Burning Anger

Burning Anger

A Poem by Mike

Burning anger inside me like the heat from a coal at peak temperature inside my heart,

Burning anger why do you keep belittling me into this wicked part,

Burning anger eats away at me as if my skin was covered in pure acid,

Burning anger leave me alone and drown me in lake placid,


Into these depths I am falling lost inside myself and the inner demons within,

Blame and blame again my silence stitched as if my lips were sown together,

Guilt forced upon me for a story I had no part in playing in,

Sacrificial lamb to the slaughter I do actually bleed like anyone else,


I have been burnt by the light instead of being bathed in it,

Feeling like a helpless fool lost is a swoon of peace,

Trenches rise around me and this battle has now become a war,

Casualties of conflict surround me like barbwire stretched across my back,


Its like a curse that has been with me inside just waiting and waiting dormant,

I can’t run away from it nor can I hide away it is a part of me,

Judged I stand at the gates waiting for a reason to break them down and take over,

Ostracized for whom I am burns inside me and the only comfort would be torture,


Come break me down and marry yourself to my soul with no release,

Nothing seems to change and this is who I really am inside,

Running from myself is not the answer it’s the one person I can’t get away from,

Like a disease I stay with myself all the time and I hate what I am being forced to become,


Against all my nature I react in the destructive nature of my being,

Like a spark to a flame I erupt into total destruction of all around me,

I am on the attack don’t be standing in my way there is no remorse where I am going,

Step aside or burn in the anger I will unleash upon all who stand in the way of my dreams,


Interference is the key to all of this and the caged animal is hungry and wants a hunt,

Forsaking my life and the life of the ones around me becomes my fuel and my spark,

Ignorance is weakness and I smell fear coming soon and it will be realized,

Nice is no longer in my vocabulary this will end one way or another " win or loose,


Burning Anger …………………..burn til the ashes fall ! 

© 2015 Mike

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Added on January 13, 2015
Last Updated on February 22, 2015
Tags: poem



South Africa

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