Sad poem- a would be love accusing not celebrating the fact his love might be "Our Lady of the Pootens." some people think that love and empathy is a limited resource, and that is really sad.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
It is a sad place to be! Thank you so much for reading it and understanding it
One can only do one thing at a time when it comes to caring .. a bundle of words, a hugful of remedies, a gentleness of thought .. you're who you are and must surely be proud of being able to write such touching poetry and know that inside every letter is love. In the process of caring for others = two or four legged, you need just a little understanding that sometimes, just sometimes, there have to be priorities.
'Pootens', a new word for me .. and somehow beautiful.
to reach out from our heart is easy enough; but you are right, never for the wrong are always giving clear expression to our great journey
I like this endearingly written piece, i like the image too, Audrey, she could be european, middle easter, south asian...thanks...ah now i see, a lamentation of Christ, forgive me!
I am so happy to be writing! I was an attorney in my previous incarnation. These days, I teach voice mostly, write some and do a little psychotherapy. It seems like a good combination for me.
I h.. more..