”

Riku turned with the end of his black coat flaring out grazing the back of the Commanders head. “We can’t have someone wandering around loose with the ability to control metal. You have twenty four hours.” The doors opened.

Commander Koboyashi turned back to his computer when Riku walked out of the room.

“Shihou” The commander raised his right arm as a pair of glasses melds into his palm. Koboyashi then puts them on and goes back to work. The silver framed glasses started to get in sync with the computer and green writing starts scrolling on the pitch black lenses. Within three hours Koboyashi calls for Riku to come back to the research building in the 2nd colony.

“What do you have for me Commander Koboyashi?” Riku asked as he walked through the automatic doors.

“Well sir Yoshihiro Kyoraku lives in Kyoushikyouku he has a wife Michio Kyoraku and a son Raiden Kyoraku. Yoshihiro Kyoraku is the metal Shihou.” The commander handed his report to Riku then sat back down.

“Good work Koboyashi sparing turned out good for me after all.” The commander smiled

“Glad to help sir.”


In the town of Kyoushikyouku the Kyoraku family was having a Barbeque celebrating Raiden’s 14th birthday.

“Honey could you grab the presents for Raiden.” Michio asked while setting up the tables. Yoshihiro smiled and walked inside. Raiden and Hisashi Sadao were running around the tables playing.

“Hey Raiden can you show me your power please you said you would at your party.” Hisashi asked with his eyes closed smiling scratching the back of his head. Raiden smiled back and nodded, as he was raising his arm Yoshihiro came back out

“Present time son.” Raiden then dropped his arm and ran over to his father.

“After presents” Raiden yelled out to Hisashi. Hisashi shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the table with all the presents.

“Okay first this is from me and your mother.” Yoshihiro said smiling as Raiden ripped off the wrapping paper. Once all the wrapping paper was torn off the box Raiden picked up the necklace from inside the box “Your Grandfather gave that to me when I was your age and now I’m giving it to you.”

 Raiden smiled at his father and put the necklace around his neck. “Hey father what’s the symbol on the necklace mean?” Raiden asked looking up into his father’s metallic silver eyes.

“It’s the symbol of the Shihou son.” Hisashi looked a little confused to the conversation but decided to stay out of it and ask Raiden later.

Back in the 2nd Colony Riku and his men were getting ready to set out for Kyoushikyouku.

“Excuse me sir but my men haven’t been briefed on our mission yet.” Said captain Haruo Riku pointed at Commander Koboyashi then walked to his office.

“I’m sorry Commander but my men need to be briefed.” The Commander turned to Captain Haruo, Commanders long white hair waved as a gush of wind passed them both.

“Ten minutes in the hall get your men there.” He said turning back continuing doing his work.

The captain walked back to the Armoury where all his men were suiting up. As Haruo stepped into the Armoury he see’s that his men weren’t there. Thinking the only other place would be the mess hall Captain Haruo turned and walked down the hall.

 Walking past Riku Nakamura’s office Haruo felt a scorching heat coming from behind the door. The blinds were shut so Haruo couldn’t look into the room.

 Feeling it best to keep moving before Riku caught him out the front of his office Haruo jogged down to the mess hall.

“So what’s this mission about anyway?” Haruo heard his men talking from inside the mess hall. *I knew it* Haruo thought to him self.

 Opening the door bout to scream at his men for being a bunch of alcoholic bums, he noticed that they were all in there gear ready to go on the mission.

“What’s the matter Captain?” one of the elites asked. The Captain stood up straight

“We have to go to the research hall now for our briefing.” Captain Haruo turned and walked back to the Armoury to put on his gear. About five minutes later the Captain got to the research hall.

“Bout time Captain.” Commander Koboyashi said turning to the rest of the elite.

“My apologizes Commander.” Haruo said sitting with the rest of his men.

“Ok now onto the briefing. We are to go to the town of Kyoushikyouku and apprehend Yoshihiro Kyoraku the Metal Shihou in any way possible but he must be alive. Any questions?” Commander Koboyashi asked looking directly at Captain Haruo.

“Who is he other then the Metal Shihou?” the bulky guy with the black bandana over his head asked. The Commander turned to him and looked at his clipboard.

“Kenji isn’t it?” he nodded. “All you need to know is we need him alive kill anyone who gets in your way. But you’re going to have to be careful, as you know he has the power to make and manipulate metal.” As the Commander was about to turn away Kenji asked another question.

