To a party we go

To a party we go

A Chapter by David Graham

Finally I limped back to my dorm, took out they keys, and halfheartedly opened the door to a pillow being thrown at my face. I was just too tired to deal with this s**t and let the pillow hit me in the face and fall to the ground. 

“finally you’re home! I was waiting forever! it was getting boring here! I actually started talking to my teddy bear!” 

“nice to see you too Sarah” 

I let out a low growl and plopped on the sofa and turned on the TV. Sarah jumped on the couch with me and stuck her face inches to mine.

 “So tell me about your day! See any cute boys?” 

Well ladies and gentleman this is my roommate Sarah. She is 5’3 with blond hair and blue eyes and she is the definition of outgoing. We are completely different, while she is an extrovert I like to be in the dark, in my underwear, watching nerdy TV shows. While her hair is done perfectly and her make-up is the bane of any professional, My hair is long and bland and my make-up is, well, normal. While she's fun loving, optimistic, innocent, and well loved, I’m a loner, beaten up, and a bit cynical. 

But despite all our differences, we have been friends since the first grade and we considered both of our houses a second home. She has always liked the little guy which is why she's been with me like forever. But sometimes she can be a little insensitive and a little pushy which is what brings us to today. 

“Sarah I don’t really want to talk about boys today”

 I said as I turned the volume up. Sarah grabbed the remote from my hands 

“Hey give that back!” 

I tried to wrestle it from her hands but her being in athletics in high school tipped the scales in her field. 

“Fine! uncle!” 

I yelled as she got me in a headlock. Sarah put the remote on the coffee table 

“Alex how long have we been best friends?” 

She asked me. I replied 

“I don’t know 16 or 17 years?” 

“ And you expect to come in here and for me to not immediately sense that something is bothering you?” 

I gave her an angry look 

“ I have no idea what you are talking about, nothings bothering me!!” 

Sarah got off the couch and walked into her room. Wondering what she was doing, I followed her. Walking into her room i was immediately assaulted by pillows. Sarah had one in each hand and was beating me with them. 

“Fine! Fine! Fine!” I’ll tell you!”

  And as quickly as it had started it stopped and Sarah put the pillows on the bed and sat down. 

“sit down and tell aunt Sarah what the problem is” 

She said as she pretended having a pen and notepad. I flicked her the bird and sat down. 

“Do you know Todd?” 

“Ewww! is he that creepy guy with the name tag and the all-of-a-sudden confidence?” 

“umm yea how did you know him?” I asked.

 “the creep tried to hit on me but I just walked away. So what did he do?” 

“well…he..tried to assault me in the library this afternoon” 

I started to tear up remembering all the emotions. And with that Sarah erupted “That asshat!! Wait till I get my hands on him he wont be able to use any of his “tools”

 Sarah started to pace next to the bed. She gets a bit overprotective of me. 

“Too late I already beat that perv to bloody pulp” 

I said and smiled a little. Sarah looked at me with pride in her eyes 

“ You are a little bad-a*s! I’m never messing with you again!” 

We both started to laugh. It felt good, all day I had so much built up pressure with Todd and classes and my knee and that creepy a*s dream and for the first time today, it felt okay. All of a sudden Sarah gasped. 

“I almost forgot! Tonight is that big party at that club!” 

Sarah’s engine got started and  she started racing around the house grabbing dresses, putting on make-up, and leaving the house in shambles. 

“Wow sounds like its going to be a big party if its getting you this excited” 

“Yep! biggest party of the year! Its supposed to have fireworks and a professional singer!” 

Without warning Sarah stopped and turned toward me

 “Why don’t you come Alex?” 

Well this was a first. Sarah never really invited me to parties. Not because she didn’t like me along but because Sarah knows I’ve never really enjoyed them. 

“No no” I replied “I think I’ll just stay at home and watch some movies and stuff” Sarah leapt toward me. 

“oh no no no your coming and thats final! It supposed to be your night and I can’t leave you here feeling like this! Anyways parties are supposed to make you feel better! Drink, get drunk, and live a little! By the end of the night you’ll forget all about Todd” 

Sarah was getting a little excited at this point 

“Well.. I don’t know. You know its not really my thing and…” I looked into her pleading puppy dog eyes 

“Fine! I’ll try it just this night. No leaving me for some guy though!” “Deal!” Sarah exclaimed really getting excited now. 

