![]() Rise of The Burning LegionA Story by Fantasy80![]() this is my first story,ENJOY.![]() RISE OF THE BURNING LEGION After Kel’Thuzad the lich resurrected Archimonde the left hand of fallen titan Sargeras,Archimonde became chaotic evil and find his relative Kil’Jaeden on Sunwell Plateau,on the journey to the Sunwell Plateau,Archimonde meet Sylvanas and Varimathras. Varimathras: Lord Archimonde,you arrived. (with happy expression) Archimonde: Haaa i been expecting your arrival Varimathras. Sylvanas: Archimonde?. Archimonde: Yes,milady iam the leader of the scourge once again. Varimathras: Where are you heading lord Archimonde?. Archimonde: Iam looking for my friend Kil’Jaeden at Sunwell Plateau,would you like to join us?. Sylvanas: Okay,we agree to join your journey. Archimonde: Night Elves will pay for what they did to Scourge. After the long conversation,the Northrend is now banished because the spell of Archimonde used to against the Night Elves long ago.And Malfurion Stormrage has warn Tyrande Whisperwind to defend Kalimdor and mankind.”Send the word”,furion said.The World will prepare to fight the scourge and the destroy it what’s left from Burning Legion. Thrall,son of Durotan resurrected the Warsong Clan leader Grommash Hellscream,and explain what is happening right now Thrall: Grom you came back. Grom: Thrall?,what is happening right now?. Thrall: Archimonde has been resurrected by Kel’Thuzad,we must destroy him before he destroy kalimdor. Grom: Damn,i need to go to Kalimdor immediately. Thrall: My army will lead you to Kalimdor. After Grommash Hellscream resurrected,the orcs became incredibly strong,and Jaina Proudmoore will be the leader of Human,Defenders of The Light.Meanwhile Arthas/Ner’zhul has fall from Icecrown Citadel,Blood Elves is lead by Prince Kael’thas.Illidan Stormrage join the Night Elves.Archimonde and Kel’Thuzad finally arrived in Sunwell Plateau,but its too late the Orcs,Human and Night Elves are captured Kil’Jaeden.Archimonde and Kel’Thuzad will require another leader of the scourge.Arthas will be resurrect from Icecrown Citadel. Meanwhile in Kalimdor,Illidan Stormrage arrived and approach to Malfurion for conversation. Malfurion: At last,Illidan my brother. Illidan: How Archimonde resurrected?. Malfurion: He is resurrected by Kel’Thuzad. Illidan: Where is Kil’Jaeden?. Malfurion: Umm.....we capture him,but he break free from the Prison because his spell so strong,cause the cage exploded. Illidan: Okay,i am with you brother. Thrall and Grom make his way to Orgrimmar to free Grom’s son Garrosh Hellscream,Archimonde and his scourge has begin the first assault on Dalaran,Night Elves has attack Archimonde by the Command of Malfurion Stormrage,Maiev Shadowsong has appear in the battle and join the Night Elves.And finally the Night Elves has 4 leaders to destroy the burning legion. However,Thrall and Grom has been attack by the half of the Draenei clan,after defeating draenei clan Thrall and Grom was confront by Sargeras,after all these years Sargeras has return. “Hmm.....So you are the son of durotan and you must be.....Grom” “Get out of our way Sargeras!!!!,i am gonna destroy The Burning Legion once and for all!!!!” “Is that so?......” (Sargeras attack Thrall and Grom) “You dont get it don’t you?......after the dreadlord’s being resurrected by Kel’Thuzad ,The Burning Legion will rise again...(laughs)” After Thrall and Grom was hear what Sargeras said,they
became cautious,Thrall and Grom finally arrived at Orgrimmar,Thrall and Grom help
garrosh out of jail and head back to Kalimdor.Archimonde and his scourge was
defeated by Humans,Night Elves and the Orc,after his failure to capture dalaran.Archimonde started to worry about Kil'Jaeden,on the way,Archimonde saw his left hand Sargeras and Kil'Jaeden with him,And finally Burning Legion has Rise again. © 2013 Fantasy80 |
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