The History of Nymbrass

The History of Nymbrass

A Story by Disenchanted

This is basically everything that has happened to nymbrass to make him the evil son of a b***h he is



Oh, the bi.tch would pay. The silent words repeated themselves over and over and over again. Oh, she would. Did she really dare it?? She had. He had seen their mating with his own eyes, heard her intence moans of pleasure, her begging him for more. The memory haunted him, like nothing else ever had before. His head echoed with the males own groans of erotic pleasure as he thrust into her again and again, pumping his seed, the part of him that should have never been exposed into her with bravado. Her own whimperes of sexual release, her satisfaction shifted from that fateful event, to the release of their own mating, the errily similar reactions from her as well as himself. Skullery shook. No, he would not remember the pleasure of their own coupling, their own tryst. No, he focused completly on the, the betrayer, the cheater. The word rang through his head, bouncing an echo in the corners of his mind. Aldultress. It haunted him, teased him, taunted him, dragged his mind through the darkest deepest pits of  and back, without any care to the matter. The wraith that had him now took intence pleasure in the act he preformed, the toture of the mind, the thoughts that persisted to repeat themselves in his head, drag on and on and on in an endless stream of pain. Skullery lolled on a carless neck, not even bothering to  where he was going. Oh, but the rage surged, buitl until he could no longer take it, no longer handle containing the intence fire within. He no longer needed to...they would die, both of them. It was then, when the evil took over his soul, blackened the deep recesses of his heart that the god, His only Lord spoke to him. Let hte rage take hold of you, My Son. Let it controll you as it controlled me. Let it wash over you in waves and suck the rest of the light out of you, Let it fill you, as that wh.ore is fiulled with the seed of another. The words slightly socked the demon, sent a wave of something that was very akin to fear, and very far from rage through him. Footfalls froze, and he fought to keep himself from bolting away, but what use was that?? the voice was in his head. So, he was insane now, was he?? Smile of distinct delight was emmited. Insane he couls work with....fearful he could not, jealouse he could not and enviouse he could NOT. Tones rose, a soft undertone to the evil he felt even now growing in him, washing into his system Who be you?? What a fool, talking to himself in the middle of nowhere, intent on teh deaths of everything he had once loved...his best frined, and his tratorouse former mate. They would both soon lie dead at his feet, and he planned each intricate detail even as he waited for a responce he somehow knew was coming. Thats it, let the darkness take root...let it fill you. Just like i said. I Am Wolfbane, Lord of the Darkness, The opposite of Tor himself. Your Lord God A delicate, almost motherly softness tinged to words, a gentleness that the demon wasent expecting from the prescence, deemed his God. Oh, and he went willingly into the embrace, willing into the curt arrogance of the all powerful. And he fell to his knees, once more with a willing, eager servitude.  yes..thats it..YES!!! The triumphant call of the God filled the demonds head, the exubrent call of one who hac made a great conquest, and, instead of feeling a rage that he would have at being deemed a servant, Nymbrass willingly accepted the call, the God as his master.  You shall be the greatest of my servants, teh King of my lands, my Preist. You will carry out my mission, gather those who are like you....evil. And you will reign ALL POWERFUL The voice once more decreed, still exzubrent with his conquest. Now, My Son, KILL THEM BOTH Benevolent smile crossed his kissers, and able Lifted him to his feet, skullery bowed and occulars focused oon the forming of a massive black thundercloud that he ssomehow knew was his Leige Lord. Smirk lit his kissers, not one of amusement, but sompletly evil, the dark recesses of his soul now awash with the tainting prescence of Wolfbane, Eternal Lord. Stones, dead for the gling of benevolent hate glared under heavy brows at the cloud, and bowed, lifting a moment later. Tones rose, with the certaintly and froth of demonic energy that filled him even then  As you Will, My Lord, My Father, My Master

