A Love Not Meant to Be

A Love Not Meant to Be

A Story by Lizzy

a love story based on a song


Their relationship, while it lasted, was beautiful, perfect even. It wasn't a relationship anyone ever expected to happen, but it did. She was the good girl, never did anything bad, kind to everyone. He was the bad boy, a stripper, flirted to get his way. But they met, love at first sight for her, just another girl to him. It took her nearly six months to get up the nerve to write her number on his receipt. It took him another month and a half to figure out that she was giving him her number every week.

Their first date was awkward, like most first dates are. They went to dinner and the conversation felt forced to both of them. He acted the gentlemen and kept asking her questions, paying for dinner, even opening doors for her. But when he took her home after dinner, she was positive that he was never going to call her again, that her shot at true love was done and over with. He went home and fell straight asleep. But the next morning when he woke up, he couldn't stop thinking about her. He was on her mind as she drove to school.

When he called her that night, she nearly fainted in disbelief. He wanted to see her again, so she invited him over for dinner. He accepted and they ate a dinner that she made, conversation flowing as easily as the wine they drank. They discussed almost everything, sex being the one topic they never approached. After dinner he helped her clean up then they watched a movie, cuddling on her couch.

From that day forward they were almost inseparable. It was hard for them to make things work between her school and his weekend nights at work, but they found a way. Before anyone knew it, she was going to see him at work, amazing for such the goody-goody that she. But she was just what he needed, being with her helped him stop the drug use, finding a better way to stay in shape.

After only six months together, he moved into her house. People could see how he was changing her. As their sex life grew so did her confidence, causing her to wear the kind of clothes she never would have worn. She also started drinking, more than just a glass every wine every now and then. Her friends worried about her but didn't say anything, knowing that she was happy with him. And his friends hung out with him less, since he wasn't interested in drugs anymore. He even started going back to college and trying to find another job, even when she told him he didn't have to quit his job.

For their two year anniversary he took her to an expensive restaurant, one on top of a mountain, in a limo. After dinner, while they were waiting for dessert, he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. She nearly choked on the martini she was drinking but obviously said yes. They barely made it out to the limo, groping and kissing their way there. Once in the limo their clothes came flying off.

The next morning she had all her friends came over and they gushed over how beautiful the ring was, how romantic the proposal was, how hot the sex was. She instantly started working on planning the wedding. The ceremony was six months later and it was beautiful. Many of her friends went home with his stripper friends that night. Everyone thought they were going to last. They went to Paris, the city of love, for their honeymoon, coming back even happier then when they left.

They agreed the only thing that could make their lives complete was a child. After nearly eight months of daily sex they still hadn't gotten pregnant. They went to a doctor and tried every available treatment for both of them, in an attempt to have a child. Finally they were told that she would never have children. She didn't accept this, she couldn't, she was meant to be a mother. He offered adoption and other options but she refused to accept them.

Her friends started to worry about her; she was showing up to work and school already drunk and continued drinking throughout the day. Next thing they knew she was meeting up with strange men and going to bars and other shady areas to meet men. He was busy working and going to school that he hardly noticed she wasn't around.

Then one night she stumbled home drunk, the scent of sex all over her, and he was there waiting for her. He was mad that she slept with another man, she was mad that he couldn't get her pregnant. They fought and argued, both yelling at the other as loudly as they could, until he got so mad that he smacked her across the face, calling her a selfish b***h as he did so. She pushed him back and yelled at him to get out; he left with only the clothes on his back, thinking things would be fine the next day when he returned.

She stayed up all night, packing his stuff and placing it out front, crying and screaming as she did so. He returned the next morning to find boxes of his stuff all over the front lawn and the key to the house no longer working. A week later he was served divorce paper, irreconcilable differences and fraud were the reasons given for the divorce. They were legally divorced eight months later, both different people then they were when they first met. She was now an alcoholic w***e, sleeping with any man in hoping of getting pregnant. He was now a straight laced hard working college student. She wanted to prove the doctors wrong; she wanted to be a mother more than anything. He quit his job as a stripper and attempted to bury his horrible past.

As time went on things only got worse for both of them. There was hardly a minute of the day when she wasn't drinking, crying herself to sleep at night with his picture in her hand. He was so distracted with thoughts of her that his performance at both work and school was slipping. So he did what he knew how to do best, hide his pain with drugs and alcohol. That was the beginning of the end.

Her boss was worried when she didn't show up for work one day, only three months after their divorce. When she didn't show up for work the next day, her boss knew something was wrong. Her boss called her mom and her mom went over to her house. Her mom knocked on the door and when no one answered she went in. She was found face down on her bed, the gun on the floor and his picture in her hand, her wedding ring was even on her finger.

She was buried a week later in the cemetery underneath a tree. The rain started down shortly after she was placed in the ground. No one ever knew that she had his picture in her hand so she was buried without her wedding ring. He was there at the funeral, unnoticed by everyone except her mom. He stayed at her grave site even after everyone else left, even as he was soaked by the rain. He blamed himself for her death, guilt overcoming him.

People noticed the changes happening to him. He was resorting back to the kind of man he was before he met her, drugs and stripping again. It was almost like without her alive he had nothing to work for. He quit school, picked right back up where he was at the strip club, and was always seen high or drunk or both. No one could get him to speak about her so they didn't know how much he blamed himself, how guilty he felt. On the three month anniversary of her death he went to her grave. No one knew that he was there, or that he went there every day since she was buried.

When the landscaper came the next morning to clean the cemetery he was found, face down on her grave, her picture in his hand, his wedding ring on his finger and a gun near his head. They buried him a week later right next to her underneath the tree. And for the second time, it rained as soon as his body was in the ground.

© 2013 Lizzy

Author's Note

This is a sad story based on the song Whiskey Lullaby by Brad Paisley and Allison Krauss. I don't own the song, only the characters. Some sentences towards the end are almost straight out of that song, it's done on purpose and not meant as stealing from the writers of this beautiful song. I was inspired by the song and a suggestion from a friend to write a story to help me to stop thinking about a guy.

My Review

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This is a very wonderful story. And I have to agree with Lora - this sounds like a love that was meant to be. But it didn't work out because of the circumstances. They were destined to be together forever, and so they will be, as they're buried next to each other for the rest of time. Beautiful story.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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I found it a story about a love that was meant to be, a love destined by many past lives.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Though tragic, this is a very good, very well written story.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 20, 2013
Last Updated on May 20, 2013



Mesa, AZ

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