Chapter Four

Chapter Four

A Chapter by Donald Peters

They were silent during the ride home. Isaac whipped the car into the driveway. He got out and went to the side that Jacob was on. He opened the door.

“Get inside,”he ordered Alexis as he picked up Jacob.

She quickly ran inside and they followed. Isaac went over to the couch and sat Jacob down. He pulled out his phone and began to dial.

“Stay with Jacob,” he ordered again as he walked into the kitchen.

Alexis walked over and sat down next to him. He was wide eyed and shaking. Blood covered his face and was still slowly oozing from the wound.

“Are you okay?” Alexis asked.

Jacob didn’t answer. Isaac came out of the kitchen with two towels in his one hand and a first aid kit in the other. One of the towels were wet. His shoulder had his phone pressed to his ear.

“Yes that was him,” Isaac said into the phone.

He kneeled down infront of Jacob and sat one of the towels and the first aid kit down. He pressed the wet towel to Jacob’s forehead. The water trickled down his face. Isaac scrubbed off the dried blood and then held the bloody, wet towel over the wound.

“Agreed. They’ll soon figure out where we are so hurry,” Isaac said into the phone and then let it drop to the floor.

He grabbed the other towel and dried Jacob’s face, and then switched out the wet one for the dry one over the wound. Isaac grabbed Alexis’s left hand and put it on the towel.

“Keep pressure on the wound,” he instructed her.

Alexis put her other hand behind his head and held pressure. Jacob sat there and stared at his shaking hands. Isaac grabbed something out of the first aid kit and Alexis moved off the couch as he laid Jacob down flat. Alexis removed the towel when Isaac instructed. He then pinched the closest ends of the wound together and squeezed a liquid on top of it. It was super glue. After he covered the entire wound, he gently blew on it. The glue quickly dried along with Jacob’s blood.The wound was closed. Isaac walked upstairs into his bedroom. Alexis and Jacob sat in silence for a minute.

“Are you okay?” she asked again.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he answered.

“Do you know what’s going on?”

“No. I don’t have the slightest idea.”

Isaac walked back down holding two large, manila envelopes. Alexis’s name was written at the top left corner of the one and Jacob’s was on the other. Isaac handed them the envelopes to them.

“What are these?” Alexis asked.

“Don’t worry about these right now and don’t open them yet. Just listen to what I have to say. We are in danger right now. There are bad men that going to be trying to find us. I called some people I know that will be able to help, and they'll be arriving shortly. Now listen carefully. If I tell you to run. You run as fast as you can to the train station. You take the train to the airport and you get on the first flight that you can out of the city. If I tell you to run, it is paramount that you do not hesitate to leave without me. I will find you when everything is taken care of. You can open the envelopes if you go to the train station. I just need you to trust for right now,” Isaac explained.

“We’re suppose to leave without you?” Alexis asked.

“If I tell you to run, you need to leave without me. It’s for your sake as well mine,”

“But what about money and-”
“Everything you need is in that envelope,” he interjected.

“Dad, I’m scared.”

“I know sweetie, but you have to be brave right now, okay?”


There was a knock at the door. Isaac walked over looked through the peep hole. He opened the door and four men walked in. After initial greetings, Isaac invited the men into the kitchen. Alexis and Jacob stayed on the couch holding their envelopes. The men were being too quiet to eavesdrop from where they were sitting. Alexis looked over at Jacob.

“What do think are in these?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Isaac said they have everything that we would need. What does that even mean,” Jacob answered.

“If he already had these together, did he expect whatever is happening to happen?”

“I doubt he expected it to. He’s always prepared for anything.”

“Like super glue on the forehead?” she asked jokingly with a forced smile.

“Yeah, like like super glue on the forehead,” he said as he returned the gesture.

Their smiles faded when they heard the conversation escalate.

“What do mean there are two observers within ten miles of us!” Isaac yelled.

“They know about Hector and they’re hunting him. You’re the first person they would go after to find him,” one of the men answered.

“Why wasn’t I informed of this?” Isaac demanded.

“We only found out about it recently,” another man answered.

Isaac stormed back into the living room. Alexis and Jacob looked over at him.

“Remember what I told you two,” Isaac said desperately.

Alexis and Jacob nodded nervously. Isaac quickly turned back towards the kitchen

The room became dark, and the sound of glass breaking came from the kitchen.

“They’re here!” one of the men yelled.

Two men kicked down the front door. Isaac’s knee quickly met one of the men’s faces. He went flying back out the doorway. Isaac landed on his left foot and planted his right following through with a left hook at the other man. The man deflected it while undercutting Isaac’s ribcage with his left and then jabbing Isaac’s face with his right. Isaac fell back a step. The man he kneed connected with a double flying kick to Isaac’s left shoulder. The blow sent Isaac across the living room. He quickly recovered, got up from the ground, and faced the intruders. They charged him. Isaac’s left hand grabbed his right wrist. He slid his left foot forward and tucked his right arm back. Before they could get within arms reach, Isaac pushed his right palm forward. When his arm reached full extension, a wave of energy erupted from his hand. Isaac let out a frightening scream. The light was blinding in the dark room. The two men were lifted up off of their feet as they were engulfed by the wave. Alexis and Jacob braised themselves from the heat that was emitted. The wave ripped a hole through the front of the house and the men landed in the street. Only one of them were still able to move, but that was only to writhe from the pain. Isaac fell to his knees. Sweat rolled down his face and his breathing was labored. He looked over at Alexis and Jacob.

