The date from hell

The date from hell

A Chapter by David Graham

I woke up with a minor hangover from the late night. I was having second thoughts about my date with Ray

 ‘stupid girl’ I thought 

‘Why would you have a date with a random guy? Because he was sweet and had a sexy smile? Stupid stupid stupid’ 

I sat at the edge of the bed with my hair a mess. I yawned and stretched. Oh well what’s done is done, all I have is one date with the dude then I can just cut and run. On the plus side I now have three weeks off. The school had some strange emergency and cancelled all classes. I shrugged and stood up picking out my baggy star wars shirt and some shorts and went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee. I was grabbing the grinds and dumping them in the coffee maker when i felt my phone go off. It was from Raymond. 

‘Hey I’m sorry but would it be Ok to do our date tonight instead? I’m too impatient to wait to see you.’ 

He had put a smily emoji. Now if i hadn't just woken up and hadn't had coffee yet, I would've told him no straight up. But I was a virtual zombie and I wasn’t thinking and my hands acted before my mind could make a rational thought. 

‘sure’ I texted.

 The text came almost immediately 

‘Brilliant! I’ll pick you up around 5 then?’ 

Another smiley face. 

“sounds like a plan, Stan’ 

my hands are so funny. I put my phone back in my pocket, poured my finished coffee in a mug, sat down, slowly sat and let the caffeine affect me. Halfway through my mug it hit me what I did.

 “F*****g s**t!’ I panicked ‘What the f**k did I just f*****g do? Why did I just schedule a date with him today?’ 

I was just about to text him that I changed my mind or make a half-assed excuse before the whole apartment rumbled. That could be only one thing; Sarah was awake.


Sarah shouted at the top of her lungs. I massaged the bridge of my nose. Every f*****g day. She came bounding through the apartment in her bra and panties jumping into my arms. 

“well hello beautiful!” 

Sarah shrilled in her very obnoxious,Sarah-like tone. I dropped her. 

“Oww! That hurt, a*****e!” 

A very surprised Sarah said from the floor I sat down at the table again and buried my head in my arms. 

“Shut up, I’m not in the mood today” 

my muffled voice came from my folded arms. I heard Sarah slowly get up and felt her hand on the top of my head.

 “Whats the matter, honey?” 

Sarah did actually sound concerned. I lifted my head from my arms and looked at her with tears in my eyes 

“I have a date today!” 

I dropped my head back in my arms. There was silence for a while and then Sarah started to laugh. Not a quiet laugh but big, loud, and obnoxious. 

“You have a date? And that’s bringing you down?” 

I gave her my evil eye. 

“Yes Sarah I just don’t want another Rob incident.” 

Sarah laughed again and put her hand on my shoulder.

 “I promise you. That won’t ever happen again. You’re smarter, more mature and you're a badass!  If anything happens you have me and if Ray tries anything we will both beat his a*s” 

I raised my head and turned toward her 

“How did you know his name? I never said what his name was.”

 I stood up and towered over Sarah 

“What did you do Sarah?” 

I asked was I put my hands on my hips. Sarah looked a little uncomfortable. “and tell me the truth!” I yelled at her 

“I…may have…ummm….given him your number?” 

Sarah slowly slid out of the chair 

“YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?” 

I exploded on her

 “Does Rob not matter? Does my whole ‘not into relationships stuff mean nothing to you?!?!?” 

Sarah slinked away while my temper was building. I continued to yell at her 

“Well does it? Are you the only one that matters? Is this the Sarah show and I’m just the untrusting friend? Hmm? Am I only that to you? A character? Well? Answer me damnit!!!” 

Tears were flowing down my face. I was already stressed and I probably shouldn't have been that hard on her. Inside I know she was only helping. I was blind with rage, anguish, and stress then Sarah did something I was not expecting; She threw a pillow at my face. It was so unexpected that I just froze. I didn't know how to react to something like that. 

“Are we cool?”

 Sarah asked grabbing another pillow. Still in shock I didn’t speak. 

“Well, now that I have your attention, sit down.” 

Of course, like a good soldier, I sat. 

