matter what I do,
It’ll never be enough for you.
My job’s not great,
But my life’s not even started yet!
What exactly do you expect?
I’m 22, for Christ’s sake.
I’m at the starting point
Of the road that leads to
The rest of my days.
“8:30's too late!” you say?
But I’m up before you every
And today’s my one day to play.
It’s not “irresponsible”
To relax on my weekend
When Monday to Monday
I'm learning or working.
And please, I beg of you
To cease your shouts
From the foot of the stairs
That I’m lazy and stupid
That I’m not getting anywhere;
That I should be ashamed
Of not oozing perfection
And that I sometimes make mistakes.
It’s not your place to tell me
Who I am or who to be;
This has never been your journey,
So can you please
Just let me be.