![]() Lucy and I pt. 2A Story by dougiefresh![]() This is what I have typed up so far![]() I am at a loss. A loss of words. A loss of feelings. A loss of life. I don’t know why, I don’t know how, but all that has happened to me in the past five years has all been centered on one extraordinary person: Lucy. I can’t believe I met a girl like this. It is easy for all to judge. Sure it may seem like a boy meets girl lovey dovey story. However, that’s far from it. The story I’m about to tell you is a story of laughter, sorrow, anger, pain, joy, fury, fear and everything else that can be considered an emotion. Sure, half of the national demographic will be unhappy with this, but this isn’t for them. This is for all of those people that have had a very long and tired journey. For all those people that believed in happy endings, for all those people who chased the rainbow and found no gold. For those who have found and lost love. For all those who tried and failed. This is for you. My story does not begin with my birth or my childhood. Hell no. That stuff mostly involved me sitting on my bum playing video games. No, this story begins on the day I met Lucy. I met Lucy while I was still in High School. I was a junior, she was a freshman. It was fate that I met her where I did. I met her at this picnic over the summer; it was a 4th of July picnic. Boy was that day hot; so hot that even the shade could not protect you from the humidity. The park where the picnic was being held was an open field, with a gazebo in the middle and trees surrounding most of the field. I was sitting underneath the shad, wondering what the hell I was doing here. I was seriously out of my mind at this point. The heat had really gotten to my brain. I could even feel it slowly boil within my skull. I swear I might have even seen a squirrel fall from a tree in exhaustion. As I sat there with my brain boiling, I saw her. From across the whole damn field. I swear, Moses was there or something. One minute there’s a crowd of people in the center, next thing you know they split in the middle and there in the end was her. If that wasn’t a sign from God then I don’t know what is. I was immediately smitten. Her beauty was just so unbelievable. Thinking about it now, I could almost cry because she is so beautiful. She IS beautiful and always will be in my eyes. At this point in my life, I’ve seen just about everything. I’ve seen what its like to get what you want and to lose what you love. I have seen the black, white, and grey colors of mankind. I have seen friends die. I have seen children being killed. I’ve had people’s blood all over my face, I’ve seen women raped and I’ve seen the world go to s**t. With all I’ve seen in my life, I have never seen anyone more beautiful then Lucy. Sadly, I know I never will again. When I spotted Lucy in the split crowd, I immediately sprang up. I don’t know how or why but I mustered up the energy to get up and walk towards her. As I made my way across the field, I started to talk to myself: You’re a complete dumbass you know that? Yes I know. You have no chance. I can try. I’ll have the paramedics on standby just in case you get shot down. Har Har. Seriously, what was I going to say? I wasn’t exactly the
best looking guy on this field. And I was already damp and sticky with sweat.
Also my godlike cologne wore off. On top of that, I literally had no way of
breaking the ice. This was going to be a epic failure for sure. S.N.A.F.U. (Situation
As I was three fourths of the way towards her, I heard a whistle. Everyone started to go the opposite direction of where I was going! I felt like a salmon pushing up the current. Seriously, hundreds of people against me, it was ludicrous. I kept telling my self push forward! Push forward! Push f… awh screw it. I went with the flow of the crowd; the exact opposite of my destination.
Tonight is a hot night. S**t, almost as hot as that 4th of July. Or it could be me wearing about 50 lbs. worth of equipment. I can’t believe that even at this day and age, we humans can’t live in peace. Humans, the dominant species on this planet and we still haven’t found a way for world peace, not even close. Now I’m stuck here, in the dark woods, wondering if I’m going to die tonight. As the crowd of people gathered around the gazebo, I tried looking for Lucy. Lucy was wearing a teal shirt with shorts that day. She was the only person on that entire field who was wearing teal, so I thought that it would be easy finding her again. I couldn’t have been more wrong. Trying to find her in this crowd was next to impossible. (If you can imagine a crowd like in one of those live concerts of one of your favorite artists, then you got an idea of how big this crowd was.) It was needless to say, trying to find her was next to impossible. Like trying to find a Kitkat in a stack of needles which was surrounded by another stack of needles which was incased in a sauna! But luck was on my side again. I saw her amongst the people in the crowd. All of a sudden I was pushed by the crowd to one side. I was trying to figure out what was going on until I saw the rope, a giant rope. Now bear with me. What are ropes used for? For pulling. So now we have this huge crowd of people separated into two teams. Tug of war!
As everyone was going into their teams, I followed the Teal Beauty. I can honestly say that I was in a trance. I followed her as if I was a puppy following its new owner. As I made my way to the rope, I thought about how stalkerish I was. Thinking about it now, it’s pretty funny. Any who, as I stood by, waiting for the whistle to blow, I heard a couple of my friends yelling “Traitor!” I just looked up and laughed at my friends. But in reality, I can see why they were calling me a traitor. More on that later. I hear gunfire. My heartbeat is like a car engine being pushed to go 100 mph. I’m scared. I can hear their bombs and I’m scared. I’m scared for my life. Every guy can say that they aren’t afraid and being afraid means you have no balls. Bullshit. No, being afraid reminds you that you are still alive, because only the dead have nothing to fear.
When was the last time I told her that I missed her? When was the last time I told her that I loved her? It’s been so long. I actually don’t even remember when I talked to her last. I wonder what she is doing. Is she seeing the same stars that I’m seeing? Is she reading? Is she at work? Is she sleeping? Does she have a new boyfriend? Questions like these drive me crazy every night. I want the answers to these questions but at the same time I don’t. I fear that I will only get myself hurt if I try to find out the answers. With all that I’ve gone through emotionally, my heart is like a glass house. It only takes one rock to destroy it.
As I held onto the rope and began tugging, all I could think about was the girl in teal. Our team won easily, since we had like all the big people. As I looked at what was supposed to be my real team, they looked at me with disgust. You see, this picnic was actually a gathering of every school district in the western side of my state. Well at least every high school from every major town or city. They had divided up the teams by North and South. My town is in the south, so I could only guess that Miss Teal lived somewhere up north since that was the team she and I were in. As the crowd dispersed, I lost track of Tealie. S**t. Come one man. Focus! She’s the only girl wearing teal. You can find her. It’s so freaking hot. I need a drink of water or I’m going to faint from dehydration. My canteen is half empty. I can’t believe I half emptied my canteen in one go. I need to start rationing my water; I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be out here. It’s kind of funny; I used to look at everything as half full. Now everything is half empty. I can’t remember when I started to lose my upbeat attitude, but I lost for sure. I guess 2 years in a place like this can do that to you. © 2010 dougiefreshAuthor's Note
AuthordougiefreshOak Harbor, WAAboutI write as a hobby and I am hoping to become a screenwriter one day. This is my woman ^ Stay away ;] Facebook: Douglas Kim | Create Your Badge Myspace: It's dead. Xanga: Even m.. more..Writing