“Okay, yes, I know it was a dick move and I was drunk. I wasn’t thinking! But I did it because, damnit Alex, you weren't going to do it yourself! He seemed nice and you seemed to enjoy him! I just want you to be happy! I would never hurt you but sometimes you need a little prodding! And when I gave him your number I told him he may take you on one date and only one and that I would be watching! I can’t see you tear yourself apart over that scumbag Robert! He was an a*****e! But there are good guys out there and I think he may be one of them!” 

Out of breath, Sarah sat on the ground with her pillow in her lap 

“I love you Alex and I hate seeing the confidence taken from you! You used to be my rock not the other way around and I want to see that side of you again! I’ve given you so much time and space but now you have to look for your own happiness, even if that means I have to push you toward it” 

Sarah did what I had never seen Sarah do; she cried. Big ugly tears. I was in shock. I had never seen Sarah cry before, only the happy energetic Sarah that everyone else had seen. I felt sorry for her and got up from the sofa and gave her my biggest hug. So there we were two people bawling their eyes out. It was quite a sight.

 “I’ll give it a shot,”I said. 

“I’ll go out with him tonight.” 

Sarah sniffled 

“You will? For me?” 

Sarah gave me a little smile as I looked at her. 

“I’ll do it for me,”

 I said as I gave her a big smile 

“Even better,” said Sarah as she gave me an even bigger hug.

As soon as I agreed that the date would go on,  Sarah went to ultimate matchmaker mode. She pulled out dresses, did my hair, and did everything to be a major pain in my a*s. All I wanted to do was go as is but that seemed to infuriate her beyond reason. It’s better to obey then to piss the queen off.  

When 4:59 rolled around I was perfect. At least in Sarah’s eyes. My hair was curled, my make-up done, my b***s exploding out of a small dress. Once again I was not in my element. I was tugging at the dress trying to get it to go pass my knees when there was a knock at the door. Sarah squealed and I groaned. 

“Must I open the door?” I whispered to Sarah. 

Sarah gave me the look of death 

“Yes you have to open the door! Now hurry up! He’s probably worried that you're a wierdo.” 

I rolled my eyes and opened the door. He was amazing, just so beautiful. I had to put my hand on my chin to stop it from dropping. He had on a white button-up shirt with a blazer. He had a dozen roses and that fantastic smile. “Umm..Hi.. look at you” I stuttered blushing. Ray raised his arms 

“What do you think?” He asked as he flashed his smile. 

This was torture. Government grade torture that was very hard to resist, in fact most woman would not be able to resist. But I am no mere woman! I am Alexandria! I recomposed myself and flashed him one of my sly smiles “

“Yea, You really clean up real well” 

and punched him on his shoulder as I walked out the door pass him slowly wiggling my hips. Two can play at that game. This time he looked completely caught off guard. I looked back at him. 

“You coming big guy?” 

Ray almost immediately snapped to attention and ran over to my side. If I had to go on a date, might as well make it fun.

Madam Valerie stood on the balcony of the temple, over looking the snow topped mountains. Here they were safe. No member of SCORPIO could touch them without a full out war. But of course now with the shard missing, everything would be unexpected. 

This is not the course of action she wanted, she wanted to be able to see whatever curveball was going to be thrown. What to do, what to do. She tapped her fingernails on the concrete railings, visualizing all of her moves. If only it was as easy as if SCORPIO had the shard, at least they could have taken it. But no one knew where it was, not even the ‘thing’ in the temple. The last it had been seen was Los Angeles, a massive city crawling with SCORPIO agents. 

“We have visitors madam” 

A voice jolted her from her thoughts. Madam Valerie turned and faced the man who had disturbed her 

“And who might this be? Someone important? Someone worth wasting my time and effort?” 

Madam Valerie snarled at the man. 

“Madam we caught some agents near the temple, they were in the city below asking about you.”  

Anger burned in her eyes.

 “Bring them up!” 

“Yes madam” 

The man disappeared down the stairs, reappearing after moments with five others restraining two bound men wearing monks clothing. 

“put them on the sled!” 

