This is life

This is life

A Poem by Mike

Staring into the sunset I have learnt to appreciate the small things in my life,

Praying on the moon at night I am thankful for the blessings in my life,

When the wind blows I can hear the sound of changes coming into my life,

I have accepted the complications and will conquer then within my life,


The constant thoughts of where this all went wrong flow through my mind,

The reminders of memories that were created in vain I need to leave behind,

The regrets that I ponder upon trying to understand the reason for this I can’t find,

This is life and its either make or break and I need to see it though I am blind,


Surrender would be the easiest option to go with but that’s just not me,

I would rather die on my feet fighting than live my life on my knees,

When certain promises and commitments were made I thought it was meant to be,

This is life and acceptance of the path I now take is vital to create inner peace,


Like a dose of bad medicine I accept the intoxicated feeling of it all,

It runs through my veins trying to control me but yet I won’t fall,

Control is crucial to find rehabilitation and break down the wall,

This is life even though in reality it feels like a never ending call,


Pure exhaustion sets in at times it feels like I am standing on the edge,

Insomnia haunts me most nights while my mind loses control over the ledge,

Psychologising myself at times trying to repair broken feelings driving a wedge,

This is life but I shant falter from my destiny and commit myself to this pledge,


In the absence of fear I need to find my wings to fly and free myself from the guilt,

Even though I bleed from the wounds that are now scars I will be rebuilt,

At times the tears stream down and burn my skin like an acid detox freeing my fault,

My aching heart feels every regret and sin constantly as if locked in a vault,


This is life … I need to free myself from this torment that burns inside,

This is life … pushing forward is my only option to escape the prison I am locked in,

This is life … praying and faith shall cure this disease that is eating away at me,

This is life … bring it on I stand ready for the next wave of pain and I shall not bend or break from it … I stand tall and will accept the pain that comes


This is life …… try me!


© 2015 Mike

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I can totally relate to the emotions you are experiencing, Mike. I used to dread the nights for its then when I'm taunted. This too shall pass my friend. Hang in there! Wonderfully written!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thanks so much that means alot

8 Years Ago

you are so welcome, Mike ... the pleasure is mine :))

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1 Review
Added on November 8, 2015
Last Updated on November 8, 2015



South Africa

My experiences, my feeling and my pains and successes will all be written down and maybe this will heal me and help others going through the same or similar experiences. more..

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