![]() Benefits Of Hiring An FSSAI ConsultantA Story by Digital Ram![]() It is very important to obtain FSSAI license but the process is difficult.Therefore, in this article we will discuss about why it is important to take help of an FSSAI consultant to obtain it.![]() FSSAI
or Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is one of the self-governing
body recognized under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of
India. It unites statute that is linked with food safety and regulation in
India. FSSAI is responsible for defending and promoting public health through
the ruling and superintendence of food safety.The main function of FSSAI is to
create scientific standards for food articles, regulation of manufacture,
distribution, storage,sale and import of food.Apart from that it also regulates
safety of food and we can say that it is the bucket for every older laws and
food safety rules.All eight older acts that is Prevention of Food
Adulteration Act, 1954, Fruit merchandise Order, 1955, Meat Food merchandise
Order, 1973, Vegetable Oil merchandise (Control) Order, 1947, Edible Oils
Packaging (Regulation) Order 1998, Solvent Extracted Oil and Edible Flour
(Control) Order, 1967, Milk and Milk merchandise Order, 1992 was taken into one
umbrella by FSSAI. Now you must be thinking
what is FSSAI license? The
Food Safety and Standards Authority of Republic of India(FSSAI) that was formed
under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 controls various acts and orders for
handling problems related to food in various departments. It was formed with a
primary reason of setting standards for every food articles and to ensure that
only safe and wholesome food is available for consumption by human being. It is
compulsory for every Food Business Operator to get FSSAI license. The concerned
authority is also responsible for making appropriate information available
regarding the license across the country,so that every citizen get the most
rapid, and accurate information about food safety. FSSAI license is again of
three types that are categorised depending on the operation scale of the food business
that is being carried out. FSSAI Central License:The
food businessoperators like the importers, large manufacturers, operators of
central government agencies,export oriented units need FSSAI central license
that is issued by central government.If FBO operate in more than one state then
they are required to obtain license for the head office. It is mainly for those
units whose annual turnover is more than 20 crores.The maximum tenure of this
license is 5 years and minimum is 1 year. FSSAI State license:
This license is required for small to medium size manufacturers, transporters,
marketers etc.This license is given by state government and the operator should
not have business in more than one state.Coming to annual turnover it is for
those units whose annual turnover should be more than 12lakh and upto 20 crores.
The maximum tenure of this license is 5 years and the minimum is 1 year. FSSAI Registration:
This is required for operators like small food manufacturers, storage units,
retailers, and marketers.They are only required to obtain FSSAI registration.
It is issued by state government.It is applicable for units having annual
turnover upto12 lakh.FSSAI registration maximum tenure is 5 years and minimum
is 1 year. Depending
on which category FBO are required to submit documents like Aadharcard, Pan
car, photograph, proof of address, IEC code, CA declaration, proof of turnover,
etc.. Now question arises how FSSAI compliance
benefits? Well,obtaining
an FSSAI license before introducing the new food in the market helps in making
the food accepted in both national and international platform, high confidence
among the clients for quality as well as food safetyand assurance of consumers
that they are having safe food. But
the process of obtaining FSSAI license is difficult and timetaking.However, if
you want to speedup the process then it’s better to hire an FSSAI consultant who will make your work easier
and quicker.All you have to do is submit documents. © 2019 Digital RamAuthor's Note
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Added on March 5, 2019 Last Updated on March 5, 2019 Tags: FSSAI Consultant, FSSAI Central License, FSSAI Compliance Author