Everything is ok because I have everything I need. Everything in place, security. I have everything I need need need. I have everything I need need need. There are mouths to feed. I have everything I need need need. Doesn’t stop, doesn’t stop. The panic is placated. Placed in a coffin. Placed and placated. The people never leave leave leave. In this place stuck between the shadow and me. The people never leave leave leave. Multiply in the coffin. Multiply in it often. The people never leave leave leave. Take a trip and multiply. Take a trip and leave leave leave. Shackles unforeseen I am mean mean mean. Can’t appreciate the unforeseen. Back and forth. Make it clean clean clean. Eat with knife and fork. Have your folklore, have your writings in the drawer. Get on your knees knees knees. Make something so I can believe. Get on your knees knees knees. Everything is ok because I have everything I need need need.