“Now what for you to wear, Hmmm…. do you have any dresses?” I laughed “ Since when have i ever worn a dress?” 

“true true, hmmm…” 

Sarah started to go through her closet tearing through dresses until she found this very short, skimpy, red dress that left little to the imagination.

 “How about this one?” 

“Umm Sarah thats not really….” 

Sarah wasn’t having any of it and shoved it into my hands 

“Try it on now!” 

Sarah commanded and pushed me into the bathroom. I sighed, defeated, and put it on. It felt a little tight and more of my thighs showed then i had every cared to show, and my b***s were practically falling out. Luckily my days as a lifeguard and good genetics had given me an almost olive colored skin tone so I didn't look absolutely horrible. But I never cared to show this much of my body. I felt exposed. I was about to throw it off and tell Sarah that I’m sorry I couldn’t do it, But before that Sarah shouted from the other side 

“Come out so I can see!” 

So like a good soldier I exited the bathroom. Sarah shrieked 

“you look so good! damn girl you are a sexy beast!” 

Wait till the real men see you!” 

I grumbled. Sarah took me back in the bathroom and curled my hair, put on makeup, and helped me look my best. Afterwards even I was impressed at how good I looked. 

“Now go sit on the couch until i’m finished and then we will go.” 

I went and sat on the couch for about half an hour reading my fascinating book about medieval medicine until Sarah came out. She had on a tight purple dress, that like mine, left little to the imagination. 

“alright lets blow this town!” 

Sarah said as she winked at me. 


I shouted as I ran into my room. 

“we don’t have time for this!”

 Sarah shouted impatiently. I came out wearing my favorite sweater, a green furry mess. Sarah groaned 

“not that blasphemy again! Please just wear the dress!”

 I put my hands on my hips 

“Hey I agreed to go give me at least some rebellion!” 

Looking rather annoyed, Sarah finally relented 

“fine! But it’s just because you were bad-a*s today and they are allowed to be rebellious.”

 Yes! Mark one for Alexandria! I was feeling pretty high on my victory as sarah, defeated, opened the door of me. We jumped into her car and sped off into the night.

      We drove up to a very large building lit up with spotlights, strobe lights,  and multicolored lights swishing across the expanse of the building and the night.  It was a monstrosity, elegantly springing into the sky spewing an aura of affluency and wealth. Yup I was way out of my element. I gave Sarah the look of death 

“You never told me it was anything like this!” 

I yelled at her. 

“chill dude! Just relax! We’ll get in and stay for a couple hours. If you hate it we will leave, If you love it we’ll stay. Deal?” 

Sarah stuck out her hand. Angrily I grabbed her hand and shook it and crossed my hands across my chest. 

“But if i hate it I get to tell you ‘I told you so’ for the rest of our lives” 

Sarah laughed. We drove up to the gate at the entrance of the club. It was a massive metal gate, towering high into the sky. I turned toward Sarah 

“so now what?” 

I asked. Sarah looked at me and shrugged

“I don’t know, this is my first time here”. 

“Names please.”

 A voice came from the voice box near the car making us jump from our seats. Sarah rolled down the window and spoke toward the box 

“I’m sorry say that again?” 

“please push the button to talk or I can’t hear you” 

The voice seemed irritated. Sarah reached over and pushed the button 

“I’m so sorry but say that again?” 

“What are your names?” 

The voice seemed to be barely keeping it together 

“Oh umm Sarah Scott and I have a guest” 

“give me a moment” 

The voice disappeared for a few seconds 

“Okay Sarah Scott we have you on the list and what is the name of your guest?” “Alexandria Defassio” 

Sarah said into the box 

“Okay we have you both in the system please come in and take a right at the fork and approach the building. Give your keys to the Usher and he will then park you car. And welcome to Club Paraiso and please enjoy yourselves.” 

The Massive gates opened up and we drove through. We approached the massive building and we stared in awe 

“umm Sarah how did you afford this?” 

I asked while stuck staring at the elegant club. 

“Daddy pays for things like this when I get good grades”. 

“so this is pretty much everyday then?” 

I winked at her

 “yup whenever I’m not doing homework” 

Sarah smirked. We finally got up to the front and Sarah handed a man wearing a red vest her keys. 

“I will be parking it in the northeast parking lot and here is your ticket. If you need a taxi back we can order one and you can just call in the morning and we will drive your car home for free” the usher said taking the keys. 

“Thank you so much sir!” 