“Are we allowed to hurt him, like maybe cut him up before capturing him?” Kenji asked spinning a kunai knife around his index finger. The Commander stopped and reached into his lab coat pocket. He pulled out a syringe and passed it over to the Captain

“Distract him then jab him in the neck with this it will knock him out for 12 hours. And don’t damage him to much.” The elites all nodded there heads and moved out to the helipad where they will meet Riku before they leave.

Once they got up to the helipad Riku Nakamura was standing along side the helicopter.

“Listen carefully if Yoshihiro dies while you’re on this mission I’ll see to it personally you all turn to ash in front of your loved ones.” Riku then walked past Haruo placing his hand on the Captains shoulder. “Seeing as you’ve no loved ones I’ll slowly burn you in front of you’re men to show them what they have to look forward to.” Captain Haruo gulped

“Understood sir” Riku nodded then walked back inside.

“Holy s**t what’s so important about this Shihou anyways?” Kenji said stepping onto the helicopter.


Two days later in Kyoushikyouku Yoshihiro was training with his son.

“Shihou” Raiden said raising his arm as all the moisture in the air formed a katana in his hand. Then the water froze swinging the sword of ice in front of him pointing at his father it turned into a proper katana.

    “Not bad son… Shihou!” Yoshihiro said and two metal handles formed in his hands. The metal of the blades came around his knuckles and straight out forming a blade one each fist.

     “No matter how many times I see that dad it’s just awesome.” Raiden said making his dad laugh. After his little chuckle Yoshihiro got into his fighting stance. Raiden then slide his foot back and raised his arm with his sword up so the sword crosses his face.

     “Bring it on dad.” Raiden said making another sword in his left hand. Charging at his father Raiden slashes down and many different directions only to be blocked by Yoshihiro.

     Raiden came in for one last slash at Yoshihiro’s head but he deflected it with one blade and turned his other blade into a thick metal cylinder and shot it out crashing into Raiden’s sternum sending him flying back. Getting back onto his feet Raiden slammed his two swords together melding into one sword. Raising his right hand over his left shoulder

    “Shihou: Shimobashira” Raiden said swinging his katana down across his body bringing his sword out on the right side. About one hundred ice needles shot out of the katana’s swing heading straight for Yoshihiro.

    “S**t.. Shihou: Kinnzoku kabeu” punching the ground with both of his blades Yoshihiro made a metal wall sprout out of the ground and block all the ice needles. “That was a good move wasn’t expecting you to be able to use your ice power yet.”

    Raiden laughed and spiralled his sword in front of his torso.

    “You think that was good. Shihou: Mizuzeme” thrusting his sword forward a sphere of water surrounded Yoshihiro, every time Raiden swung his sword a whirlpool of water would pierce Yoshihiro’s skin. After three strikes Raiden let the sphere down.

    Yoshihiro was panting on his hands and knees.

    “That’s my boy you’re progressing much faster then I’d hope. But how long have you been able to use the two elements Water and Ice?” Yoshihiro asked as Michio came outside with a tray and a jug of lemonade.

    “Couple months now is that good that I can use two?” Yoshihiro still with a stunned look on his face wiping the blood of his arms and chest said

    “Its just I have never met another Shihou user that can use two. It’s not a bad thing.” Michio ran back inside and brought out a couple bandages. Raiden poured himself and his father a glass of lemonade.

    “Here you go father sorry for cutting you up.” Yoshihiro chuckled again

     “It’s ok son after you finish I’ll get you back.”

    “You ready?” Yoshihiro asked getting into fighting stance. Raiden nodded and did the same. “Shihou: Kinnzoku Senbon” throwing both fists forward Yoshihiro shot a rapid fire barrage of metal needles.

    Raiden shot his right arm straight up, his katana pointing to the heavens. “Shihou: Kouryou!” Sharply slashing down the metal needles were devoured by the Rain Dragon Kouryou.

    Dashing around the Dragon Yoshihiro went for a hook to Raiden’s face. But Raiden saw it coming and blocked with his katana. Jumping back Yoshihiro looked for an opening.

The water surrounding the Dragon started to ripple.

    “What Raiden Lower you Shihou now!” Yoshihiro said losing his Peta blades.

    “Okay father but what’s going on?” the dragon disappeared and the katana melted into the grass.

    “Raiden I need you to run and hide don’t come out till I tell you to and if I don’t, do not use your Shihou unless it’s an emergency. Understand.” Looking all confused Raiden ran and hid in the neighbour’s yard. Turning back to Michio who was watching them train Yoshihiro said “Get in the house.”