Auds perked, a soft, vengful smile placed upon ebonite kissers as satilited took in her plea for mercy. A scoff was given, a declaration of the uncarring hate he felt toward the femme begging for her life. No, she was going to die...and by his hand. Nymbrass, my love, you dont want do this. Her pleading got her no where. A harsh snort was given, occulars zeroing in on the withiring femme with no compassion.  I think I do, Esteria. You forget My Love That it was you who turned your back on me, who sold yourself to Vallin as only a wh.ore does. Wolfbane be my only love now The words were true enough, tinted with the hate he felt toward the femme before him, and the delightful love he beheld for his god. Malice filled eyes turned to her, and he closed the small space that seperated them. The quavering form of his son watched in horror not 10 feet from them, the clatter of his terror filled teeth almost audible. A fathers eyes moved to the pup, no softness warming them as he took in the pathetic form of his "heir"  Do well and  closly, Boy. One day, you will have to do the same. They are all the same...lying cheating w.h.o.r.e.s A deliciouse smile revealed sharp ivories intent on one and only one purpose. An unamused chuckle furled from his jowls, mallice and dread filling the sound where a hint of humor should have...and did in the past.  But take heart...soon there will be one less Harlot in the world Once more, he circled the femme, her shaking silver form beyond pathetic. Worthless, A waste. No sympathy was given. None was spared the little Harlot he used to take pride in calling his mate. A voice rang inside his skull, the distinct ring of his father...No, not Thyobane, but his Heavenly Father... Wolfbane.  Waver not, My son. Remember the wrongs she made you suffer, the utter discarce she put you through. Kill her, My Son, Kill her in my exaulted name The words rang true than any that now flew throught the demons head, and he smiled evily, his head bowind as his father, Thyobane, had tought him to preotect his tender neck. He doubted that the femme would dare try to attack the male....she was not stupid after all. And, she knew her time was near. With a menancing snarl, and and a smile of intence pleasure washed over the demons face. Even as powerful stilts pushed him foward, his jaws opened, and even as they clung tightly to her throat, the scream she had produced ended in a gurgled testimate to her death. With a dull thump, her carcass drooped to the terra, the soft, still warm essence of her crimson life flooding the leaf-riddled forest floor, the massive obsidion form of her former mate, the very same drake she had betrayed, lay over her fallen body, an overly pleased smile upon stony Fascade. Sparkling stones moved to the still quavering form of his son, the pathetic excuse for one if the demon ever did see one. The voice of his Lordly Father once more entered his head Well Done My son. Now, perge the land of the abomination she bore you...purge YOUR land  Dome lowered as pacers shifted, turning him toward the pup that called him father. He moved foward, not the kind of easy gaint of one that meant to offer comfort, one feeling remorce for an unavoidable act. No, the demonds gaint was one of utter satisfaction, complete confidence. Vindictive chuckle was released as he settled in front of the pup, occulars glingint a certain pleasure that the drake only found in the killing and mangaling of others  You See, my son, the only thing better than killing a w.h.o.r.e in killing the abomination that has sprung from her womb. Harlots, you see, are very strange characters. They have no remorse for what they do, no sence of...guilt. They are leeches, gaining pleasure from those who they snare in their traps, then dumping them for the next willing one to f.u.c.k them. Their spinless leeches, discusting creatures that feed on the wills of males, drains away their defences, their will. As was your mother. But you see, son-He spat the word as it it was an infection, a desease that was adamant in his persuite to claim him-  but, she attemtped  to seduce the worng male. Do you see how i drained the life from her?? So i will for you as well He moved foward, the soft patter of his footfalls echoing with direct intensity in the crouded little clearing. Smile widened as the small pup found his feet, found the will to move even as his father drew closer.  Run while you can, my pathetic little spawn Footfalls shifted once more, attempting to carry him toward the path the small wolf had taken, when the voice of his god once more spoke  No..let him go. Let him nurse his hate. If he can find it in him to live another day, he shall truly be worthy to succeed you when your time comes, as my Prophet Sigh was emmited, the king of a child who had just been scolded from a parent ruining their fun, but he made no more to argue with the one who now held his will....

