the annoying guy

the annoying guy

A Chapter by destiny soto

Why is she such an outcast, and who is the mystery guy.

I looked up at the ceiling. I was lying down on my bed hearing music, daydreaming time pass by me. I was wasting my precious life away. I was rotting in the inside. But I didn't care, my life was meaningless, I had nothing to live for.
I walked into the classroom holding my breath as I passed by Carlie; she wears like ten ounces of perfume everday. Well, enough to make me feel nauseous. As i passed by, her friends were sitting on the desk, just staring at me. I looked the other way feeling a little uncomfortable.
I sat down at my chair and looked forward throughout the whole entire class. Daydreaming while the teacher explained the horrible tragedy of 1914, World War 1. No one talked to me, I was different from them, we lived in different worlds. So why do I have to be here?
The bell rang and while everyone ran out of the classroom, I took my time; there was no point to hurry becausestudent and lostg awaited me out there, in the "real world".
I took slow steps in the hallway; I didn't want to go there. The place where i had no belonging, I was invisable. I tried hard not to make eye contact with anybody. Or even touch arms in the crowded hallway. We were all going to the same place. There was no stopping it. They wanted free time, be with there friends. I have no friends.
I smelled pork in the air and my stomach growled. I was hungry, more than usual. I got in tge lunch line, clutvhing my sleeves. I heard girls talking about how unfair thier mothers were, and how their fathers were to controlling. How thier boyfriend was the best, the cutest. There princecharming, that or they were complaining about his crappy personality, or how he needs to lose wieght. The common things girls usualy talk about. While guys were talking about the new gadgets, the coolest cars, girls, money and every now and then drugs. I hear everything, the biggest dramas, i guess those were the quirks of being a quite person. It was just so great! I knew Marcy was pregnate, that Jades boyfriend was cheating on her with no other than Marcy. Karin was planning to loose her virginity with Darrin this week in his house while his parents were away or that Michael got in a fight yesterday after school with a college student and lost. That Yoselin was bullied in grade school and that she is a two face or so i have heard.
But nothing realy peaked my intrest. Nothing ever did. I got my face and looked around. There was an open space but i didn' know where to sit. These people never talk to me, they never have and they weren't planning to start today. I spotted an empty seat beside the windowthe one that showed the best view in the school. I speed walked over there, but iI was llike no one saw it, like it was meant just for me. I sat down my heart racing. I wasn't the healthiest person, but I didn't care at least I could run a mile in very good time.
I looked out the window, and that's when I saw him. He was looking up straight at me. We were making eye contact. My heart started racing and my hands started shaking. Look away I kept repeating in my head. I couldn't really see his face structure but there was something about him that made me want to run away and lock myself to never be found again. I knew without talking to him that he would be someone that would annoy me, that I should never be in the same room as him. That he could be the devil himself. Disguised as a human, but it was just a disguised.
He looked away and I felt a released. My whole body shivered. I was scared. Which caused me to fear for my own safety.
I felt everyone's eyes on me, and then I felt it. The tears were running down my cheek, i wiped them away and stood up. I don't know why he scared me so much, but i knew i didnt want to be there when the dean introduced him.
I ran to the girls bathroom, and went into one of the stalls. This was a small school, of course I would see him no matter how much I tried not to. I was exaggerating we just made eye contact that is all. My breathing started to get normal, it was all in my head. I got out of the bathroom and headed back. I walked past them. "Oh, that girl, she is no one". I looked toward them "yes I guess she is, right?" Everyone one laughed. I sat down and kept eating.
As the bell rang I was the first one to leave. Everyone was saying bye to his or her friends. They all wanted to to be the ones to show the new guy to his classes. They were a little pathetic. I walked to my class alone, the way that fit me best. "Faith!" I looked behind me to see Alice. She was pretty; she knew how to wear the uniform, unlike me. She was blond and blue eyes. Her face flawless with round eyes. "Yea Alice?" She never talked to me.
She smiled and her blond curled looked to perfect. She looked like a goddess. "I have a favor to ask, will you hear me out?" I looked at her with caution. She has been know to break people with that smile. "Well, it depends what type of favor it is, right?" Her eyes glistened. "Will you help me with my homework, everyone knows how smart you are." Hmm was she using flattery to get what she wanted? " What you really mean is will I let you copy my homework?" She looked a little nervous. "Go ahead I could care less," I got my backpack and handed the page to her. Then she ran off. Of course she didn't want anyone to see her talking to me. She was perfect.
I walked out of the school gates. It was pouring but I only lived a mile away so it shouldn't be a problem. A black car passed by me. Then it stopped and backed up. The tinted windows went down, but I still couldn't see who was in the car. "You need a ride Miss. Nobody?" He laughed a little. I kept walking, I was not going anywhere near the new guy. A mile in thus weather was nothing! I have walked farther.
I tightened my coat as the wind started blowing harder. "And here I was trying to be nice to the Nobody, like everyone likes to call you." I stopped. "Don't call me nobody, I have a name its Faith, you jerk!" I walked faster, couldn't he get a hint! "Come one, I'm wearing glasses, so we don't have to make eye contact. " what!? "I am just curious about you!" He is so annoying! "there's three thing you need to know about me, first I like to be alone, two I hate eye contact, three I hate to be touched or be near people!"
He laughed. Then just drove off. He is more intimidating than I thought he would be.

© 2014 destiny soto

Author's Note

destiny soto
Hope you like tell me what you think, changes need to be done?

My Review

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Its good, but I would add less of the main characters thoughts and more plot line :)
And then of course (spell check)
Don't give up!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 21, 2014
Last Updated on December 22, 2014


destiny soto
destiny soto

I am shy in the real world, jk. I hope you like my writing, comment on what you think, and I love reading. Every time I read I feel like I am the main character experiencing everything. Seeing their w.. more..

I see I see

A Poem by destiny soto