The others cheered. The sled was a plank attached to two pieces of rope that started at the temple, and ended at the face of a cliff. It was controlled by a rope attached to the end and a wheel that they turned so they would enter the abyss slowly. The sled was known for being unstable and for ropes to snap so the further they were out over the valley, the closer they were to death. And of course if she go tired of questions, the axe would send the hurtling toward the cliff to smash into a thousand pieces. 

Every agent in SCORPIO had heard rumors about her plaything. Her men strapped her down onto the plank, and kicked the lever from the wheel. The two men screamed as they were flung across the abyss toward death, but about halfway through, she gave the word and the lever was thrown back in place. 

“Shake the rope a little please”

she ordered one of her men as she stared at the plank. She knew how to get these little rats to talk. Just threaten their lives a little and all secrets would come spilling out. It was a necessary evil to get what she wanted; peace. She craved peace for all mankind and these men were going to give that dream to her today. 

She watched as the ropes swung back and forth, groaning under weight and pressure. She was sure they would hear some of the small strands start to brake. She could hear them faintly scream as they were flung closer and closer to the cliff walls, and as they slid closer and closer to the opposite wall. She waited about a good five minutes when she called out to her men 

“Bring them back. Alive if possible.” 

The madam’s men began to crank the wheel pulling the plank closer to safe land. Just before they reached the safety of the solid temple for she cried out 

“Stop! Now turn them upside down” 

The two spies shrieked as they were forced to look at the river beneath the massive mountains. Madam Valerie kneeled to look at the men 

“Now be good boys and tell me where the shard is” T

he two spies glanced at each other and started to sweat 

“I..I’m sorry but we aren't permitted to tell you any…”

“Launch them!” 

They kicked the lever again and sent them flying toward their doom. This time she stopped them mere inches from the cliff wall. 

“Lets stir them up once more shall we?” 

Her men grinned and whipped the ropes causing the spies to rise up in the air and almost smash into the wall. They could hear the screams from the temple. 

“Okay bring them back” 

She ordered her men.  Slowly they wheeled them back mere feet from the base of the temple. 

“Now what was that about the shard?” 

She smiled sweetly. Again the spies looked at each other once more and the one on the right said 

“I’m sorry but we….” 

“launch them!” she ordered once more. 

But just as the man was about to kick the lever the spy on the left shrieked 

“No! Please! I’ll tell you anything just don’t launch us again!” 

“You traitorous swine!” exclaimed the spy on the right 

“You have doomed us all!” 

Madam Valarie looked at the spies 

“cut the man on the left out of his bindings” She ordered her men 

“Yes madam!” 

they exclaimed as they rushed with knives, cutting out the spy on the left. Once he was back on solid land, He collapsed, sobbing. Madam Valerie kneeled and looked at the remaining spy.

 “Now what to do with you? hmm? Would you like to confess as well?” 

The spy spit in her face 

“I’d rather die then tell a traitor like you anything!” 

Madam Valerie wiped the spit off her face 

“As you wish. Launch!” 

The men kicked the lever and she stood there listening to the spy screaming in terror as he collided with the wall, his broken body falling into oblivion. Madam Valerie turned her attention to the other spy. 

“now where is the shard?” The spy was still weeping. “A civilian has it! After you took the shard he ran into a girl and and they mixed up their bags! Please! keep me alive! I have a family!”

The spy turned and started to sob once more. Madam Valerie gently lifted the man to his feet and wiped his tears away.

 “Do not be afraid! You are among friends! Now one last question. Who is this person and how can I find this girl?” 

The spy slowly began to calm down as he wiped his tears and sniffled 

“Her name is Alexandria Defassio and she lives in Los Angeles. She is going on a date with one of our top operatives, but the city is going to be heavily fortified with SCORPIO troops. You can’t sneak in, they have the entire city on lockdown. You need an army to get in!” 

Madam Valerie pondered this. An army? Los Angeles secretly on lockdown? So since scorpio no longer has the shard, things had become much more difficult. She turned back toward the man. 