    Yoshihiro walked out the front where a helicopter was landing. *This could be bad* Yoshihiro thought to himself.

    The cargo bay door opened about three metres before touch down and about ten people jumped landing on Yoshihiro’s lawn,

    “You Yoshihiro?” Captain Haruo asked as another ten men jumped out of the chopper.

    “Who’s asking?” Yoshihiro responded. The Captain took two steps forward

    “My name is Haruo I’m the Captain of the elite squad sent from the colony by Riku Nakamura to take Yoshihiro back to the 2nd colony.” Captain Haruo’s men lined up in formation.

    “Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Yoshihiro raised both his arms out with his head down. “You made a smart choice.” Captain Haruo stepped a few steps closer to Yoshihiro.

    “Shihou: Kinnzoku Senbon.” Firing at all of Haruo’s men hitting four of them between the eyes, Yoshihiro dashed up behind another three “Shihou: Kinnzoku Keimusho.” Metal wall encased the three elites “Shihou: Kinnzoku Senbon” a barrage of metal needles shot at the three imprisoned elites from the walls.

    Yoshihiro extended his Peta blades stabbing two more men straight threw the heart. Captain Haruo charged in through the left and Kenji came in from the right. *S**t can’t bring them in quick enough* Yoshihiro thought. Slamming both arms into his hips Yoshihiro’s blade grew back over both hands and shot out metal rods at the oncoming enemies.

    Being quick enough both Haruo and Kenji were able to block a killing blow but Kenji left shoulder got dislocated.

    “AHHHH F**k” Kenji screamed as he put it back in place. “Captain regroup.” Kenji said running back to the chopper. They turned and faced Yoshihiro thinking of what could be a good distraction when the Captain noticed Michio looking out the window.

    “Kenji I have a plan take the syringe.” Haruo tossed the sedative to Kenji.

    “What’s the plan boss?” Kenji asked putting the syringe his chest pocket.

    “You will know when to strike trust me, just you fight him give me a little time.”

    “Are you going to keep me waiting all day, you colonist dogs?” Yoshihiro said with his chuckle.

    Kenji charged head on with Yoshihiro. Drawing his sword Kenji and Yoshihiro were trading blows

    “We aren’t colonist dogs you Shihouen b*****d!” Kenji screamed just before he got kicked in the gut and elbowed to the back of the head. Kenji dropped to the ground.

    “Shihou: Kinnzoku Kabeu!” punching the ground again the metal wall shot out of the ground taking Kenji with it twenty metres in the air. Lifting his fists out of the ground Yoshihiro the spun and punched the wall shattering it causing Kenji to come crashing down.

    Raiden was hiding in the neighbour’s yard watching the whole thing silently cheering for his father as he kicked the elite’s arses.

    As Kenji came down Yoshihiro kicked his falling body in the gut again then punched him off his leg.

As Yoshihiro was about to administer the killing blow, from behind he heard Captain Haruo.

    “Yoshihiro come with us now or she dies.” Freezing mid strike Yoshihiro turned to see Michio with a knife at her throat.

    Standing up straight again Yoshihiro released his Shihou “Let her go right now or you all will die!” Captain Haruo looked at Yoshihito as his Peta blades grew larger, the veins bulging off the top of Yoshihiro’s head.

    “We have only orders to bring you back with us. I don’t wish to harm you’re family, so don’t force me.”

    Raiden snuck further along the fence line to see what was happening. Seeing his mother at knife point he quickly grabbed his mouth so he didn’t gasp out and give away his position. After the initial shock Raiden started getting angry, slowly raising above the fence lifting his arm up, when Yoshihiro felt his power he turned and saw him about to release Shihou. Turning back to Haruo

    “Don’t do it, RUN!” Yoshihiro said so they wouldn’t notice who he was talking to.

    “Run we have you’re wife why would we run.” Captain Haruo laughed. “So are you going to come with us peacefully?” Just before Yoshihiro could respond Michio screamed out

    “DON’T WORRY ABOUT ME IF THEY TAKE YOU THEY WILL DIE!” Haruo tightened his grip on Michio

    “Quiet you’re not helping” the Captain said looking at Yoshihiro.

    “Ahh!” Michio screamed as a small throwing knife pierced through the right side of her chest and blood slowly streamed down her body.

    As she grabbed her chest in pain she saw Raiden poking his head above the fence.

    “I love you Raiden! I’m sorry” she screamed out with tears flowing out of her eyes, as she kicked Captain Haruo between the legs. Out of reflex his hand slipped and slit her throat.

