The death of Jared Matthews

The death of Jared Matthews

A Story by Cheryl Boutwell

It is Gracey’s 17th birthday so her friends decide to throw her a surprise party, but something goes terribly wrong.

It was a clear and sunny Saturday morning, a great beginning to what I hoped to be a fantastic birthday. I lay in my bed mesmerized by the thought that Im another year older. I just couldnt believe it. A smile spread across my face as I waited for dads infamous birthday breakfast in bed that he did every year. Soon enough, he poked his head through the door, making it squeak.
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Gracey, Happy Birthday to you," he sang, but not very well.
I saw the tray of food and my mouth started to water. On it were 3 pieces of bacon, eggs, a glass of orange juice,and a blueberry pancake topped off with whipped cream and syrup to resemble a smiley face. "Oooh let me have it" I said, trying to grab the tray from him but he had it out of reach.
"Remind me how old you are again."
"Um. five?"
"Well I guess you have to wait a few more years then; this yummy, delicious food is for mature 17-year-olds only. Emphasis on mature."
"Oh, you know I was just kidding right"

"Yeah I do you little monkey." he said ruffling my hair with his free hand. "Dad" I whined as I tried putting my hair back into place. He sat down on the edge of my comfy bed and handed me my food." Finally, I thought. I grabbed the fork and started devouring the contents on the tray. My dad smirked at this. I just smiled with a big mouth full of food.
"So what are your plans for today? You know, its still not too late to have a party; you could just call up some of your buddies and tell them you just decided on having one."
"Thats ok, I'll just go over to Jazzs' house, maybe watch a few movies. That is, of course, if its all right with you."
"Sure, its fine by me. Just be home around 10ish so you can eat some birthday cake."
"Awesome, thanks dad. Please tell me its ice cream cake" I pleaded.
"Yeah thats what we got, you deserve it"
"Heck yes!" I said doing my little victory dance.
He giggled at me.
"Well Im going to finish breakfast so I can get ready to head to Jazz's." I said sitting back down on the bed with my tray.
"Ok," he kissed me on the forehead, making the big 'mwah' sound.
"Bye, Happy birthday again, Birthday girl."
After closing the door behind him, I went to finish my gourmet platter and started getting ready for a relaxing day at Jazz's. When I got there, her house seemed sort of quiet. I walked up the driveway to her front porch and rang the doorbell.
"Surprise!Happy Birthday Gracey!" people cheered all at once as I walked through the door.
"Awww." I held my face in my hands and felt some happy tears coming on. After that, someone turned some music on; it was Hawthorne Heights, one of my favorite bands. It looked to me as if the party had been going on already for quite a while, maybe an hour.
"So that's why it was so quiet. How did everyone know I would be here?" I asked Jazz.
"Well I told Mindy and Lexi that you were coming over today and then I had the idea of throwing you a surprise birthday party. So then I told them to tell everyone they knew, which is basically everyone we know too so it worked out. Then of course I told your parents..."
"Aww thank you" I said, hugging her.
"You're welcome. You're like a sister to me so I had to make your birthday special. You would do the same thing for me, right?"
"Of course!"
"Im going to get some punch, want any?"
"Sure. Want me to come with?"
"No thats ok, you can stay here, maybe do a little socializing."
I walked around a bit. People around me looked like they were having a lot of fun. Suddenly I felt someone hug me from behind.
"Hey Gracey, happy birthday"
I turned around to see that it was my boyfriend, Jared. I smiled and gave him a small kiss.
"Hey Jared, I cant wait to see what you got me. Your gifts are always the best."
"Well your going to have to open it with everyone else's" he smiled.
Jazz walked over with two drinks.
"Hey Jared, I see you found Jenna."
"And here I thought you were blind" he joked

"Very funny ha ha, not"
"Well Im going to the little boys room. Dont go dancing without me."
"Dont worry we will." We joked.
Jazz handed me one of the drinks as he left.
"Thanks" I took a sip of the punch and thought it tasted sort of funny.
Hmmm whats in this? I wondered. It must be some new recipe Jazz is trying, I thought to myself.
"Hey what's in this punch?" I said, this time out loud.
"Oh, just koolaid. Why?"
"No reason."
I didnt think I should go into the details if there wasnt a problem. After about an hour of talking and dancing with my friends, I started feeling dizzy. I sat down. Jared came by my side and asked what was wrong.
"Im suddenly not feeling." well. Do you know if there was anything in that punch? Jazz told me there wasnt but now Im not so sure."
"Oh yeah I think Ryan put a little Vodka in it. Do you want me to take you home?"
"Wait, did you have any?"
"Just a few cups. Ill be able to drive though."
"You dont know that.No thank you, but I think Ill walk."
"But you just said you're not feeling well. You dont know what could happen. You might get run over, there are a few drunks at this party."
"And your one of them, Ill manage on my own."
"You know what Grace your acting very childish about this, just let me take you home" he said, pulling my arm towards the door.

