Most people get up in the morning and decide to spend some time with Dog and so they decide to take a walk with Dog. They put on the leash and then they let Dog take them for a walk. Dog pulls this way and they follow, Dog heads off that way and again they follow. Dog is clearly the one in control. Where ever Dog leads they follow. At the end of the walk they wonder why they didn’t get to see what they wanted, they didn’t get to do what they wanted, they are tired and unhappy and they complain that Dog just doesn’t listen to them. They put Dog away for the day and hope that tomorrow will be better. Surely Dog must have a different plan for their life and they must learn to surrender to Dog’s will.
The experienced dog person goes about it differently. They get up in the morning and decide to spend the day with Dog. They take a few minutes to decided where they want to go today and what they want to see and do. Then they call Dog over tell him where they are going and set out in that direction. They know that Dog has many more senses then they do and will smell and hear things of interest that they might miss, but they also know that it is really their decision as to where they will go. Will they stay on their chosen path or will they decide that Dog has found something even more interesting? At the end of the day they know that every where they went and every thing they did was by their own choice. They were in charge even when they chose to follow what Dog turned up. It was always their choice and they have had a wonderful and productive day. They have improved their relationship with Dog and are excited about walking with Dog again tomorrow.
Dog wants you to have fun, Dog wants you to do what gives you joy, but until you clearly direct Dog as to what brings you joy, fulfillment and happiness, Dog has no choice but to drag you all around waiting for you to decide to take charge. Dog is happiest when you are happy and he is fulfilling your requests. Try taking God for a walk today.
Dianne Evans