Sylathis the Sky Weaver
Fantasy short story, lore of my novel in the works for backstory and world-building lore.
Fantasy short story, lore of my novel in the works for backstory and world-building lore.
My Own Prison

My Own Prison

A Poem by Mike

Court is in session no appeal this day,
Awaiting my verdict for sins of past,
Silence now my breath the emotion right now, shackled by my sentence I have no escape,

Cometh to me judgment day why wait,
Bringeth me the redemption I seek,
Maketh my vision of the cross fade,
No time for mourning none at all,

Let me wear my suit of thorns and await my pain, drownith my sorrows on the tears of strangers, I have created my own prison even seeking Gods decision, trying to hold my head up high all in vain due to my selfish pride,

Almost artificial my life remains,
Loosing my reason and nothing left to blame, some know how I was and most don't, anger anger leave me before I drown, self denial will only kill me,

Fate fate set me free in peace,
My own prison locks me down,
My own prison knock me down,
My own prison clicks a frown,
My own prison bricks won't lean or cease,

If settling the score will set me free then let's do it, no king too tall, no wall too high, if its venom they want then so be it, let my fangs penetrate this bullshit and let my poison take control of their bodies like it does mine,

Holly crap just hate the helplessness,
Fighting to find answers buring me,
If there is a reason then stop all the F#¤*ing beating around the bush, answers answers I say why hide the truth, why must some suffer and others never, explain I don't get it,

Violence I won't give you the satisfaction, just leave me be, why do you come to me again and again, once upon a time I would welcome you with open arms but why oh why do you constantly come back I am in no need of you .... My own prison!!!!!!

© 2012 Mike

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really good end for this poem , well done

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 2, 2012
Last Updated on September 2, 2012



South Africa

My experiences, my feeling and my pains and successes will all be written down and maybe this will heal me and help others going through the same or similar experiences. more..

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