“Run,” he said with a heavy breath.

Alexis and Jacob stood up but didn’t move any further and then stared back at Isaac.

“Run!” he angrily repeated himself.

They looked at each other and then took off sprinting through the hole and past the two men. Another man jumped down from the roof when he saw the two running. Isaac tackled him. Jacob glanced back and saw a handful of men on top of Isaac. A gun was fired and Alexis fell to the ground. Jacob stopped and crouched down next to her.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

Alexis didn’t answer. She started curling up with tears rolling down her face. Jacob looked her over, and then grabbed her by both arms and sat her up.

“Alexis, we need to move right now. We’re not safe here,” he said.

“But my dad needs-”

“Isaac will be fine. If you want to help him, you have to follow his instructions. Now we need to keep moving,” he said cutting her off.

Alexis nodded and Jacob grabbed her hand and pulled her up. They took off towards the train station again. No one was following them.

They made it to the train station after forty minutes of running. They went inside and sat down on the first bench they could find. Sweat rolled down their faces and their breathing was labored. Five minutes went by before either of them said anything.

“I guess we get tickets now,” Alexis said breaking the silence.

“Yeah I guess you’re right,” Jacob said as he opened his envelope.

Alexis watched him do this and did the same.

“Immediately read the the piece of paper I left you before you do anything else, but read it without Alexis around. Do not let her see this message or the piece of paper,” is what was written on the underside of the flap of Jacob’s envelope.

Jacob looked over at Alexis opening her envelope. There wasn’t a message on her flap. She reached in a pulled out a stack of one hundred dollar bills. Jacob saw this and looked into his.There was a stack of money, a card, a passport, a white envelope, and a piece of paper. He reached in to grab the money, but then he stopped. He looked back at the message.

“What’s inside yours?” he asked.

She took a closer look inside.

“Besides the cash, there’s a credit card, another envelope, and a piece paper,” she answered as she pulled out the paper.

“Yeah that’s what I have too.”

“It’s a letter from my dad,”

“Tell you what, we look awful. I’ll go to the bathroom and get washed up a little while you read your letter and keep a look out, and then we’ll switch.”

“Okay, but don’t take too long.”

“No worries,” he said as he walked over to the bathroom.

Jacob walked into the bathroom and immediately pulled out the paper and began to read it:


There’s no easy way to tell you this, but you are a very special person. I have known the reason why it takes so much to hurt you since the day we first met. You won’t fully understand this now, but you are, what is known as, a prodigy. You were born with abilities that far accede my own, and your potential could change the world. Unfortunately, I am not the only one who knows about people like you. There very terrible groups and individuals that would try to use your power to their advantage. That makes you a natural target for these dangerous people. The reason you’d even be reading this letter is because they are already very close to figuring out who you are, and I wasn’t able to stop them. It is for that reason that I am forced to ask a favor of you. You must leave Alexis behind without letting her know where you’re going. Her life is in danger if she stays around you from this point on. Knowing her stubbornness, she would never leave your side at a time like this and that is why I attempted to get you to read this in private. I hope you were able to. My original instructions should have been for you to go to the airport, so lose Alexis and take a taxis to the next closest airport. Don’t worry about the money. On top of the five thousand dollars in cash, the debit card, I left you, has access to an account with twenty thousand dollars in it. I’m sorry I couldn’t have helped you more, and I’m sorry I’m asking so much of you, but it’s for Alexis’s sake. Once you are far away from her, you can open the second envelope. There’s another letter with my next set of instructions. Take care for now.



Jacob slowly folded the letter and put it back in the envelope. He walked over to the sink and sat the envelope behind the faucet. He turned the water on and washed his face and then looked up at reflection. A minute passed before he looked away. He dried his his face, grabbed the envelope, and walked out. His face was emotionless as he approached Alexis.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yeah I fine. I’m just thinking about a lot things right now,”he answered.

“Well that’s understandable considering what’s been happening, but I’m gunna let you think things over while I go wash up. We’ll have to start moving soon.”

Jacob looked down at the ground.

“Yeah I’ll wait right here for you.”

Alexis walked over to the bathroom. As soon as Jacob saw her go in, he walked outside towards the on duty taxis cabs.

“Where ya heading?” one of the drivers asked.

“Do know what the closest airport is besides Portland International?” Jacob asked.

The driver paused for a moment.

“That’s probably Tacoma in Seattle,” he answered.

“Can you take me there?”
“That’s in a different state kid. I don’t think you have enough cash for that.”

“How about a thousand now and a thousand when we get there,” Jacob said as he reached in the envelope and pulled out the stack one of hundred dollar bills.

The driver’s eyes widened when he saw the cash.

“You got a deal kid,” he answered.

Jacob gave him a thousand dollars and then opened up the back door. He looked over through the window of the train station. He saw Alexis walk out of bathroom and then he got into the cab. His eyes were watering.

© 2015 Donald Peters

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Added on July 28, 2015
Last Updated on July 28, 2015


Donald Peters
Donald Peters

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A Chapter by Donald Peters

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