

A Story by Mike

Early morning rises with a cool mist in the air, the sun breaks the horizon like blades of power, nature wakes slowly with the sounds of birds chirping, the warrior rises with purpose and execution,

He stands at his door to his cottage and stares at the view of the mountains around him ... Breathtaking, he feels the warm touch of his wife's hands around his waist & turns to see a tear running down her face, she pleads with him not to go to battle, she can see in his eyes that it is necessary for this to be done, its fate and his fight is for their freedom,

They retreat back inside their cabin where a fire burns and warmth fills the air, she has prepared a warm meal to build his strength for the impending battle, she helps him to get prepared for war, his armor skin tight and his sword sharpened to pierce flesh,

As he is leaving she gives him the same cross he gave her since the day he saved her life, it has always brought you back to me my love, he looks her in the eyes, holds her face in his hands and says: when I go I never forget our love - it feeds my strength through battle, he kisses her holds her close and then leaves,

The sun is at its highest when he gets to the battlefield, his fellow kings man greet him and the kneel down and pray before battle, their prayers are cut short by the sounds of the enemy approaching, the growls and snorts of Ogres and Serpent men - the powers of evil, this is the war of good vs evil - humans vs darkness, its a fight that shakes their hearts and there odds are bleak,

The warrior prepares his me with orders, their cavalry is ready and awaiting the first wave of attack, they are ready and the silence before battle is earth shattering, the enemy makes the first move and the ground shakes with every step they take, "Hold the line he orders his men"

At the second of impact time freezes, he lifts his head and sees their leader a few feet in front of him, his eyes filled with the fires of evil, he outweighs the warrior by 200 stones, the impact comes and the warrior has never been hit so hard he flies back 30 feet straight into a tree, he is dazed and confused he can feel his lung explode in his chest, all this time he can see his men being destroyed, their blood spilling all over the valley,

Their blows shatter their defenses like twigs under boulders, he looks up and sees the Ogre once again coming for him to finish the job, time stops again and he grabs the cross around his next and shouts out his love for his wife, just as the Ogre swings his monstrous axe at the warriors chest his hand burns and the cross lights up with a power he has never felt,

The brightest of lights with a force of a tornado shoots from his hands and destroys everything in its path, he stands up and waves his hand at the enemy lines and turns them to ashes instantly,

There is a silence in the air and a huge cloud of dust and ash that hangs in the air like and dark depression, he looks over the valley and all he sees are bodies and the blood of his men, he has victory but the cost is heartbreaking, he kneels down and prays to the Gods for the souls of his men, the cross lights up again and a bolt of lightning shoots into the skies and it begins to rain light, each drop soaks into his men's bodies and breathes new life into them, the dust and ash slowly settles and he can see each one of them getting up filled with life,

The rain continues to wash the valley filled with blood clean, its as if the Gods has presided over this battle and saved the from the Evils of the earth, he gets up and goes to check on his men after this miracle, his men are grateful and embrace him for what he has done, they question him for an explanation .. He has none, they bid each other farewell and god their separate ways back to their families,

He slowly makes his way home through the forests and valleys, he finally has his home in view and there stands his wife at the door waiting for him, it as if she almost knew he was going to be there, he looks into her eyes and explains the story of the battle, she isn't moved or surprised at all with what he tells her ... He questions why?

She tells him that she is a spirit of the Gods and she looks over him because he once saved her life, she has devoted her life to him and she protects him through the cross he gave her that she blessed as a symbol of their love, she confesses that he is the chosen one to fight the scourge of evil,

He looks at her and slowly kisses her lips and says: " Warrior I am, Warrior I have always been, a Warrior stands alone but I can not stand without you"

Truth: Even Warriors need help, none so precious and powerful as that of the love of a woman, a Partner and a Soul mate

© 2012 Mike

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Added on September 21, 2012
Last Updated on September 21, 2012



South Africa

My experiences, my feeling and my pains and successes will all be written down and maybe this will heal me and help others going through the same or similar experiences. more..

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