![]() The Goldstein ProjectA Story by deusbelli![]() Addresses modern privacy concerns.![]() This is a story plot about two scientists. They are experimenting with string theory properties in quantum physics (I think the actual theory involved is called 'quantum entanglement'). They are operating on a shoe string since their budget had recently been cut. They stumble upon some kind of communications signal. At first they think it is some kind of alien communication. Later they discover that it is human, in particular the NSA. The NSA has new high tech implants in key people to hear what they hear and see what they see. The NSA can send messages to some people also. Some of these people are agents so they take verbal commands from the NSA.
As the scientists listen in, they discover a plot to control people. Key people in news agencies, especially those that are supposedly rebellious like RT, Info Wars, Storm Clouds Gathering, etc. are really just entrapment programs. They lure people who could offer some defiance to the government or alter policy, into groups that lead them in circles or get them arrested. In this way, the ruling parties can oppress all opposition covertly.
The technology is also being used to monitor prisoners of war released in exchange for hostages. The released prisoners are not aware of the implants and these bugs are undetectable by current techniques. They are used to monitor enemies like Al-Qaeda, ISIL, Iran, etc.
The two scientists debate releasing the information, but are scared.
Things get out of hand when the scientists discover a presidential plot to nuke Los Angles as an excuse to invade Russia. The Russian made war head is still on a barge between Hawaii and California when the team releases all this information to WikiLeaks.
The scientists know that they must flee the country once they release the information but are in a hurry because of the nuke being so close to the coast. In the process of releasing the information, one scientist escapes and the other is captured and put to death by the president as an enemy combatant. The other scientist is of course welcomed by Russia, but sought after by US allies and branded a traitor. Friends and family of the scientists are rounded up and interrogated and abused (they use mental torture so it can’t be proven). The US government tries to debunk the information and say that it is part of an international conspiracy to destroy the US. All the NSA communications using the technology are halted in an attempt to show that there is nothing being transmitted. This way if other scientists around the world try to reproduce the experiments they will not find any signals and thus no proof.
The warhead was never found and an official statement was released saying that the whole thing was a hoax. That the scientists where likely working with the Russians in order to provoke instability in the US. Later the NSA offered as proof bank records showing money transfers between Russian officials and the scientists’ project funding account. Who knows where they got that from.
There is no completion to this story, it is ongoing in real life. You’ll have to find the moral of this story yourself.
At some point, early in the story, when the two scientists are working on their experiment, one is listening to RT News. He notices that something being said is totally incorrect. He says, “Now, I know that is incorrect. I can also tell that the reporter is intelligent and should not fall for something so obviously wrong. Why is he reporting this trash? Is he crazy? He doesn’t seem to be delusional. So why? Money? Do reporters even make that much? It just doesn’t make sense.” His colleague replies, “I must agree. Completely illogical, Mr. Spock!” They laugh and get back to work.
While they are figuring out what the signal is, after they decide it is not alien, they think that maybe it is a way of seeing into people’s minds; a mind reading machine. At this point they already have a bunch of equipment setup recording all the signals coming in. So they agree that if it is peoples’ private thoughts they need to delete all the recordings and are in a moral dilemma of whether or not to release the technology. Of course later they discover it is the NSA and decide to keep all the data and eventually release it.
Yes, the title of this story is in reference to the character in George Orwell’s 1984.
The picture shows two cups connected by a string like that used use by kids but in this case the string also refers to string theory.
Copyright © 2015, Kevin Bronson. All rights reserved. © 2015 deusbelliAuthor's Note
Added on February 26, 2015 Last Updated on February 26, 2015 Tags: NSA, quantum physics, movie, conspiracy, nuclear, Russia, WikiLeaks, 1984 |