"Let go of me!" I said sternly and got out of his grip. I ran towards the door, wanting to get as far away from Jared as possible.
"Fine then, be that way!" he screamed at me. Some people looked at us but then went back to what they were doing. I managed to get home trying to hold back the tears that were welling up. When I got there, I ran upstairs to my bed and let myself cry.
"How could he say something like that, I thought he loved me" I said to myself. After there were no more tears left in me, I finally drifted off into a deep sleep. When I woke the next morning, I heard the phone ring.
"Hello" I answered. I could hear someone sobbing on the other end. "Jazz is that you?"
"Gracey turn the TV on to channel 10" she finally told me.
"Okay" I said, starting to worry. After hanging up the phone, I turned on the TV to the channel 10 news, only to hear the sound of news reporter, Will Rigby.
"A report was made earlier today of a serious head on collision on the edge of 4th and Main Street. Jeff Wilkins, one of the drivers involved in the crash is said to have suffered severe damage to his ribs and lungs. The other driver, Jared Matthews, unfortunately was not able to survive the crash. A funeral will be held for Mr. Matthews Thursday afternoon of running off like that and fighting with him. I could have said something. Argh!! Im so stupid."
I clicked the TV off, unable to believe at first what I just saw. I hid my head between my hands and started bawling.

I smacked my forehead. Thursday was two days away; I will think of something special to say, maybe by some chance he'll be able to hear it from where he is right now. Two days seemed like an eternity when everything was so miserable. Mrs. Matthews visited me Wednesday, the day before Jared's funeral. "Here, Jared would have wanted me to give this to you" she said, handing me a box decorated with different bands and a card. I could tell she about to cry so I oped the envelope and started to read Jared's last words to me.

"Your seventeen!!! Can you believe it? Just the other day I was just thinking about when we were kids and you would always be the first one to push me off the docks when we played King ,or queen in your case, of the docks. Remember that Gracey? Good times. Well now were all grown up and we'll be going to college next year. I really hope you get accepted to UCF with me. I don't think I could survive there without you. Your my strength. Your the reason I'm still alive and not trying to kill myself. Anyways I hope you have the best of all birthdays today and I hope you like the present I got you.
Love with all my heart,
I cried throughout the whole time I read the letter, and I could see Mrs. Matthews was crying too. How can I be his strength when I'm the reason for his death. I must be the worst person on this earth. I blocked my thoughts long enough to open Jared's present. I opened the box and what I saw was a picture of me and Jared cuddling up on the couch. I remember that day. We took pictures of us doing the wierdest, silliest poses you can imagine. It was hilarious. Then Jazz came over and Jared asked her to take just one picture of us like that. I smiled at the thought.
Thursday finally came and I picked out a black sleeveless dress and black shawl to wear to the funeral. When I got there with my dad, everyone had the same mournful expressions on their faces, except for the little ones, who were too young to have learned about the facts of death. I had my tissues in hand because I knew that I would not be able to contain my tears, no matter how hard I tried. After the ceremony I stayed behind. I wanted to say a few words to Jared alone. I knelt by where his grave was, it was still open; he would be buried shortly after this, I knew. I placed the bouquet of orchids and dandelions on his coffin; they were his favorite.
"Now I wont promise there wont be any tears. I know you did'nt like it when I cried. Anyways, I never had the chance to tell you that Im sorry. I loved you and still love you with all my heart, and nothing is ever going to change that. I wish that you did'nt have to die after we had such a big fight, but I guess there's no way of changing that. If I would have told you to walk home with me after that stupid party, then we'd both be breathing together at this very moment. Who knows maybe we would even have gotten married. Wherever you are I just want to say that I miss you. I miss all those times you held my hand while we walked through the halls, laughing at each others jokes. I miss seeing your smile and the way you always seemed to make everything ok. Oh remember that time when I got that hideous hair cut. I asked what you thought of it and you said I looked like cinderella at the ball. Then I asked Jazz and she thought I looked like a derranged cat." I let out a small laugh. "Those were good times. I guess I'll just have to remember the memories of you I have, otherwise I'll be a complete wreck."
I let the tears fall. I sat there until finally my dad came over.
"C'mon Gracey its time to go, their getting ready to bury the coffin."
I stood up. Looking back I said quietly, "Bye Jared, I will never forget you for as long as I live." Just then,I don't know if It was just my imagination or not, but when I looked up I saw Jared smiling faintly to me from the clouds. I'd like to think it wasn't. I gave him the deepest smile I could back. And then he was gone. A tear fell once more but I knew that things would get better. Jared would want it that way. I continued following my dad to the car and then got in, glancing at the sky once more.

© 2010 Cheryl Boutwell

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Added on February 1, 2010
Last Updated on February 1, 2010


Cheryl Boutwell
Cheryl Boutwell

Orlando, FL

Well I am about to graduate with a degree in Management Information Systems. I really love to read, write, sing, act, and learn to play new instruments. more..