“Walk with me will you?” the man jumped to her side “You said you have a family no?” the man stopped 

“I’m sorry but I lied about that, I don’t but I can’t die like Felix died, falling from a mountain” The man shivered “I hate heights” 

Madam Valerie put a hand on his shoulder and guided him toward her balcony. “What is your name?” She asked looking at him. 

“It’s Eric ma’am, Eric Cunningham” 

“This is what I need you to do Eric, I need you to look down. I can’t have soldiers afraid of heights” 

“Y..y..yes ma’am” Eric said, terrified. 

He bent over the balcony starring at the mists down below. Madam Valerie came up behind him. 

“See anything special?”

 “Nothing ma’am”

“look out further then.” 

Eric leaned as far as he could. Thats when Madam Valerie pushed him over. She watched as his body tumbled down hitting the sides. She rubbed her hands together.  She hated liars, idiots, and traitors. He had to die, no loose ends, this had to be played to perfection

“Lou! Come here please” 

A soldier came rushing over 

“Yes Madam what can I do?”

 “Gather all the troops” she told him as she went into her room, grabbing a coat. She swung the heavy coat over her shoulders. 

“For what reason madam?” The soldier asked as he followed her down the corridor to the temple. 

“Why we are going to war” She smirked at him entering into the darkness

We arrived at a rather nice restaurant.  It sat over a cliff overlooking the entire city of Los Angeles. Multi-colored lights swirled over the exterior and a smokestack poured out the sweet smell of cooked meats. The red door brought a welcoming look, inviting us into, what looked like, just a normal Italian house. There were vines stretching toward the roof, making it look very antique.  Ray held the door open as I attempted to balance on Sarah’s long, black stilettos. As I stepped out, I noticed Ray stealing a glance at my legs sliding out of the car. I tried to pull the dress down further, but alas, it wouldn't stretch beyond my upper thigh.This really sucked. Ray cleared his throat.

“Umm I almost forgot to tell you that you look very beautiful tonight” Ray gave me a very sexy smile.

I gave his my sexiest smile, but unfortunately it wasn't that sexy. I never did know how to flirt. 

“Why thank you, sir. You look great as well.” This time it was Ray’s turn to blush. 

We walked into the restaurant and sat down next to the window. It was a gorgeous view, looking over the city, with all the skyscraper lit up like a chrisms tree and a lava of lights flowing down the road around them.

“Wow, Ray! This is amazing! How did you find this place?” 

“Well, the owner’s son played for an opposing team which he played for the defense. His son’s job was to stop me from running very far.” Ray let out a laugh, “Suffice to say the guy couldn’t do anything to stop me, but he was a good sport about it. We kinda trash talked each other, made jokes after plays, and after awhile just kinda became friends. After the game, the guy motioned me over to the sidelines to introduce his dad who, was so impressed, gave me about a million coupons just to come to his restaurant. He said he wanted a future NFL player to say this was his favorite place to eat” Ray laughed.

The waiter came to our table and put down the menus after chatting with Ray for a few minutes. Ray grabbed his menu and flipped through it

“you know the food here is amazing, do you eat meat?” 

“Are you kidding? I think I was a T-rex in a previous life!”

Ray laughed “You know I think you resemble one a little bit, I think I see fangs”

I gave him a hard look. “Excuse me? What the f**k did you just say to me?”

Ray’s face immediately went pale and he started to sweat “I..I’m so sorry! I didn't mean to insult you! I just meant like… I just thought we were playing… and…I’m so sorry!” Ray started to stammer

I laughed “Chill bro! Just messing with you! The look on your face! That was priceless!” I’m a dick sometimes, can’t help it. Ray’s face slowly went back to normal and he laughed it off. 

“now!” I said rubbing my hands together “What’s good around here!” 

Ray picked up his menu and flipped to a page showing it to me. On the page, was a massive T-bone surrounded by greens and fries. “I recommend this one, its the best I’ve ever had.”

“I will take your word for it then!”

The server came and took our order, leaving us some wine. I heard the door open near us and, out of pure instinct, turned to see who camp in. Sarah walked in. She was dressed in a rather crappy disguise, a fake mustache, a big hoodie, sunglasses, and baggy jeans so I could tell right away that it was Sarah.