Sarah flashed the man with her biggest smile. The man seemed to enjoy it jumping into Sarah’s car.  We walked toward the door and the massive oak wood doors opened to one of the largest dance parties I have ever seen my whole life. The whole building was swimming with blues, whites, reds, and greens and the music was blasting through the whole place making hearing close to impossible. 

“May I take that ma’am?” 

A man in a tuxedo approached me pointing at my sweater. Without thinking and still in shock i nodded my head and slowly took it off. 

“Drinks are at the northwest of the house and there will be fireworks at precicly midnight” 

The man yelled over the music. The man put my sweater behind the desk. Almost immediately Sarah bounded off toward the dance floor motioning for me to join. Dancing is not my thing but drinking is so, I went off in search of the bar. The bar was a massive elegant room made of oak and smelling like cigars and brandy. A rich mans room.

 I plopped myself down on one of the bar stools. I motioned over the barkeep “Vodka straight up and make it a double” 

I told him. The Man looked me up and down and shrugged. Reality suddenly slapped me across my head. 

“Oh s**t! I can’t afford this! I have no money!” 

The barkeep laughed 

“It’s alright, all drinks a free tonight. You pay a arm and leg to get in the club figures they let you enjoy the little things. Anyways most people hit up the dance floor booze, which is cheaper” 

The bar keep leaned over and winked 

“Its our little secret but they stock the more expensive stuff here because its so stuffy and further from the party” 

The bar keep handed me my drink. 

“you’ve got good tastes. You need anything else just ask“ 

“thanks I appreciate it. Whats your name?” 

The barkeep motioned toward his name tag 

“My names John.” 

He stuck out his hand

 “Alexandria” I said as I shook it

 “Thanks for asking no one really cares to learn names here. You're a bit different than the rest of the people here, they blaze through the night never straying far from the party. I usually have to drive 20 or 30 cars home the next day, its exhausting” 

I laughed 

“I bet. And yeah, clubbing isn't my thing. I go to school and go home. My best friend is the partier here.” 

A couple more men stepped in and sat down. 

“Well, looks like its back to work. It was nice talking to you Alexandria and if you need anymore drinks, let me know.” 

John walked over to an middle aged overweight businessman with a young blonde haired girl practically sitting on his lap. I sipped at my vodka cursing Sarah for dragging me here. At least I could get some decent drinks. Better then drinking alone at the pub like usual. The door opened again and this very attractive man walked in. He was wearing a dark blue pollo which, to my enjoyment, showed off his nice biceps. 

‘Get it together girl’ 

I thought ‘attractive or not you can’t do it again’. 

But I couldn't help starring. He was black with very short hair and a permeant smile. He seemed like he was always happy. But man those muscles if I could imagine him holding me…. 

‘get ahold of yourself girl!’ I thought 

‘you’re happy, independent and think about the pain that Rob had inflicted after all those years with him, could you do it again?’ 

I sighed ‘no never again regardless of anything.’

The guy came and sat down a couple stools away from me. I looked straight ahead trying to ignore him checking me out. If I wasn’t dressed like this he probably wouldn't even have noticed me. Wait till he sees me in my baggy star wars shirt, he wouldn't even take a second glance. I saw him mustering up the courage to talk to me. 

It was inevitable, he would hit on me and I would have to try my best to reject him. Would he get the hint? Who knows, but the only thing i could do was steel myself for it. Finally after about 10 minutes he got up the courage and sat in the unoccupied stool next to me. 

“Umm.. i’m sorry to intrude but may I buy you a drink?” 

He was obviously very nervous. But no amount of awkward guy talk was going to charm this girl. I quickly turned my head toward him and batted my eyes 

“I don’t know if you got the memo but it’s free drinks tonight so no, you can’t buy me my ‘free drink’” 

I turned back to my vodka. The man blushed, obviously embarrassed 

“Oh yea… umm…sorry of course I forgot that..umm sorry for disturbing you ma’am” 

Defeated, he headed back toward his seat. I sighed I was always accused of being to bitchy to others and he obviously meant no harm in it.

 “Hey” I called to him as i got up “How about we just drink together instead?” 

The guy brightened up immediately 

“I would actually like that thank you. What are you having?” 

I went and sat in the chair next to him 

“Okay two rules with me one: be open and honest and I’ll give you my time and effort, lie or exaggerate and I’m out of here quicker that you can say ‘I’m sorry’ and Two: I order my own drinks” 

I was laying the b***h on a little to heavy tonight but I wasn’t in a good mood and I wasn’t going to go easy on him no matter how nice he looked. 

