my english project

my english project

A Story by Butterfly Ninja :3

She had always been running away from it. After her parents’ disappearance, the chase had become more intense. She was faster but, it, stronger. Now sitting in the dank motel room her eyes glued to the ancient computer, trying to find answers of what this being was. She got up off her seat and walked over to the window, pulled back the blinds. But only a crack the moon was waning with an eerie glow, the small amount where you can see out but they can’t see you. She smiled to herself, when she was younger this would have been a game to her, but now, it was not for fun. She plopped herself down on the bed still uneasy about the clean get away, her eyes misted over as she thought about her childhood and the demon that had come in and tore it apart.

She stood at the edge of the woods the bottom of her dress dirty from one of her adventures. Her mother thought it was silly for a girl her age to be alone playing in her make-belief worlds, most six year olds her age were playing with dolls. It was then that she saw him, she didn’t have a name for him but the way he moved could tell he would show no mercy to any poor soul who crossed his path. She was hiding behind a tree pretending to be a queen playing hide-and-seek in the royal garden when she peeked her head out to see him floating through the forest, for he had no feet. She shrank further behind the tree hoping that with the thick fog he wouldn’t see her. But as she thought this his head whipped to the left and their eyes locked for a spilt second before she ran away. Yet Amanda could not forget those cold lifeless eyes that seemed to suck out what ever happiness was there around her. When she told her parents what had happened, they laughed, at first. But when she saw it follow her at home on the way to school she told her parents again. Only instead of consoling her, saying it was just her imagination they sent her to many physiatrists all over town. And every time it was the same deal

“I’m just here to help, so you can say whatever you want. It can be our secret. You want to get better don’t you?”

But they never understand do they? They pretend to be your friends just to get paid. The smell of their office was nauseating; it smelt of leather, plastic and paper.

Amanda printed out a few sheets of paper, as she left to go visit her old home thinking she may have found a clue to the disappearance of her parents. As she closed the door Amanda had left the search bar on, with results showing pictures of that floating demon that she saw with a sub caption showing, Lord Amduscius.

Amanda walked past the rusted Welcome to Desarnus sign.  The muscles in her legs tensing as she strode. She passed by old buildings no taller than 5 stories high because of some deadly earthquake that happened a several years back. The city looked cold and deserted. As she walked by she swore she saw eyes looking back at her from a rundown house, yet she felt as if those eyes were pleading rather than hatred like Lord Amduscius. But she had to move forward, towards her old childhood home. She felt as if this is where she will find her parents. She walked by an old Stop and Shop with the lights on.

“How weird, I thought this town was forced to evacuate due to dangerous surroundings after the earthquake.” She murmured to herself.

As she passed by the store an old lady appeared out of nowhere and started mouthing something. Amanda looked confused as she rotated her head left and right. Looking for someone to whom this lady was talking to. The lady came hobbling down out the front steps of the store onto the street. Amanda broke out into a run, but a minute too early because she missed what the lady had to say.

“Wait! Don’t go there! Don’t you know…? Lord Amduscius… Wait…”  

But Amanda took no heed and run to the house, her break had come! She was finally going to free her parents! This was her chance but her courage had evaporated as her previous home came into view. She climbed up the porch steps remembering not to step on the third on for it creaked. She pushed open the door and wave of dust clogged her throat. She cleared her throat and proceeded up the stairs. The wood appeared to look like bone, dull, brittle and fading. She could her garbling noises coming from the old master bedroom. She took tentative steps towards the door. That’s when the garbling stopped and the smell of rotting flesh hit her nose, she felt a wave of nausea

She pried open the door to see the horror that befell her. She had found her parents, but they weren’t going to be a family again. She saw Lord Amduscius, hovering in the corner, a delighted smirk on his bony face. She watched as his minions were having a glorified feast, on her parents. Her father lay there ripped in half while two minions were gnawing at his ribs snarling at each other trying to get the most meat for themselves. Her mother in a heap in another corner of the room, with a cavity in her abdomen. 3 other minions were slurping her bloody entrails as one slurps noodles.

They seem so human like, why? Is this how humans are portrayed as? A whole pile of questions flooded her brain. She had no time to think, she needed to escape, her parents beyond help now, and she would grieve for them later. It was then that Lord Amduscius looked up and cackled a hoarse sandpaper laugh. Amanda knew what that meant; she had to leave, now.

            She tore out of the bedroom, and down the stairs, she didn’t dare look back but she knew the minions were on her trail.

She ran down the porch stairs forgetting about the creaky step and onto the street… he demonic minions were too strong, they jumped she tried to pull scratch hit to do anything but she couldn’t get them off. Yet she continued to run refusing to accept defeat and be welcomed by death. As she was running a scrap piece of metal sticking out from under the ground tripped her and Amanda fell. She knew it was over, she closed her eyes and accepted her fate. She felt teeth digging into her skin, a sudden jerk and tear, numbness and searing pain, she wouldn’t feel her left hand. Lord Amduscius had drifted over…

Amanda felt herself getting woozy even though she was on the ground, fog was forming it became denser and denser till she felt as if she was chocking. Amanda couldn’t hold on much longer, she simply let go. The demon lord and his minions were content and proceeded to leave.

In the corner alleyway a small head peaked out and a little girl holding a doll with the name ________ written on it with charcoal watched the whole ordeal. Her innocent eyes wide with knowing, Lord Amduscius turned over smiled. The girl turned around and walked away, while Lord Amduscius followed her into the mist.

© 2011 Butterfly Ninja :3

Author's Note

Butterfly Ninja :3
so i have a short story project for my english class and i was wondering if i could get opinions on it BTW it supposed to be 1000 words so its going to be like a blur :D also this is the copy before editing and im only looking for content fixing and fluidity and ignore balnk spaces it means i have to fill words in there :)

My Review

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Your create a powerful story. You did very well. I wanted to know more about the characters and the many situation you create in the story. Easy to expand a tale like this one. Many open door for plot. Thank you for sharing the excellent tale.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 7, 2011
Last Updated on November 7, 2011


Butterfly Ninja :3
Butterfly Ninja :3

Oak ridges, King city -ish??? o.O, Canada

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