![]() A Leap of FaithA Chapter by Paul![]() Section 5 of The Me Primer![]() 5 A Leap of Faith I have ended
up writing about other human-animals much more than I intended to at the
outset. It was inevitable as I tend to socialize with other human-animals.
Since I can only be an expert on myself, I have had to make many educated
guesses about other human-animals. It is my intention to continue to live with
these others, regardless of my level of expertise on them, so a leap of faith is
necessary. It is my hope that they imagine and therefore empathize in much the
same way that I do. But if I am going to seek certain ideals, then I need to
be more specific about concepts like, “a consistently just society” and “a
fabricated absolute”. I
accept that I am an animal who cannot act on his instincts only. It is necessary to temper my behavior so I can live in a human-animal society. I do not want to be
at the mercy of my animal instincts or the animal instincts of others. This
leaves me concerned with the dangling statement option, from the earliest
pages of this primer, “I like how I am, deal with me”. I need to address how an
animal, like me, will deal with those who refuse to leash their animal instincts.
Whatever I
do is natural. Whatever a group of animals does is natural. Some behaviors may
be frightening to me but I cannot say that anything that has ever happened in
the universe is unnatural. Human-animals have decided which natural behaviors
best suit a community. Within this community I decide the rules to which I am
willing to abide. I decide how and when I am willing to suppress my desires in
order to feel secure in the company of the group. I allow myself, the
individual, the fundamental portion of the equation, to be subject to the rules
of the group. I can reason that it is best for this individual. I can feel safe fulfilling my desires if, in doing so, I am not keeping another individual from fulfilling their desires. What to do
with an animal that will not suppress its desires in order to live peaceably in
a society? The simplest answer is that if this animal will not accept the contract,
the rules of society, then he cannot be part of the society. I understand that
expelling from a society may mean imprisonment rather than exile. The believers
in the magic man of nature, the special animal who can reason away any
solution, must ask how we have the right to do this. They might say, “why
should he suffer for doing what he desires as an animal, why are society’s
rules deemed superior to his?” The other magic believers, the believers in a
magic from outside the natural world, simply say, “because it is ordained by god
or the gods that things must be a certain way”. I know that as an animal I have
one right. It is an ability called a right that is so undeniable that it seems
foolish to even label it. It is the right to do whatever I desire. I know I can
do whatever my physical abilities at any given time permit. I know that when
the only consequence I care about is satisfying my desires, then I can try to
satisfy my desires when, where and how I want. I fully understand that all
animals have this so called right. I am willing to delay satisfying my desires
and regiment how my desires are satisfied within this agreement called society.
If I should decide that I do not want to regiment my behavior and I am removed
from the society, then I have been no more wronged than when a non-conforming
animal is put out of a pack or herd or hive. It is not a question of whether an
animal has a right to do as it pleases, it is the understanding that a society
of animals can respond to this unwillingness to conform by expelling that
animal. This is why I imagine a society that only regulates an individual’s
behavior when it physically impacts another individual. I know that
if individuals desire to live with certain rules then there is a society. I
know that if most desire to have a “dictatorship” by an individual, by a group,
by a republic, then it will be so. Whatever governance the most animals desire
the most, will “dictate” how the rules are made and how they are applied. And
if I desire to be safe from immediate harm/discomfort by not questioning an
oppressive rule, then I get what I desire. If most of the people in a society
desire to be safe from immediate harm/discomfort by letting one person or a
tyrannical minority rule, then they get what they desire. I am embarrassed to
say that I stand by almost daily and let others feel the weight of unnecessary
governance because it is easiest for me at this time. I want to abolish rules
set down to appease a supernatural being based on faith. I want to avoid rule
making that becomes stifled in a quest for reason for its own sake. Reasoning with
no eye to what is pragmatic in dealing with the natural world as I experience
it. I will admit that I have done very little about this in practice. I think
there are many like me and we have the government that we desire, one that
bothers us very little and some others all the time. I do not
chafe at the thought of making others conform to the rules of society when I
believe in those rules. I do not believe in all of the rules of our current
society, so I do chafe at people being punished for trying to
satisfy their desires. In my ideal society I do not want to banish a person because they smoke
meth. I do want to banish a person when they smoke meth around or with children.
I want to banish a person who habitually steals to get meth. I may have to
consider if I want to banish someone because they have become indigent, from
smoking meth, and begin sleeping on my front doorstep. This banishment, this
being put out of the pack, can have different levels because as a society we
can decide there are different levels. Imprisonment, which is our only feasible
way of keeping a person out of the pack, should be reserved for individuals who
are a physical danger to others; or individuals who habitually prove themselves
to be unwilling or unable to abide by the pack rules. I do not want to exile
people who urinate in public and sleep in doorways to the same place as people
who kill, maim and rape people. I do not want to do this and I would hope that
others in my society would feel the same. I understand that all of this, this
application of rules, is what is expected in my ideal society. It is not
based on a universal truth. It is the right thing to do based on a practical
sense of what would work best for individuals. When I am confident that I can
live life as I please, not physically impeding others from
living as they please, then I will be content. If I sit by while some unnecessary
rules are applied, because they do not directly impact me, then I will not be
content for long. Because I am sure I, or those close to me, will eventually pay for
this apathy. I want to be
sure that my society is only concerning itself with an individual's behavior, when
that behavior is imposing itself, on other individuals, physically. I need to
know that the rules are limited to making society safe to live out individual
lives. I need to know that the rules are not honed to crush desires that are unappealing to some, or even the majority, of the society’s members. If an adult
wants to perform sex acts for money or shoot heroin in a private space, I do
not feel compelled to intervene. This comes from a fabricated “absolute” for
me. A belief that I want to convince my society to accept. That an individual
can fulfill their desires up until they directly inhibit another’s physical
desires. The in-home heroin user and sexual entrepreneur are not directly
inhibiting the physical desires of other individuals, so I am only left to
consider regulating these practices. Do I want someone shooting up in public or
someone running a brothel in a neighborhood? I don’t think I do but I would
like to know how it will adversely affect others before I make any regulations.