“Hey john give me one more!” 

“got it!” 

John said as he filled a cup and slid it toward me and I caught it to my amazement. I guess when I really do try to be cool it happens. 

“Nice catch” The guy said 

“So I guess we should get through the introductions, I’m Raymond but my friends call me Ray” he stuck out his hand 

“My friends call me Alex but you can call me Alexandria” I said as I shook it. 

“Do I know you?” I asked as he seemed a bit familiar 

“I don’t know what school do you go to?” He asked. 

“Los Angeles University, I’m a sophomore there.”

 “Really?” he said in amazement. 

“Same here I guess you recognize me because I’m the Running back for our football team” 

Ray said as he smiled expecting me to be impressed. 

“No idea who or what that is” I said as I shrugged. 

That seemed to blow Ray’s bubble. 

“So tell me about yourself” 

I asked as I took another sip of  my vodka 

“Well, I was born and raised in Louisiana, grew up rather poor and had a very large family. Since there was nothing else to do in our little neighborhood and we couldn’t afford any toys, we just played football. They called me ‘the tank’ because while running i could just shove my way through anybody, even the bigger guys. So I started taking football my serious, played in High School and got a scholarship to LAU.” 

Well color me impressed

 “Wow that is quite the story to be honest I know nothing about football, but ask me anything about star wars or lord of the rings and I can answer  it” 

Ray seemed to get really excited 

“Wait you love star wars and lord of the rings? No way! I love them! I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve watched them! Our family used to have a projector and screen and all of us used to watch Star Wars!” I laughed 

“I’m impressed that you enjoy it I thought you were just a jock” 

I absent mindedly bruised the hair from my eyes and gave him one of my flirty grins. Suddenly I remembered where I was and reverted back to serious. I think Ray missed my sudden transformation back to serious and was stuck on the flirty me 

“Wow it’s great that you love things like that. So you're a nerd and very very beautiful. I don’t know what guy wouldn't want to be with you” 

I blushed in embarrassment and Ray realized what he said 

“I’m..sorry for that I meant that your boyfriend is a very lucky guy” 

I laughed uncontrollably “I don’t have a boyfriend I’m just anti-relationship” 

Ray seemed to be relieved 

“Well can I ask you why your anti-relationship if you don’t mind?” 

I blushed again 

“Well it started my senior year of High school when i was going out with this guy Robert Schmart. We had been friends for years before he asked me out. He was sweet, caring, and really good to me and after high school went to the same collage together. We both bought a house outside of school and lived together for about 6 months. He had classes at night I had mine in the morning so it was hard to see each other. We began to grow apart but i was persistent and hopelessly in love with him. My friend Sarah had told me she had seen him in a jewelry shop at the mall so I was waiting for the proposal. I was just so blind and innocent back then. One day My classes were canceled so I thought I would surprise Rob with tickets to a concert with his favorite band. I shelled out $200 for those tickets because I thought maybe that would be the day he proposed. But after getting the tickets I go home and find him in our bed having sex with this blonde haired bimbo. That was the day my world was shattered and It took a bit before I could start trusting people again. I Transferred schools the following year but before then I had to stay in that damned house while he would cheat on girlfriends over and over. Last I heard he had dropped out of collage and was living with a wealthy girl in New York. Luckily I had Sarah to help me.”

 I wiped the tears from my eyes 

“Sorry for the sob story I don’t know why I told you that” 

Ray put a comforting hand on my shoulder 

“Don’t be, I always appreciate honesty and I’m so sorry what happened to you. I hope one day you find a guy that will prove you wrong about guys.” 

I smiled at him. I ordered another drink feeling a little buzzed. I talked for what seemed like hours to ray. I had no idea that a football player could name every Jedi in the movies and the books, or that when I mentioned a lot of my favorite movies he got very excited. I drank more and more and the drunk me started to emerge. I stupidly started to flirt with Ray touching his hand and shoulder and laughing at his stupid jokes. When I was very close to completely wasted, Ray turned to me 

“Hey I don’t want to push my limits, but… do you want to dance? Ray gave me a big smile. I really liked his smile. I slammed my glass on the bar 

“Sure! Lets do it!” 

