A Available: No
A - Age: 37
A - Annoyance: long lines and lying people.
B - Best Friends: My husband, kids and mom
B - Bed: full size (I like it close)
B - Birthday: Dec 3
C - Celebrity Crush: Brad Pitt and Trace Adkins
C - Car You Drive/Want To Drive: Hyundai Elantra/Mustang
C - Cat: 2 Lucky and Jack
D - Dead Pets Name: huh, I have had lots over the years
D - Dad's Name: Chuck
D - Dog: None
E - Easiest person to talk to: My Husband and daughter
E - Eggs: UGH
E - Email:
F - Favorite color: purple, and pink (ha thought you wouldn't have guessed that.)
F - Food: Yes.
F - Foreign Slang: No
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: back to food.
G - God: Yes
G - Good Time: Being with my family
H - Hair Color: blonde
H - Height: 5'5
H - Happy: Generally
I - Ice Cream: Yes back to food
I - Instrument: Clarinet, some bass guitar
I - Idol: My mom
J - Jewellery: Don't wear much jewelry (just wedding ring toe ring and anklet)
J - Job: Hairstylist
K - Kids: 3 2 girls and a boy. Danyale 20, Josh 16 and Kymmi 13 and Three step kids
K - Karate: No... I have a gun.
L - Longest Car Ride: coming home from work everyday.
L - Longest Relationship: 13 years with my second husband but 7 years with one I actually liked. My hubby now.
M - Milk Flavor: eeew
M - Mums name: Anamaria (and she is the most wonderful(est) Mummy in the whole world.
M - Movie Last Watched: Pirates of the Carribeans at worlds end.
N - Number of Siblings: 2 sisters and a brother
N - Northern or Southern: Florida, Duh.
N - Name: Diana
O - One wish: For my family to be loved and happy
P - Parents are they married or divorced: My parents are married 45 years
P - Part of your appearance you like best: My eyes and some times my hair
P - Part of your personality you like best: I have a good sense of humor, I am pretty much goofy.
Q - Question for the next person: Yes I did.
Q - Quick or Slow?: slow
R - Reason to smile: My husband and children
R - Reality TV Show: I hate Reality shows
R - Right or Left: Right
S - Song Last Heard: Show me the $ by pety pablo ( it was in my dance class)
S - Sex: Yes( back to food) hehe
T - Time you woke up: 9:45 am
T- Time for bed: 11;30
U - Unknown fact about me: I sing in the shower
U - Unicorns: Myth
V - Vegetable you hate: beets
V - Vegetable you love: Broccoli
V - View on Politics: My business
W- Worst Habits: worrying
W- Where you are going to travel next: probably to the kitchen (but in april a cruise)
X - X-Rays: a couple
X - X-tra special someone: My husband and children
Y - Year you were born: 1970
Y - Year it is now: 2007
Z - Zoo Animal: Lions.. I want a lion.
Z - Zodiac: Saturtarius (something like that)