![]() X. X. Harken introduces his bookA Story by dimz![]() An excerpt from X. X. Harken's upcoming debut memoir.![]() [excerpt
from “20 Days I Swore I’d Never Speak Of”] Foreword by
Xavier X. Harkin
she moved on to bigger and boring things, my friend Naomi would cheerfully
waste as much time reading my sordid scribbles as I would waste considering
each word in my head before publishing a new draft. This is to say that I am
entirely more methodical than the quality of this book would suggest and that
Naomi is so slow a reader that I do not imagine I am the only person that has
vocally cast doubt on her literacy. I believe now she works as an
executive-something-or-other at JPMorgan Chase or some such company in the Big
Apple, but I knew her well enough to reserve suspicions as to how she attained
that position. Rest assured, I would never judge her or anyone for using
available means to get ahead in the game, and it is probably more likely that I
am simply envious of her if I have seemed to begin my book with bitter
insinuations, as I sit here sponging off the Starbucks Wi-Fi as a consequence
of not being able to afford internet at my one bedroom flat. In fact, if Naomi
were to happen to peruse this book upon publication, I have no doubt she would
find it in her heart to mail me a check, even though the probability that I
will have maintained a permanent physical address by that time is questionable
at best, in which case she would remember the place where we initially explored
particular benefits of friendship and deposit a lump of hard cash behind the
bushes. I am still known by a few familiars in Williamston, Michigan to
occasionally be seen loitering in the shady parking lot of the Hampton Inn, for
reasons both transactional and nostalgic.
I attended college, Naomi was something of my creative ally, whose humorous and
intelligent contributions regularly punctuated my otherwise negative writing so
as to make me less unlikeable to the recipients of our shared dispassionate
verbosity through online forums. It has been more than four years since we
conducted those kinds of activities together, and nearly all my attempts to
locate the records for those discussions have redirected me to inaccessible
archives, but all this time I have managed to hold onto at least one piece of
advice she gave me: “The
love of your life will appear in front of you unexpectedly!” To
be precise, this advice came in the form of a slip of paper inside a fortune
cookie. At the time I was on a date with a girl whose name I don’t recall, but
she flashed an excited smile at me after snatching the paper slip from my hand
and reading it. I returned her smile as convincingly as I could have under the
circumstances of having only a moment before been occupied with devising a way
of politely excusing myself from the table and ducking out from the restaurant
so as to avoid the embarrassment of having forgotten my wallet and being
obliged to her for paying for the meal. I believe her fortune cookie said
something along the lines of a heart’s desire coming soon to fruition, which is
advice that seems objectionable to me considering the implications for
unsuspecting dates such as myself that evening. I suppose the situation was
further complicated by the fact that we were newly engaged. However, I was
inebriated at the time of asking her, as evidenced by the fact that I hadn’t
even purchased a ring to propose with, but in spite of what I would imagine is
a very unappealing prospect of joining into marriage with someone as
insensitive as I have a tendency to be, she said yes. I had a drinking problem
my sophomore year of college, as further evidenced by the fact that I was also
inebriated throughout that date at the Asian restaurant, which is my main excuse
for leaping out of my seat and planting a kiss on Naomi’s lips when she
suddenly appeared as a waitress near our table. It could also be the fact that
I am known to be very impressionable and that the fortune cookie took on a new
meaning for me with Naomi’s unexpected appearance. Whatever the reason, my date
took offense and deserted me, and although I was required to work in the
kitchens for the next three hours to pay for my meal, I felt overall that the
advice had worked for me. Since then I have been on the lookout for the love of
my life (not at the Hampton), but I have found it is difficult to expect the
unexpected. It is also difficult to be caught sober in a social situation that
requires the delicacy of not being drunk. The