I yelled a little too loudly. I took his hand and dragged him toward the dance floor. Now I was expecting the electronic/ poppy songs but as soon as we stepped on the dance floor,  the DJ announced 

“Ok there ladies and gentleman! This is for the couples!” 

And by complete surprise a slow song started to play. I think life hates me. 

“Would you like to dance ma’am?” 

He flashed his sexiest smile. Drunk me just melted when he smiled. 


I flashed him one of my flirty smiles. He held my waist and I held his very broad shoulders. We started to sway to the rhythm of the music pressing our bodies closer and closer. 

“Hey once again I don’t want to be pressing my boundaries, but you are very beautiful and I’d love to see more of you” 

Ray said in my ear. I blushed and Ray got a little flustered 

“Not like that! I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that” 

He drifted apart but I grabbed him and put my hand on his face  and smiled

“No no I know what you were trying to say and I think I would like that too” 

And then I did something I would have never ever done in my right mind. I kissed him long and hard on the lips. I guess it was the alcohol or the way he was talking to me. He was sweet and I hadn't had any guy talk to me like that since Rob. Then he held my face and kissed me back. When his hand slowly slid toward the small of my back, I woke up from my drunk stupor. 

‘What am I doing?’ 

I panicked and pushed him away. He gave me a look of confusion. 

“I..I’m sorry did I do something wrong?” He asked. 

My mind was so confused and I ran. I ran back to the bar. Tears flowed from my eyes. I tried to control it but it was too much. This entire day had ruined me. John noticed me. He didn't make a big deal as he discreetly put a bag of tissues and a gin and coke on my side of the bar. He used his body to shield me from the rest of the bar. Minutes later Ray entered the room. He looked around and found me in the corner. He walked over and sat in the barstool next to me. John immediately towered over the football player. 

“Sir, I’m sorry but you need to leave her alone” 

I wiped the last of the tears from my eyes 

“No its ok John, It’s not his fault I’m like this.” 

John looked ray up and down and left leaving us alone but within listening distance. Ray gave me a look of concern. 

“I’m sorry I… I didn't intend to push you that far” 

I gave a little crying laugh as I blew my nose. 

“No it’s Ok it’s my fault I just got a little drunk and did things I normally don’t do. I’m sorry I led you on, But I don’t know if I’m ready to do this.” 

Ray nodded and looked down contemplating this 

“Hey don’t worry about it, But just know I do really like you and don’t want to overstep any boundaries”

I giggled 

“You know you really are a great guy. I’ll tell you what, if we ever meet again ask me out so that way I’m not an emotional wreck” 

Ray stuck his hand out “that’s a deal, could I text you out?” 

Ray flashed his smile. I felt a little better and a bit more in control

 “Only if you can ever get it” 

I winked at him. We both laughed when all of a sudden a very wasted Sarah came into the bar 


She started to lumber toward me using the bar for support. 

“BUT SHHH NO ONE ELSE SHOULD KNOW HOW DRUNK I AM” she screamed in my ear. Dealing with a sober Sarah was difficult, but dealing with a drunk Sarah was another level 


Sarah’s drunk mind slowly cranked until she came to a very Sarah realization “ALEX ARE YOU FLIRTING WITH HIM? OMG HOW DID YOU CATCH SUCH A HOTTIE? YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!!!!” 

Obviously, loud enough for the whole bar, and Ray, to hear. My face turned pink. “Okay, Sarah lets get you home. And Ray it was nice to meet you. See you later?” Ray, obviously embarrassed by all this, nodded. Walking out of the bar Sarah suddenly shouted 

“WAIT! I FORGOT SOMETHING” and raced back down the corridor. 

She probably forgot her boots or something. Moments later Sarah reappeared and I helped her back out through the entrance. I picked up my sweater and went outside to the Usher at the kiosk. 

“Umm hey remember us?” the Usher jumped to attention 

“Of course yellow mustang?” 

“Yup” I replied and within minutes the car was driven to the front. Slowly getting Sarah into the car she suddenly rolled down the window and yelled at the Usher “YOU’RE HOT!! JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT” 

She laughed and yelled as i drove off with the car. Getting back to the dorm, Sarah was knocked out cold. Luckily, Sarah was pretty small so carrying her back to the room was easy enough. The hard part was stripping her out of her tight dress. Even me, almost complete with my senses, had difficulty figuring how to remove it. After struggling with the dress and removing it, I layed down with a sigh and grabbed my book I still had to finish for medieval history. 