‘What the hell is she doing here?’ I thought to myself I watched her walk to an unoccupied table opposite us and sit down, watching us. I gave Sarah a hard look as she noticed me watching her, and she immediately buried his face into the menu. 

“Excuse me a moment Ray I need to use the ladies room” as I stood up from the table

“Oh sure just be sure to be back by the time the food’s here, It’s the best when it’s just been put down” He smiled at me as his focus went back to his phone

I stomped over to where Sarah sat and sat down. Sarah looked at me and around the room

“Oh ummm I’m sorry miss but that chair is taken” She tried to use this deep man’s voice to try to trick me. Did not work at all

“Cut the crap Sarah I know it’s you”

“Who’s this Sarah person? I don not know who you are talking…..”

I gave her a very hard look

Sarah took off the sunglasses and sighed

“I’m sorry Alex, I’m just here to protect you!”

“protect me from what?” I growled

“Just in case he gives you any problems!” Sarah raised her hands “I’m just trying to be a good friend!”

I rubbed the bridge of my nose “I’m not mad at you sarah, I’m just upset that you didn’t tell me you were coming!”

Sarah looked down, ashamed “I’m so sorry! I just wanted your first date in a while to go well.”

“I forgive you Sarah just tell me next time!” I put my hand on Sarah’s shoulder

“Don’t worry, I will!” Sarah scooted over to give me a hug.

All of a sudden, a muffled boom followed by screams assaulted me. 

“what the hell?”

“look outside!”

“What’s happing!”

People were running toward the window. Sarah and I followed them. I found Ray standing, staring outside

“Umm Alexandria, You might want to look at this.” He sounded very concerned

The city of Los Angeles was a war zone. There were fires everywhere followed by small little flashes, like flashlights. The muffled booms were going off every couple of seconds. It was hell on earth. All of the sudden one of the skyscrapers fell, throwing up a cloud obscuring the rest of the city. Everyone was scared, screaming or talking into there phones. A couple of people ran out of the door. Sarah was frozen in shock. I snapped at her face but she just stood there, staring with small droplets of tears flowing down her cheeks. I saw Ray was muttering something into his hand. Well that’s something you don’t see everyday. 

“Ray what’s happening? What are you doing? Are you talking to someone?” I didn’t know what to ask, what to feel, what to do. I

 had never seen something this awful.  Ray nodded and spoke some more paying me no mind. I walked toward the direction of the door, feeling like a zombie.

Without warning, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me “Come on we’ve got to get out here” Ray looked focused and alert, not his usual awkward self. He stood up straight and spoke with confidence. I, however, was still in shock. There is no way that my city was in flames and that a war was raging. I didn’t have the brain power to wonder who was at war, or why. I just knew that explosions and death were just outside.

I turned to look at Ray. “What about Sarah?”

Ray looked at me with a confused look and looked back at Sarah, still at the window staring not moving. 

“Look, there is nothing we can do. She’s safe but I have orders to secure you!” Ray yelled at me still trying to pull me

I gave him a strange look “Orders? What are you talking about? I can’t just leave Sarah.” I told him softly.

Ray sighed “we don’t have time for this!” He then picked me up and put me over his shoulders and ran toward the door. 

A door exploded inwards showering us with splinters. Ray and I fell on our butts. “Get back!” Ray shouted as he quickly got up and jumped behind an upturned table. 

I just sat staring at the remains of the door as a green cylinder flew into the air, spewing a cloud of smoke. Immediately, my eyes started to tear and  I couldn’t stop coughing. It was hard to breathe as I lay on the ground choking on the gas.  A figure rushed in next to me taking the canister and throwing it out the open door, and I felt myself being pulled behind the table. Drunkenly, I turned toward where I last saw Sarah and she was laying unconscious in a heap. I tried to call her name but nothing came out of throat. 

