![]() Chapter ThreeA Chapter by Donald PetersIsaac dropped off Alexis and Jacob at the high school football game. “I’ll be at the cafe next to the school getting some work done, so call me when they’re in the third quarter and I’ll come and get you,” Isaac stated. “Okay we’ll see you then,” Alexis answered. “Bye Isaac,” Jacob added. “Okay, have fun,” Isaac said as he drove off. Alexis and Jacob got in line for the tickets. A group of four older kids got in line right after they did. Jacob glanced back at them and then looked forward. They were wearing dark clothing and smoking. One of them had a poorly grown mustache. He was standing in the center of the group. “Hey look at this cutie. I bet you just got into high school,” the one with the mustache stated. “Be nice,” Jacob whispered towards Alexis. Alexis turned towards the group of kids sporting a fake smile. “Yeah this is our freshman year,” she said. “Is this your boy?” he asked with smoke being blown at her. “No, this is my step brother,” she answered while she waved the smoke away. “Is that right? You wanna watch the with game me,” he asked. “No, that’s okay. We were just going to walk around for the first bit of the game but thanks anyways,” Alexis politely answered. “Oh come, I’ll let you sit on my lap,” he said causing his posse to laugh harder. “Pervert,” she said under her breathe as she turned away. “Oh what’s the matter.Was it something I said?” he asked. “Just ignore them,” Jacob whispered. “You got something to say?” the mustached guy asked as he blew smoke at the back of Jacob’s head. Alexis and Jacob didn’t react to him. “Hey no smoking on school grounds!” a security guard interjected. The group threw down their cigarettes and stepped on them while the mustached one flicked his right by Jacob’s head. Jacob ignored the instigation and stepped on the lit cigarette putting it out. The crude comments kept coming, but they eventually got bored. Alexis and Jacob got their tickets and then walked away from the group. The group didn’t follow. They walked around half of the field and leaned up against the fence. Alexis didn’t say anything during the whole walk over. “Thanks for helping me stay cool back there,”Alexis spoke up. “No that was all you. You stayed calm. I think Isaac was right about public school helping us get used to being around different people,” Jacob said. “Yeah it seems like he’s always right.” They watched a play where one of the linebackers absolutely crushed the running back causing a fumble. “Do you ever wish you could play?” Alexis asked. “Sometimes, but I don’t think it would be fun knowing I was going to win,” Jacob answered. “Yeah I guess you’re right. It’s just that sometimes when I see the tennis players practicing, I wish I could go over there and drill that ball at the others girls. It looks like so much fun.” The game reached its halftime, and Alexis and Jacob got in a line at the concession stand. The group of kids, that were bugging them at the ticket line, got in line behind them. “Well looky here. It’s blondie from earlier. Did you miss me blondie?” The mustached one asked. Alexis and Jacob were close enough to hear them, but they didn’t react. “Oh come on blondie. Don’t be a prude,” he said as he reached forward and grabbed Alexis on her bottom. Without hesitation, Alexis dragged her left foot behind her right and pivoted swinging her open palm across his face. The slap nearly took the mustached man off of his feet. He went to the ground. His lackeys were stunned. One of them finally spoke up. “You b***h!” he said as he tried to grab her. Jacob stepped in front of her to intersect the lackey. He pulled him by the arm while tripping him sending him to ground without injury. “Alexis, get out of here,” Jacob sternly told her. She ignored him and the other two lackeys, inspired by their friend’s actions, attacked Alexis. The closest one met Alexis’s foot with his face sending him flying back while blood poured from his nose. The lackey next in line saw this and then ran off. The mustached one started to come to and Alexis dragged him by the back of his collar into the grassed area next to the concession stand. The surrounding crowd stood in awe because of the sight of this fifteen year girl beating up these older kids. “Alexis stop,” Jacob demanded, but she kept ignoring him. He moved towards her, but she turned and roundhouse kicked him across the face. Jacob got lifted up off of his feet and landed on his side. “He’s gunna get what’s coming to him,” Alexis sternly stated. She turned back towards the mustached guy, but he had already backed up from her. She walked towards him and he pulled out a switchblade. “You coward,” Alexis stated as she charged him. He swung the knife and she ducked it while connecting with a right hook in the center of his abdomen. He dropped the knife and went flying back into the side of the of the concession stand. He then went to the ground in the fidel position with his arms wrapped around his abdomen. He struggled to breathe. “Not so fun when you’re on the receiving end, is it?” Alexis asked. The lackey, that was originally tripped by Jacob, tried to charge Alexis, but she turned in time to grab his arm and use his momentum to swing him into the wall and onto the mustached guy. The mustached guy got up, while still struggling to breathe, and pulled out a revolver. Alexis saw the gun and immediately backed up with her hands raised in submission. Her eyes were wide and her breathing became shallow. “You little b***h. You’re gunna pay for that,” he said while gasping. Jacob moved towards Alexis and the lackey tried to stop his friend by grabbing his arm. The sudden pull on his arm startled him. Jacob managed to move in front of Alexis as the trigger was pulled. An immense gust of hot air erupted from Jacob’s body as he was shot in the forehead. His body fell motionless, but the moment his knees touched the ground, his arms came forward and planted under him. Blood poured from his head and a moment passed where he was still. His hands came to his head and he fell to his side. He let out a hellish scream and started to roll around on the ground. Alexis just stared at at him, and the crowd began to run away. “Who the hell are you freaks?” the gunman asked as he shook in fear. He dropped the gun and backed up against the wall. Jacob continued yelling and rolling around on the ground. Moments later Isaac arrived and immediately picked up Jacob. “Dad the guy had a gun and he,” Alexis tried to explain. “We need to leave,” Isaac said to her as he picked her up. He sprinted to his car in the cafe parking lot with Jacob under his arm and Alexis over his shoulder. He put them in the back and got into the front. He peeled out as sirens became audible.© 2015 Donald Peters |
Added on July 28, 2015 Last Updated on July 28, 2015 Author