About an hour into the book I heard my phone go off. I turned it on and saw a number from an unusual number 

‘Hey its Raymond from the club. So I found your number from an anonymous source. I hope this is enough time but I thought I’d text you out if you want? I promise just one date. If you don’t like me then you can kick me out.’

I pondered it. Was it enough time? I still felt bad about kissing him, burt that kiss was amazing! But what if he ended up like Rob? Rob was super sweet a first but he showed his true colors later on. But it was one date and I couldn't not trust another human being again, where would that get me. Finally I came to a conclusion, I shrugged and typed 

‘sure lets do it.’

Raymond left the club at about 3 in the morning. He felt drunk, happy, and in charge walking out through the massive doors. He had a date with that beautiful and charming woman and nothing could bring him down. That feeling lasted all but 5 minutes when a black limo pulled up. An older man rolled down the window “Get in Raymond” he growled 

“Nice to see you too Sir Richard” 

Ray muttered under his breath as he opened the passenger side and stepped in. The older man starred at him in black sunglasses. He had on a plaid fedora and a small white beard matted his face. He could look like anyone’s grandfather but there was this air around him that always gave the football player chills. He hated sitting with this man. 

The man just stared at Ray when he sat down. The car started to speed off from the club as the man finally spoke 

“Where is the shard Raymond?” 

Ray instantly felt uncomftorable. It was his job to protect it and his fathers before then and his fathers father before even that. They all succeeded but he failed “Ummm…well…see here” 

Ray started to ramble. Sir Richard held up his hand 

“yes yes I know it wasn’t your fault, you had practice and keeping with your cover story so don’t worry” 

Sir Richard took off his sunglasses 

“What I can’t forgive is why you were here instead of looking FOR THAT DAMNED SHARD!!!” 

An anger erupted from the elder gentleman that scared even the younger man  and as soon as he began he cooled off 

“okay give me your excuses” 

the man put his sunglasses back on and starred at Ray. 

“Look I needed to blow off steam and I know the owner and he invited me for free…” 

Once again the older man put up his hand 

“Whats done is done but now you must pay for the consequences. I Hereby grant you sole responsibility for retrieving the shard and bringing it back. Once back your entire purpose is the protection of the shard.” 

This was unfair! He had a life and possibly a new girlfriend and the pros was fast approaching. 

“Richard thats not….” 

The man held up his hand 

“Sir Richard please, I was knighted by the crown and I deserve my title. Start again please” 

Ray rolled his eyes 

“Fine ‘Sir Richard’ thats not fair! Unlike the rest of the members I have a life! A cover! I can’t just leave football and school behind because I wanted to relax and blow off steam!” Sir Richard bored his eyes through Ray. 

“we will discuss that last part of the deal after you have the shard” 

Ray nodded 

“Fine do we have any ideas where this shard is?” 

Sir Richard nodded as he reached over and grabbed his briefcase sitting on the floor. 

“We have a lead on who has it. When this ‘Ezieckial’ character stole the shard he ran into a woman in the hallway forcing both of them to drop their bags. So we think that they switched bags and this woman has the shard.” 

Ray nodded and held out his hands 

“Okay let me see” 

Sir Richard handed Ray the folder. Opening it he saw a familiar face. He gasped in shock 

“NO No NO! She isn't allowed to be brought into this!” 

Sir Richard’s face dropped into a frown 

“Not allowed? So I take orders from you now is that how it happens? You will get into this young ladies house one way or the other and take the shard” 

Ray tried to plead with him 

“Please Sir I'm begging you, this will complicate my life and hers and she has already felt with too much heartache I can’t do this to her.” 

“Oh stop mewing like a cat and grow a pair! Be intimate with her if you want! You obviously like her and you'll enjoy it! It’s a win-win.” 

Ray shook his head 

“Sir I…I… don’t know if i can do this” 

The old man sat up putting his hands on his knees 

“You will do this or it could mean the end of the world. What If the opposition gets to her first? They'll kill her and we can protect her. It’s for her own protection. What is she to you anyways? An ex lover? A friend? Friend of the family?” 

Ray shook his head not believing the wall he was backed into 

“No I have a date with her” as he looked at the picture of Alexandria attached to the folder.

© 2017 David Graham

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Added on July 2, 2017
Last Updated on July 2, 2017


David Graham
David Graham

San Antonio, TX

I am a new writing attempting to write my own novel. Please have a read of my works and let me know what you think! more..
