

A Poem by Mike

It’s a constant fight that I just don’t have the strength to fight anymore,

It pains me inside to have to run through all this strain over and over again,

Mmmh I have been sitting here for ages and I am fading,

There is a colour crimson within my eyes and it burns.


Its feels like a chemical burning through my bloodstream,

I am merely waiting for the reality of this to kick in,

I know there will be no answer at the bottom of a bottle,

No device nor substances can supress this anger burning within,


Broken and beaten down please tell me why the kicking never stops,

Banged up and bruised when do the blows end once blood is drawn,

Interference is causing me to think senseless and irresponsible,

It’s taken too long to get to some sense of normality, yet no respect,


This hatred isn’t who I am anymore but yet it just keeps getting fuelled again and again,

Just stay out of it and have no input, it makes me the sacrificial lamb to the slaughter,

It’s the having to stick your nose in and assume the ending without correct consultation,

Why do I need to open my mouth with a flood of information for no reason?


Wasted effort and precious time for and information overload onto deaf ears,

Why do I try and make sense of this, it’s always been the same and blinded I neglected its reality,

No more, no more trying to be reasonable and cautious, it’s gone out the window,

The time for a reality check is now and there is no stopping me, no roadblocks and no more patience,


The reality is that this is covered and I know what I am doing without any doubts,

My plan is a work in progress but I don’t need the constant scrutiny of its merits,

Doing the best of a complicated situation is all I can do; it was never going to be easy,

It’s troubling to understand the reasoning for this constant back stabbery,


What the hell have I done so wrong …………………….!

© 2015 Mike

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Added on September 12, 2015
Last Updated on September 12, 2015



South Africa

My experiences, my feeling and my pains and successes will all be written down and maybe this will heal me and help others going through the same or similar experiences. more..

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