Regulating is for curbing where and possibly how and when individuals exercise
their desires. It is not for keeping individuals from ever exercising their
desires. I know that there is a long history of regulating “distasteful”
practices until they are, for all intents and purposes, illegal. With diligence
this can be avoided. With practiced care the slippery slope can be seen coming
and the necessary traction prepared. The ideal behind the system of American
government is based on this thinking. The thinking that checks and balances
provide the necessary traction against abuse by tyrannical
majorities/minorities. For me, society and its rules should only be concerned
with regulating desires when they are an imminent, physical barrier to others
in the society satisfying their desires. I find it hard to fathom a reason why a
policeman would ever need to come into my home because I am doing heroin, or
performing a sex act, and arrest me for the good of society. Some will be able
to fathom reasons for wanting the police to go into a private home and stop an
individual from fulfilling a desire. My
guess is that much of this reasoning will have its roots in a need to control
what is deemed good or evil, natural or unnatural, human or beastly. In my
experience, with some well-aimed questions, biases become apparent quickly. Reasons
like, “because it is not what we should be doing with our sacred bodies” or “we
need to save him from himself, he should be doing so much more with his life”,
these are not convincing arguments to me. “He is a danger to others and he
inhibits their ability to meet their desire for feeling safe” or “this behavior
presents a provable public health hazard” or “this is not a business district
it is a neighborhood”, are much more likely to gain traction with me. I cannot
simply agree to whatever the majority desires to happen or allows to happen.
There is historical precedent that this is a pathway to the oppression of many
individuals. That is why it is difficult discussing how I, and my like-minded
society, will make rules. How do we arrive at where, when and how we will
regulate desires? It is here that I see why fabricated “absolutes” are
necessary and all must abide by them. They cannot be subject to voting. I am
thinking of such things as the freedom of speech and of thought/religion, the
freedom of the press, the freedom to decide what to do with our own bodies. You
should not be able to vote on “absolutes” in each election cycle. And, if my
quotation marks are becoming as tiresome to read as they are to type, then it is
necessary drudgery. It makes me remember that when it comes to rules, put upon
animal behavior, there are no absolutes. We can, however, agree to abide by
rules. We can agree to always hold on high certain guarantees, regardless of what the majority feels at any given time. These
“absolutes” protect all individuals. They are the foundation of a consistently
just society. I know this is the best way for me and I have to say that my mind tells me that it is the best way for everyone. I say this for one simple reason:
anyone can be guaranteed a safe place in this ideal society. People can believe
and practice, on their own person, any belief system they want. Every
individual would be guaranteed this basic “right” to quench their desires for
religion, sexual satisfaction, or lifestyle; can the same be said for any other
society that would be forged with a particular religion or a “magical human”
philosophy dominating the rule making of that society? I do not believe so.
This ideal is the best for individuals because everyone can practice their own
beliefs, on themselves, and no other society would be willing to guarantee
this. This model is not my invention. When I think of a successful society it
is overseen by a government much like the ideal for the government of the
United States. It is buttressed by a bill of rights. It is based on principles
that aim to keep individuals from being ruled by tyrannical minorities or
majorities. It is a republic that hopes to elect individuals, with an
understanding of these principles, to make the decisions necessary to keep the
society on the proper path. Individuals who understand that regulating the
behavior of individuals is the act that must be considered with the most care.
It is a republic that has these elected officials appoint judges to mind the
“absolutes” of our society. They will judge whether laws should be struck down, or allowed to be applied, after careful consideration of the most important
“absolute” of all: only regulate an individual’s ability to fulfill his or hers
desire when it directly impedes another’s ability to meet his or hers desire.
If individuals are willing to compromise their “right” to meet their desires
when, where and how they want, then an understanding of why certain desires
must be regulated, or certain “absolutes” abided by, should be the foundation
of any discussion on laws. I hope it is obvious from earlier paragraphs that
“because it is unnatural”, “because it is evil”, or “because you should want
more for yourself” are not sufficient answers for me. I cannot expect others to
leash their animal instincts or temper their desires unless not doing so is
going to impact me physically. Why is my desire to drink coffee every morning
different from someone else’s desire to smoke pot every morning? And I am back
to, do unto others as you would have done to you. This thinking is the
cornerstone for individuals in an equitable society. It is the cornerstone for
individuals who want to be left to decide how they want to treat themselves. It is all
invention of course, invented by human-animal imagination. It is invention that
stands up to the scrutiny of a society that values individual freedom. If every
individual can thrive in private and expect tolerance in public, then I cannot
imagine a better arrangement. It would seem to me that the only individuals
unhappy in such a situation, would be individuals who desire to prohibit others from ever satisfying their desires. I would not feel badly about
leaving these individuals unhappy, unsatisfied.
© 2024 Paul |
Added on April 24, 2017 Last Updated on May 7, 2024 Author![]() PaulAboutI am writing in the Mid Atlantic area of the United States, mostly non-fiction at this time. I am a song writer as well. http://songsongsongs.com Also of interest could be- http://bookstore.trafford... more..Writing