latter point might be misconstrued as a central theme of this book, but I did
not set out to carry on for 150 pages about all my drunken misadventures, no
matter how much source material I have to draw from. In doing so, this book
would not be an entirely autobiographical account, as I would be forced to rely
on the input of others for the many instances in which I am unable to remember
how events played out. And as many of my former acquaintances refuse to contact
me back after I have repeatedly solicited them for money or shelter, writing a
book in this style is not only undesirable but impossible in the current
climate. I realize that throughout this introduction I have come across as a
beggar, but I would not have fallen into such desperate circumstances as I am
in at the moment if I still had my car. The last place I drove it was to a
friend of a friend’s, who lived in a spacious four-bedroom apartment many miles
from the Michigan State University campus where I attended my freshman and
sophomore years. In
January 2010 I drove up to the apartment complex in my 1999 Honda Accord with
two of my friends, Naomi and Andre, as well as an intruder named Reuben who
occupied the seat behind mine only because he was Andre’s half-brother and
newly transferred to the university, and not because I was impressed by his
apparent disinclination to shower in the week before sharing a confined space
with three other human beings for an hour-long car ride. The reputation that
floated around Reuben was confirmed to me at least three times on that trip:
first, when he insisted on sharing his playlists with the rest of the group by
blasting Mötley Crüe from his phone speakers and shouting over our protests
with “just wait ’til the next song, it gets better”; second, when he complained
about aches in his feet and rested them in between me and Naomi after having
removed his shoes and socks; and third, when he admitted to having gone through
Naomi’s purse when he thought she had taken his phone and later expressed
relief that we weren’t pulled over by the officers on the highway because he
had an 8-ball of meth and some fake acid in his pockets. The
streets around the apartment were completely packed by the time we arrived, so
I understood the necessity to park creatively in order to avoid a three-mile walk
from the car to the party and back, but there are also very few examples of
stupidity in this entire book more egregious than the kind displayed that night
by the drivers parking their cars obliquely up random people’s lawns. The party
was not located in a remote country setting but in a moderately trafficked
suburb, so the deep tire-wide grooves we noticed running through a neighbor’s
alpine garden could not be interpreted as anything other than flagrantly
incorrect, and yet I might not have noticed at first if Reuben had not
suggested the very idea to me as I cruised down the street. I declined and
suggested to him for the fifth time that he might put back on his socks, but
this had no effect. The
only surprising thing about the cops showing up at the party three hours later,
therefore, was that it had taken them so long. Whatever else that had
transpired in those three hours remains partially a mystery to me. I only know
I woke up spread-eagled on the floor of one of the bedrooms, with Naomi
attempting to lift me to my feet while raving about the arrests going down in
the foyer. I staggered to my feet and the room spun. As Naomi was having to
expend a lot of effort just to balance me, I do not know why it would have
occurred to either of us that escaping out the bedroom window would be a good
idea. It was also unfortunate that we were both too affected to remember the
three flights of stairs we had ascended since our entrance to the party, but at
least one of those flights returned to my mind when my bare foot graced sharply
inclined roofing tile where I had expected a patch of grass or a rosebush. With
one leg out the window and one leg in, I hesitated, but Naomi shouted over my
protests and I found myself a moment later hugging a sloped rooftop slick with
ice and more than twenty feet off the ground. Only after I was fully exposed to
the elements did Naomi pause long enough with her head out the window to
observe our altitude. While the term “abandon” might be a harsh way to describe
what Naomi did afterwards, and it may have been that she really did try to find
someone inside the apartment who could help me before she got arrested, I had
the distinct feeling of singularity and absurdity sitting there on the rooftop.