Without warning, a cold liquid splashed onto my face and was being forced through my lips. I took deep swallows, feeling the liquid cleanse away the effects of the gas. Within minutes, I could see and breathe. I looked around to see Ray with a gun shooting at some figures near the doorway, and them shooting back at him as the heavy metal table pinged some shots off and the wall behind us splintered. I could see some of the other people in the restaurant trying to crawl away and others lying face down not breathing. One young woman was trying to crawl away, dragging blood on the floor before she collapsed face down on the floor no longer breathing. I heard the loud clack of his Rays gun making a mess of the wall on the other side. Ray slid down next to the table. A bright red spot had appeared on his shoulder and he hissed as he pulled the shirt down. 

“Ok look, Alex, I can’t explain all of this right now but what you do need to know is those guys are going to try to kill you no matter what it takes. Do you know how to shoot?” 

I nodded. My Dad had taken me to the range two or three times a week since I was six. He would constantly take me hunting out in the isolated outdoors. Just him and me sitting in a box for hours. 

“Alex, I need to you to shoot them for me, OK? You don’t have to kill them, I don’t expect that from you that’s my job just buy us time, ok?” Ray asked me as he grabbed an unshattered bottle of vodka and poured it over his wound. 

I took the gun from him. I checked the clip as my Dad had always instructed me. “You never know when someone might accidentally hand you a half loaded gun. Never assume that person knows what they are doing but always be sure yourself. Remember, always assume you are the only competent person in the world,” he would always tell me. The clip was full of bullets. I clicked it back and aimed it at the door. One of the men shooting at us entered through the doors.

 He had on a grey gas mask and black tac-gear. I waited until his entire body entered the restaurant, moved my aim to his knee cap and fired.  A spray of blood splashed across the wall and the man’s leg twisted in an unnatural way as he crumpled onto the ground screaming in agony. I waited until the others ran in to grab their comrade. I ignored the bullets clanking against the table and fired twice. They both hit their mark, each shattering a kneecap. Just like their friend, they went down like a bag of bricks. Three down, who knows how many to go. The kitchen door to the side of us exploded inward as even more men came in shooting. 

 “Time to go!” Ray shouted as he shoulder charged one of the guys, knocking him and the others back into the kitchen. Ray ran towards me, grabbed me and started to pull me toward the door. 

“Lets get out of here Alex!” Ray shouted trying to pull me up. 

“Wait! What about Sarah?” 

“I’m sorry Alex but I have to get you out of here! I have a team coming here to mop up and they will grab her but you have to come with me now!” Ray shouted at me. 

Finally, he picked me up and dragged me near the door. Ray took that time to shoot the wounded soldiers in the head. Ending their life and splattering even more blood over the restaurant. I vomited. 

“You didn’t have to do that, a*****e! They were taken out!” I yelled at him hitting him.

“THIS IS A F*****G WAR, MISSY. I DON’T GET TO PICK AND CHOOSE WHO DIES!” Ray roared back. I shut up after that as he dragged me out the door. A pile of dead men blocked the door as Ray kicked a way through them. We ran towards the car but just as we were about to get in, the car exploded. We were flung several feet in the air landing next to road. 

“No!” Ray shouted. He sighed. 

“Come on let’s wait in the restaurant. We will clean up the rest of the guys and wait for back up. Anyways my radio is down.”

 We started to walk toward the restaurant when, without warning, the entire restaurant exploded. It was so massive the night was transformed into day. Again we were flung through the air . I slowly got up, feeling battered and bruised from being tossed around so much. I hurt everywhere and turned to stare at the remains of the building. Ray stood up a bit more slowly. 

“I..I’m so sorry Alex” he said as he starred at the destruction. 

“What are you…” 

It was then that I realized… Sarah was in that building. We hadn’t been able to get her out. She was dead! 

“SARAH!” I yelled “Sarah! No! No! No!” 

I collapsed on the ground. Sarah was dead and it was all my fault as I felt the tears slide down my cheek

© 2017 David Graham

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Added on July 2, 2017
Last Updated on July 2, 2017


David Graham
David Graham

San Antonio, TX

I am a new writing attempting to write my own novel. Please have a read of my works and let me know what you think! more..
