Believe It Or Not

Believe It Or Not

A Poem by Mike



Believe it or not most of us have something to hide,

Believe it or not everyone keep some sticks inside,

Believe it or not everyone believe in something above,

Believe it or not everyone needs to feel alive,


Can someone deliver us and send us some kind of sign,

Can someone delivery us cause the faith sometimes is hard to find,

Can someone deliver us to a place less vivid and thick with hate?

Can someone deliver us the knowledge to figure this out?


Most of us have nothing to complain about,

Most of us have things we can live without,

Most of us need advice on how to get along,

Most of us don’t care and will carry on until we figure it out,


With hands on the mirror the glare back scares most of us,

Wet hands as if the quench alone of the liquid evaporates immediately,

Doctors cannot be priests no matter how much we believe,

We will not stand aside and merely watch this all go to hell,


Believe it or not everyone has felt paid so anguishing it feels like death,

I am over the edge of what is normal and merely what I accept,

When we lose the faith to fall for safety and end us a spec on the surface,

I am over this hell, over the safety and over the phone calls,


If need be the constant torture will erupt into my soul and burst into disaster,

If for time sake I wait for the end of this anguish will it falter me,

Never made any promises that I haven’t kept yet blame always finds me,

Getting over it is almost impossible and it eats away at me like scavengers to fleshy bone,


Believe it or not ……………………..I am human !



© 2015 Mike

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Well you have expressed a lot of your inner thoughts in this write. Since all people are a bit different than another, I agree on some of this but can't agree on others. Valentine

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 15, 2015
Last Updated on January 15, 2015
Tags: poem



South Africa

My experiences, my feeling and my pains and successes will all be written down and maybe this will heal me and help others going through the same or similar experiences. more..

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