The Death Of The Ba.stard

The only thing better then the exaultion he felt right now was the gods voice in his head. The demon took intence pleasure in the toture of the wolf that he had just killed, slolwy, and painfully. Oh, yes, intence pleasure. With a soft sigh, his jowls opened and tounge extended to lap the rest of the sweet, still warm blood from his chops. Head bowed, benevolent stones glaring from under heavy brows as they fixed ahead, ready for any other intruders that tried to take his Exaulted Fathers land from him, greedy neighbors that wished to rid "their" land of the evil that was Nymbrass and his slowly growing pack. Oh, their assassins were swift, silent, and even deadly to their own way, but no one, and he was positive that NO ONE was as deadly as himself, excpet for the solid prescence of Thyobane, his decitful and merciless father. In more ways than one, both were very similar. They were both merciless, uncarring, cold, and both were amazzing at what they did: kill. With a scoff of amusement, skullery turned back to look at teh falled form of the newest assasin, the newest attempt on his life, and smiled slightly, He was the best of the ones that had been sent, but he still fell way far of the mark, way below the bar that held only Bane and Nymbrass...and his father trained the best assassins the northern hemisphere had ever seen....No, they had no chance. A silent challenge rang through the drakes head, to hte others that he knew were comming, and another scoff left his kissers. Finally, the god spoke again, the powerful triumphant voice of Wolfbane spoke to him as he always did Yes, My Son, let them come....let them come And Nymbrass rejoiced in the voice of his exaluted lord. But, his mission was not complete. Oh, yes the land was claimed, his in the name of Exaulted Wolfbane, but a fire raged inside Nymbrass, one that was soon to be estinguished even as the drake caught the still fleeing scent of Vallin. The A.s.s would find the end of his days tonight. The prescence of the god fired him on, like nothing else it gave him an unexpendable energy of such extreme measures he founf hismelf going days withoug sleep, withough food or water. It was a high that had never been before experienced, never before laced the blood that ran through the demons arteries. It was a high, yes, but also an exlerating possession. The god filled him, every inch, nook and cranny of his tank bodice. And he was ready for anything. He awaited anything, longed for one worthy soul to take on him now, to dare to throw away their life. Not that he was still vulnerable. Oh, yes there was as great a chance as any other wolf that he could die, be killed by a set of dentures to the neck...But, that was unlikly. He drew nearer to the exhausted drake, the sting of his retched scent burning in the demons nares as he slowly shortened the distnace, closed the gap. A smile of utter hatred and mallice twisted his kissers, with a disting glow of intence anticipation. He had awaited nothing else since the deaht of his own little Oh, no he would take imence pleasure in this killing, just as the bast.ard has as he pumped his unworthy seed into the womb of his "freinds" mate. No, not even the death of Esteria herself would be more satisfying. Even as he drew closer, no pity washed through him, no remorce for the death, the execution he was about to perform. No, only intence pleasure was taken, just in the thought of the sweet blood to wet his purified pallet. A dry, almost raspy chuckle filled his head, the now familar and beloved voice of the God lifting his thought into a jubilant tune, taken up with gusto. Then, he spoke, and the song inside the demons soul dulled to a hum. So eager, My Son, to take his life?? Good, that is good. You are ever drawing closer to the deepest evil to ever walk this hemisphere.A Distinct mask of pride filled Nymbrass, but his glory was cut short by a feral snarl, one of desperation. Another smile lit the demons face, and he paused, stones piercing the darkness, and alighting on the steel grey shape of Vallin. Finally. Now, revenge would be had. A plea was shot into the darkness, much like the one the had given him. No sympathy was given, even as the words were caught  Nymbrass, My Brother, do not do know you dont want to. Resolve did not waver at all at the drakes plea, the sickening, almost painful memories of the tryst, the embrace that was not meant to be witnessed, especially by the only thing the femme and duke had in common....Nymbrass himself. Exaulted rage was once more the determining feature in the demons tones, and finally, after a pause that seemed an eternity, he spoke. Oh, Brohter I do...i do very much so. I have no brother anymore. Occulars narrowed, watching every miniscule movement of the drake crouches before him. He knew his friends well, well enough to know he woudld fight this to the end, fight every step of the way for a freedome he knew would be denied him in the end. And it would. As effectivly as if he had just stood there and let himself die, as Esteria did, her lover would be executed just as easily. Nymrass crouched, waiting for the pounce he knew was coming, the last-ditch effor that spoke of the drakes desperation to live. Well, if the fool wanted to live, he shouldent have touched her, mounted her or pernetrated her. Now, his life was forefit, and he knew all of this very well, just as Nymbrass did.  