Is it me

Is it me

A Poem by Mike

Is it me or the thought of me that makes you sick, 
I never intentionally hurt you if that's what it was, 
A pretense of commitment that fooled me for so long, 
I can feel the anger in me like cocaine is eating my veins, 

The voices in my mind telling me this and that, 
The death of my heart when I hear your words is haunting me, 
It's like a never ending torture that eats me piece by piece everyday, 
The loneliness that feels like a never ending road of broken glass, 

I bleed on the bad days and I live on anger for the good days, 
The pain sometimes like a drowning thirst that chokes me to death, 
The face I know is a mask I believed it's a thousand faces and I wonder which one is you, 
The life I thought was real is like broken mirrors painting the floor, 

I fade away in silence like a distant memory, 
I just dissolve like a forgotten picture left to burn, 
Is this life and if it is then I wasn't prepared for this, 
Feeling the fool is embarrassment and poison eating away at my heart, 

If this is my reality then I accept it, 
I challenge it and when this is all said and done I will have survived a near dying soul, 
Judged I feel like the demon of fate even though every part of me hurts I am still here, 
I live and breath the contradiction of pain and anger everyday, 

The true test comes now, 
The beast inside me has woken and it's hungry, 
Obstacles are challenges, 
Bleeding is just a necessary need, 

I am not done and I am not beaten, 
Bruised and battered, crushed and left for dead, 
Circumstances will not defeat me,
Choices made without me ultimately fuel the fire, 

It's that time now to rise from the ashes, 
The Old me is dead I buried him already, 
Button Down the hatches and nail the doors shut, 

It's gonna be a hell of a ride ....... It is me ...... A new me ...... not with me good then get the hell out of my way

© 2015 Mike

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Nothing like venting and voicing ones thoughts to get feelings out in the open. A forceful read. Valentine

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 30, 2015
Last Updated on July 31, 2015



South Africa

My experiences, my feeling and my pains and successes will all be written down and maybe this will heal me and help others going through the same or similar experiences. more..

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