    “MICHIO!!!! SHIHOU!” extending both blades at Captain Haruo, about two metres from hitting him Kenji managed to inject the syringe into Yoshihiro’s neck.

    His Peta blades vanished and he dropped to the ground

    “Run Raiden ru……” passing out mid sentence, as his head slammed onto the ground.

    “Was that my moment Captain?” Kenji asked holding his gut sitting next to Yoshihiro’s unconscious body.

    “Could have done it a little earlier but thanks for saving me. Now which one of you f**k sticks threw the knife.” Haruo screamed holding his crutch.

    Raiden dropped to the ground crying.

    “It was me sir.” Not even asking any questions Captain Haruo picked the knife out of Michio’s chest and in a flash it was in the elite’s skull.

    “You Terra help Kenji carry Yoshihiro into the chopper the rest get our dead.

    As the chopper flew off, Raiden ran over to his dead mother holding her in his arms crying, the tears mixing in with her blood.

    Hisashi came running over from down the street to see what happened. When he got the he saw Raiden holding his mother with blood all over Raiden and his Michio’s throat slit with blood still dripping out streaming down her body and forming a blood pool on the door step.

    “Oh my god Raiden what happened?” Hisashi lent over and touched Raiden’s shoulder.


    “GO AWAY!” Raiden screamed and shoved Hisashi away.


Four years later, at the age of eighteen Raiden moved back to Kyoushikyouku for his last year of school.

    Heading into classroom 3-05 he looked to the back of the classroom to see Hisashi smiling chatting up two girls.

    “Ok class we have a new student his name is Raiden Kyoraku.” Hisashi looked up and saw his face. A quick flash of Raiden holding his bloody mother popped in his head.

    “Everyone be quiet. Tell us about yourself.” Raiden looked at the class and saw Hisashi staring at him

    “Well umm I lived here four years ago then moved to my Uncles for a while my favourite colour is blue and I don’t like the heat.” Hisashi put his hand straight up.

    “Yes Hisashi.” The teacher looked at Hisashi then back to Raiden.

    “So you know some people then?” Raiden stopped looking at Hisashi for a second and turned to the teacher and pointed at Hisashi.

    “Raiden I know why you left but why didn’t you call to check in I’ve been worried bout you I mean for god sake your last words to me were go away.” Raiden remembered back to that day and looked back to Hisashi

    “I’m sorry” Raiden said trying to hold back the tears. Just before Hisashi could open his mouth again Raiden ran out of the room.

    “Sir may I go after him?” the old man looked at Hisashi and nodded his head. Hisashi ran out after Raiden.

    “Okay that was a little weird anyway back to history.” He turned to the blackboard and started writing.

    “Raiden wait.” Hisashi said running full sprint, Raiden turned his head and saw Hisashi chasing him. “Raiden I didn’t mean for you to get upset with my question back there I was hurt.” Raiden suddenly stopped and Hisashi didn’t realize until he barged into him.

    “You were upset. Upset. My mother was killed in front of me and my dad drugged and taken in a f*****g helicopter to god knows where and you’re telling me you’re upset.” Hisashi stood back up in silence. For a few moments,

    “I’m sorry I didn’t know what happened you just kept telling me to go away.” Raiden dropped to the ground looking at his right hand. Hisashi remembered Raiden showing him his Shihou when at his 14th birthday party.

    “Hey can you still use that shishirow thing.” Raiden looked up at Hisashi and laughed at his pronunciation.

    “It’s Shihou and yes it’s not like I can lose it.” Hisashi laughed and held out his hand.

    “Come on bro lets go back to class we can talk more at lunch. Hell you might be able to show...”

“No Shihou, I don’t use it unless I’m at my uncles training arena sorry.” Hisashi nodded his head and let it go “sorry but my father told me not to use it unless in an emergency.” Hisashi looked at Raiden as they walked back to class.

    *I wonder why Mr Kyoraku means by emergency and why only use it then.* Hisashi thought as they got to the classroom door.                 



© 2010 Alex Doherty

Author's Note

Alex Doherty
i have two more episodes of the first season done workin on the next

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Added on July 29, 2010
Last Updated on July 29, 2010


Alex Doherty
Alex Doherty

Bathurst, central west, Australia

My name is alex im an apprentice chef im 17 i like Anime and alot of different types of movies and tv shows. i like writing stories at the moment i have a couple stories im working on. .. more..