Finally, Vallin made to move, began a pathetic, weak circle around the demon that resembled nothing of the fighting fire Nymbrass ha once seen in him. The steel grey form of vallin had once been a blur, faster than any wolf Nymbrass had ever seen, attacking with a speed of uncalculated measures. But, now as exhaustion had taken over him from his flight, he was weak, worthless, and doomed. Perhaps, if he had had the courage to fight before now, when he stil had strength enough for a decent fight, he might have succeded in winning his freedom. A small chance, but chance nonethless. Now, he would surly die, in his state of delicate vulnerability. A chuckle was produced, a vindictive sound dripping with delightful hate, a delicious evil. The first pathetic attack came seconds later, the large form of Vallin hurled with careless desperation at the larger form of the shadow itself. Nymbrass stood, awaiting the impack of the attack, the glancing blow of Vallins last ditch effort. Another vile chuckle was emmited, slipping like poison oozing from on open wound through ebonite kissers.  Really brother, i expected more he said, even as he twisted his bodice with a delightful speed of his own, turning to offer hiw own firey attack, offered with the speed that should have been contaained in his enemy's attack. Jowls opened, sinking with a satsifying ripping sound into the soft flesh of Vallins shoulder, his iron fangs sinking with the ease of a knife through butter into hte exposed flesh of the other. Crimson life rushed inside the villins mouth, overwhelming him with the sweet, slightly metalic appeal. Mutly, the devil released his grip, spitting out the excess of the injured barons life. The opthers steps wavered, and he collapsed, pathetic as expected. Lilt were lifted, the immence pleasure of the others pain sang into hte words. Fallen so soon, brother?? He asked with intence clarity, the slight infasis on the word speaking the depths of his hate for the brute. Soon. It would end soon. With another circle, Stones focused on the fading light that was even now dying inside Vallins. No, he would not die that easily.  He would suffer. Another lighting fast attakc was given, not going for the throat as would have been expected, but lashing instead at the drakes chest, another deep gouge left by lethal weapons and crimson blood flooding forth. He paused, allowing Vallin to rest for a bit, gather his strenth, if you might, and felt a soft tinge of satisfaction as the baron did just that. With a shaky sigh, he pulled the last reserves of his ever thinning resovior of energy, and forced himself to stay awake, to face the coming toture hw knew he deserved. He spoke, for the first time since he had first come in contact with Nymbrass, the plea gone and replaced with a soft undertanding  I know how you loved her...i shouldent have done that to you, my borhter. So, i will let you have your revenge as its due. I have another day in me, perhaps. Lets see if you can make it last Nymbrass watched, with masterfully concealed rage, as he spoke, a hiss of hate released. Yes, he wanted pain, wanted Vallin to suffer, but not like this....not with the dignity of self-sacrafice under his belt. A snarl was released, tones lifting in a lilt of their own as he spoke in reply  You shall not have that honor, Vallin. You will die as the a betrayer. And the, he lunged, pointed and very lethal ivories digging into the soft, exposed flesh of Vallins neck, severing the life from the jugular that would give life no more. Vallin collapsed with a soft sigh, almost in releif, and lifted his voice once more with the last wish that would never be granted  Thank you, Brother. but hear me out as my life bleads away. We saw you...die. We saw you go over the edge, saw you fall all that way. She...she thought you were dead, brother, thoughtyou were....dead He struggled with the last words, pausing now and again to breath in his last couple breaths I shall die a betrayer, to a brother thought dead, for an action offered in comfort. Finally, as life faded from the drakes eyes, Nymbrass composed himself, fought the dreadful rage inside. No...if she truly loved me, she would have dies beside me... Words slipped on fadin ears, and before the drake could respong, he faded into hte depths of death, the he.ll of eternal slumber. Nymbrass turned, uncarring for once about the death, and the god was, strangly, silent.


© 2009 Disenchanted

Author's Note

Sorry for the EXCESSIVE spelling mistakes. DDDDD:

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Added on July 13, 2009



Athens, GA

About a person, with a certain color of hair. I have a name. I am tall, not really skinny o.o (but not fat xD). I LOVE to write. I am not just any kind of writer. Im a roleplayer. In my case.. more..

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