In scenarios like this, every minute feels like an hour, and though initially
my thoughts were fully bent on when I would be rescued, it wasn’t very long
before I grew bored and mainly focused on trying to convince myself that the
unreality of the whole situation did not necessarily mean I was capable of
gliding smoothly to the ground as I assumed Batman would be able to do. I
imagined that I looked very much like Batman, perched at such a height in the
darkness. Yeah, ketamine can be a hell of a drug. For whatever reason, that
moment seemed as good a moment as any for a cigarette, and it was only at this
point that I realized I was missing my pants. If
I had worn a long, billowing cape I might have caved to the temptation of
dropping off the fourth story. Instead I crawled across the ledge to where
several thick tree limbs were snaking up the side of the building, which I
tried to climb down. It was a good effort the first thirty seconds, until I
fell and landed on a snow bank beneath, which may sound like it would have
softened the landing but I actually busted two of my ribs and fractured a bone
in my arm. I may or may not have blacked out briefly, but as soon as I could
move I limped across the street and found my car in somebody’s front yard (I
have been known to be impressionable), with both doors on the left side of the
vehicle ajar, a fact which did not register to me at the time. I crawled up in
the back seat, collapsed and fell asleep. If
by now you have developed a slight migraine from managing to wade through a
foreword many times longer than it has any reason for being, know that however
bad this experience has been for you so far, your headache cannot remotely
compare to the pain I experienced when my face slammed against the back of the
shotgun seat of my Honda Accord. The force of the blow can be attributed to the
fact that the driver of my vehicle had been traveling upwards of fifty mph
before crashing into a tree standing idle on the side of a lonely country road.
The windows busted and rained specks of glass over me as I lay in the near
pitch-black darkness in the floorboard of the car, dazed and confused. I
thought I heard the voice of God beckoning me into the light, but this was
interrupted by a series of grunts and groans of “my f*****g head,” which was
coming from the front seat and uttered in a less heavenly tone than I would
have expected from my benevolent creator. As
it turned out, it was not God but Reuben who had crashed my car, and to this
day I do not know when or why he put on my pants that night, but it at least
explains how he got a hold of my keys. I
sat up from the floorboard and clasped Reuben by the shoulder as he was bent
over the ignition, hoping to spark the engine back to life. He screamed and
whipped around, and without taking another second to recognize me first he
punched me full in the face with the burliest fist I have ever had the
experience of being punched with. As I have been struck in the face at least as
many times as I have requested to be struck or as the number of pairs of shoes
I have worn in my life, this speaks both to the resemblance of Reuben’s fist to
a boxing glove and the force behind his swing. There is still a slight
indentation in my hairline that I do not remember having before Reuben’s middle
knuckle made contact. I
crawled out of the car as Reuben continued to scream, demanding to know who I
was and why I had been hiding in the back of my own vehicle. I suggested a
number of things about his intelligence, genetics, and his mother, all of which
were as productive of responses as would have been expected, but I am not my
most civil with the taste of blood in my mouth. Even after he recognized me,
there was a lot of yelling for another half hour while we attempted to restart
the car. With no other options available, the rest of the night was spent with
us walking back towards East Lansing on the shoulder of the highway. I debated
adding a little Hollywood flare to my story here and giving a description of
the wreckage of my car bursting into flames at the crash site, or my
resemblance to Denzel Washington in Man on Fire as I strode casually
away from the ensuing explosion, shrapnel falling down around me, but there is
only one explosion in this book and it is not here. Also, apparently it is rare
for crashed vehicles to explode or even combust, which is a little
disappointing but I suppose things are designed that way for a reason. As
we walked back home, Reuben told me not to tell anyone what happened to my car
or else he would burn down my house, but the joke’s on him because I have no
way of making the rent next month anyways. Before
I continue with this book I would stress again my preference for a material sum
of cash over a check of equivocal value, as cash is more fluid and lends itself
easily towards particular purchases which I will, with dignity, not disclose
here. In conclusion, I also thank you, humble reader, for allowing me to
entertain you for the time it takes to finish this book or put it down in
disgust. Everything I’ve written here is true, and as the title suggests, on
most of the occasions depicted in this book I was made to swear I would never
divulge the truth of them to another living soul, but as it is reasonable to
assume a certain amount of controversy and revenue should generate around these
contents and I have become even poorer and more desperate than I am likely to
appear, I plainly don’t give a f**k. However, as a conciliatory gesture, I am
prepared to represent myself here as the least desirable individual one would
want to interact with, except in the case of Reuben. © 2017 dimz |
StatsAuthor![]() dimzDenton, TXAboutw’sah du punk-hippie singer-songwriter weirdo-artist. I love reading/writing poems & stories, abstract/dark/pop & hip-hop art & graffiti, rnr, hippies gypsies & stoners, gemstones & astrology, .. more..Writing