This is a brief opening and may not be the finished opening scene as may even be a flashback of an earlier crisis on the planet Naeron!
Irithia, a lot has changed in the past Millennia. As the Nearothian storms continue to batter the skies one thing remains certain. The Dark Fluid. No one really knows what it is. What it does...but it still manages to scare the hell out of most people. Most species. In fact the existence of dark fluid even converts those of scientific minds to religion and religious minds to science. It can convert the sane into the insane and the insane into something else. It does this because no one knows what it is, or what it does. Little is known about this substance. Scientific trials were conducted in the early stages of dark fluid. When it was a lot more unstable. By this it does not mean it is now more stable but that people stopped testing it and probing it, because it killed people. It poisoned minds. It tore flesh. Dark Fluid is not an element. It has been considered to be a type of energy although most see it as a poison. Some even believe it is pure darkness. Form neither liquid nor gas. It feeds on fear. Constantly drawing towards life.